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Serbian and Iraqi Engineers Benefit from Knowledge Exchange

Based on the extensive capacity developed over the past three years in implementing USAID's large-scale Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program, USAID partner Mercy Corps Serbia has developed a targeted engineering training program for colleagues in Iraq.

Serbian and Iraqi engineering teams convene in Krusevac
Serbian and Iraqi engineering teams convene in Krusevac

Nebojsa Nikolic, Senior Engineer and Head of Mercy Corps' Krusevac field office, combined years of professional experience and intensive knowledge of effective systems for community-based infrastructure projects to create a dynamic and interactive information exchange between Serbian and Iraqi colleagues. In addition to classroom training, Iraqi engineers spent several days in the field seeing CRDA achievements firsthand.

The exchange program benefited both Serbian and Iraqi engineers by providing both sides with an opportunity to examine standards and practices that operate in other cultures but which share similar USAID development objectives.

"New techniques, materials, procedures, and standards are one benefit of training and experiencing Serbia and your CRDA program. Another is experiencing a different culture which shares similar problems. The new engineering knowledge we will transfer to our local partners and authorities will help improve operating standards in Iraq," said Fadi, the youngest of the Iraqi engineer trainees.

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:33:47 -0500