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publications > thesis > successional dynamics of lightning-initiated canopy gaps in the mangrove forests of Shark River > tables


Chapter II
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Table 1. Sample size of gaps investigated for successional characteristics.

Table 2. Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR) light environments of lightning gaps. Percent canopy openness, Leaf area index, and Percent transmittance of total, direct, and diffuse PAR [mean (±1 SE)].

Table 3. Volume and mass of fine, coarse, and total woody debris for the three river locations using the surrounding forest (n = 39) average of the two transect values. One-way ANOVA log (+0.5) transformed data. I report the Mean (±1 SE). Mean values within a size class followed by similar letters were not significantly different at a alpha = 0.05. (Tukey's HSD for unequal samples sizes on transformed data).

Table 4. Volume and mass of fine coarse, and total woody debris in gaps compared to surrounding forest (n=30). Mean (±1 Std. Error) Wilcoxon matched pair test.

Table 5. Mean difference between site values and surrounding forest for fine, coarse, and total woody debris by volume and by mass. Post-hoc test performed on ranks at alpha = 0.05. (Difference = site value - surrounding forest). Positive values indicate more material within the gap (site) than the surrounding forest.

Table 6. Bulk density, soil torsion, and soil compaction of the surrounding forest samples (n=40). Mean (±1 Std. Error) followed by similar letters were not different (Tukeys HSD for unequal samples sizes).

Table 7. Bulk density, soil torsion, and compaction in gaps compared to surrounding forest. Mean (±1 Std. Error).

Table 8. Mean difference between surrounding forest and site values for bulk density, soil torsion, and soil compaction. Kruskal- Wallis non-parametric ANOVA (kw = 6.2 ns, kw = 8.0 p < 0.05, kw = 7.7 p < 0.05, Respectively) Post-hoc test performed on ranks at alpha = 0.05. (Difference = surrounding forest - site value).

Table 9. Number of plots counted for crab burrows (each plot was 1 m2).

Table 10. Mean number of adult trees and saplings by species and river location. Gaps combined are the mean of new, recruiting (R) and growing (G) gaps. All values are standardized to 500 m2.

Table 11. Mean biomass of adult trees and saplings by species and by river location. Gaps combined are comprised of new, recruiting (R) and growing (G) gaps together. Mean biomass of adults and saplings killed by lightning. All values are standardized to kg per 500 m2.

Table 12. Mean number of seedlings and propagules by species and river location. Gaps are the combined mean of new, recruiting (R) and growing (G) gaps. All values are standardized to 500 m2.

Table 13. Summary table of ANOVA results showing the effects of forest stage (new gap, recruiting, growing and intact forest) and river location (downstream, mid stream, and upstream) on the population structure for all species and for the three species that comprises this mangrove forest. A = adults, Sap = saplings, Sed = seedlings, Pro = propagules NS = not significant, ***P less than or equal to 0.001, ** P less than or equal to 0.02, *P less than or equal to 0.05 All data transformed unless noted with RK. RK indicates the data was rank transformed before parametric test was applied.

Table 14. Summary table of ANOVA results showing the effects of forest stage (new gap, recruiting, growing and intact forest) and river location (downstream, mid stream, and upstream) on the biomass (kg per 500 m2 ) for all species and for the three species that comprises this mangrove forest. ***P less than or equal to 0.001, ** P less than or equal to 0.02, *P less than or equal to 0.05 All data log (x+1) transformed.

Table 15. Mean height of seedlings and initial saplings (height class 0.30 to 2.0 (m)) by forest stage and species. Followed by mean number of seedlings and initial saplings per 16 m2 area sampled per gap. There was an interaction between species and forest stage for the mean height (F 3, 75 = 6.48 p < 0.001). Mean values within a species followed by similar letters were not significantly different at a alpha = 0.05. (Tukey's HSD for unequal samples sizes).

Chapter III

Table 1. Site description. Size of gap, percent canopy openness, distance to main river, distance to rivulet, density of adults (greater than or equal to4 cm dbh), density of saplings (< 4 m dbh), density of seedlings, biomass of trees and saplings combined (kg). All densities and biomass values are from 2004 survey year and are live stems standardized to per 500 m2.

