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April 2004
Text bullet Statement by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman Regarding the Reopening of the Hong Kong Market to U.S. Poultry Products (04/30/04)
Text bullet USDA Secretary Veneman Highlights Positive Trade Picture
for American Agriculture
Appearing before the House Agriculture Committee, Veneman noted that the forecast for U.S. agricultural exports is at near-record levels for fiscal year 2004. U.S. agricultural exports are expected to reach a near-record $59 billion, $2.8 billion above FY 2003 export values. (04/28/04)
Text bullet USDA Secretary Veneman Signs Donation Agreement
for U.S. Wheat to Georgia
U.S. wheat will help alleviate shortages in Georgia, while supporting agricultural development. The U.S. donation, valued at an estimated $12 million, including freight, is expected to depart U.S. ports in early summer. (04/28/04)
Text bullet USDA Announces Framework and Funding for National Animal ID System
The NAID program will identify any agricultural premise exposed to a foreign animal disease so that it can be more quickly contained and eradicated. (04/27/04)
Text bullet USDA Secretary Veneman To Co-Host Ministerial Conference in Central America
The conference in Costa Rica, May 10-11, follows last year’s Agricultural Science and Technology Ministerial. Participants from Central America, Mexico and the Dominican Republic will gather to share information on the use of science and technology to improve productivity in the agricultural sector. (04/26/04)
Text bullet USDA Seeks Nominees for Emerging Markets Advisory Committee
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking nominations for 15 members to serve on its Advisory Committee on the Emerging Markets Program. (04/26/04)
Text bullet U.S. Officials Hold Third Consultation With Japan on BSE
Representatives of the U.S. government held a consultation with the government of Japan in Tokyo on the resumption of beef trade between Japan and the United States. (04/24/04)
-- Transcript: Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services J.B. Penn’s Discussion Regarding Japan With the Press, Washington D.C. (04/26/04)
Text bullet USDA and China Agree To Further Cooperation on Food Safety and Animal and Plant Health
Secretary Ann Veneman and Li Changjiang, China’s Minister for the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, agreed to establish a consultative mechanism on food safety and animal and plant health issues. (04/22/04)
Text bullet USDA Secretary and U.S. Trade Representative Discuss U.S. - China Agricultural Trade Issues During Media Availability
Transcript and Audio (04/21/04)
Text bullet USDA  Announces  P.L. 480, TITLE I, Country Allocations for Fiscal Year 2004
The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced preliminary fiscal year 2004 allocations of $148.4 million for programs funded under Public Law 480, Title I, and Title I-funded Food for Progress programs. (04/15/04)
Text bullet

Mexico Expands Market Access to U.S. Beef Exports

Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman: "The reopening of the Mexican market to more beef products is a very positive signal that the North American market for beef is returning to normal." (04/09/04)
Text bullet Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Veneman at the National Press Club
Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman: "Today, we export the product from one in every three harvested acres from this country or a projected near-record $59 billion this year alone in export sales. Those exports solidly underpin farm income and account for nearly 900,000 American jobs, which pay better than average and are largely in rural areas where they are sorely needed. Recognizing the importance of market access to our agriculture and to our entire economy, this Administration has embarked upon the most ambitious trade agenda in our country’s history."  (04/6/04)
Text bullet

Statement by Agriculture Secretary Veneman and U.S. Trade Representative Zoellick Regarding Beef Trade With Japan

The statement reaffirms the commitment by the U.S. to resolve global trade issues based on science. (04/01/04)
  -- Copy of Letter to Japanese Agriculture Minister Yoshiyuki Kamei
(.PDF | requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
bullet Featured Reports

04/30  Almond Situation & Outlook
Walnut Situation & Outlook
India: 2003-04 Rabi Crop Assessment
Success Stories in School Feeding Program
Apples:  U.S. and World Situation Presentation
04/09  Asian Corn Markets Scramble  As China Retreats
04/09  Brazil’s Cotton Exports Rising as Domestic Industry Recovers
04/09  Global Soybean Stocks Fall with High Use Rises 
World Apple Situation - April 2004
04/07  Fishery Products: Poland Health Certificate Notification
India Wood Packaging Material: Status for Exporters
Frozen Potato Products Situation & Outlook for Selected Countries
04/02  Macadamia Situation & Outlook
04/02  Citrus - US & World Situation Presentation
04/02  Citrus - Presentation for California Citrus Mutual's Showcase 2004
04/02  Juices - US & World Situation Presentation
04/02  Tomato & Tomato Products Situation 

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
04/30  Tobacco:  World Markets and Trade
Fishery Products Monthly Circular
04/21  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
04/20  Dairy Monthly Imports
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
Grains: World Markets and Trade
04/09  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
  World Agricultural Production -- PDF - Data (.PDF | requires Adbe Acrobat Reader)
Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
exempt USDA Schedules 2004 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
Text bullet Export Regulations
bullet Federal Register Notices
04/26  Advisory Committee on Emerging Markets: Nominations
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers:
Approved petitions are available on our Federal Register page.
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
January   February   March   April   May   June   July   August  September  October   November   December     
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This page last updated: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 07:52:41 AM