Table 2. The mean (±1 SE) number of propagules per plot (4 m2) by forest stage and species. A Student paired t-test was used to determine difference between the first and second survey.

Table 3. Seedlings stem height (mean, ± 1 SE, n) at initial survey. Initial population tagged in 4 plots (4 m2 each) for 3 new, 3 growing and 3 forest locations.

Table 4. Survival proportion of tagged seedling at one-year census by species and forest stage.

Table 5. Elongation of surviving seedlings at one-year census by forest stage. Mean (1 SE, n) height (cm), elongation rate (E-Rate, mm d-1), and annual stem growth (cm yr-1) by species and summed across species. Values followed by the same letter are not different.

Table 6. Live and dead (lightning mortality) adult trees and saplings by species at the three new gap sites. Mean dbh (cm), abundance (N), biomass (Bio, kg) and percent of total biomass by species. Abundance and biomass were standardized to 500 m2.

Table 7. Live and dead (lightning mortality) adult trees and saplings combining all species at the three new gap sites. Mean dbh (cm), abundance (N), biomass (Bio, kg) and percent of total biomass of all species combined. Abundance and biomass were standardized to 500 m2. Percent of total biomass of lightning damaged and post lightning mortality was added to initial lightning mortality.

Table 8. Number of stems and percent survival of the adult and sapling in the initial tagged population. Additionally, recruitment of new stems into the adult and sapling size class at the second survey. Mean sapling dbh of the new recruits in also included. All abundances have been standardized to 500 m2.

Table 9. Sapling mean (1SE) initial dbh, annualized change in dbh (deltaDBH), summation of biomass, annualized change in biomass (deltaBiomass), and relative growth rate in biomass (RGR). Values followed by similar letters are not different (comparison of means test).

Table 10. Adult mean (1SE) initial dbh, annualized change in dbh (deltaDBH), summation of biomass, annualized change in biomass (deltaBiomass), and relative growth rate in biomass (RGR).

Table 11. Summarized findings comparing new gaps to intact forest sites and growing gaps to intact forest sites by density and proportions. Below: specific rates of recruitment and mortality (yr-1) three sites combined.

Chapter IV

Table 1. Site description. Size of gap, depth of Deep-RSET benchmark (m), distance to main river, distance to rivulet, density of trees (greater than or equal to 4 cm dbh), density of saplings (< 4 m dbh), biomass of trees and saplings combined (kg), Density of seedlings (> 30 cm in height). All densities are standardized to per 500 m2.

Table 2. Mean mass (g m-2 ± 1 SE) of dead roots by size class for new gaps, recovering gaps, and forest. Cores are 10 cm in depth. Percentage calculated as of mean mass from mean total of dead roots in sample by forest stage. Values with similar letters are not different Tukey's post hoc test.

Table 3. Mean mass (g m-2 ± 1 SE) of live roots by size class for new gaps, recovering gaps, and forest. Cores are 10 cm in depth. Percentage calculated as of mean mass from mean total of dead roots in sample by forest stage. Values with similar letters are not different Tukey's post hoc test.

Table 4. The overall mean (± 1 StDev), maximum, minimum value for bulk density, maximal torsional shear strength, and soil compaction per forest stage by site combination. The repeated measure ANOVA was run on mean values per sampling period with no replication and the three-way interaction was used as the error term. Values with similar letters are not different Tukey's post hoc test.

Chapter V

Table 1. Depth of benchmark (m) for each SET and dates of establishment. Elevations for Group 3 SETs (mm) only with the first elevation on November 02, 2002 and second elevation on February 10, 2005 (NAVD 88 Geido 99).

Table 2. Regression equations and statistical results for daily rate of change (DRC) of surface elevation and DRC of best-fit hydrological parameters for the three SET types used in this study.

Table 3. Linear regression equations and statistical results for the absolute change in thickness of entire profile and the absolute change of each of the constituent components. Stepwise regression with p <.01 to enter and p < .9 to exit model. Overall model R2 = 0.85.

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