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Bureau of African Affairs
 - 2008: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2007: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2006: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2005: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2004: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2003: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2002: African Affairs Remarks
 - 2001: African Affairs Remarks


2008: African Affairs Remarks
--09/15/08  Remarks with Ghanaian President John Agyekum Kufuor; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--08/19/08  Passing of Zambian President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--08/07/08  Remarks at the Tenth Anniversary Commemoration of the Bombings of U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
--07/30/08  Remarks Before Meeting With Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Somalia; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--07/23/08  U.S.-Africa Relations: Building Alliances through Trade, Education, Culture, Diplomacy, Peace; Claudia E. Anyaso, Director, Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Keynote Address at the U.S.-Africa Sister Cities Conference; Lansing, Michigan
--06/19/08  Remarks With Burkina Faso Foreign Minister Djibrill Bassole; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; New York, NY
--06/19/08  Thematic Debate on Women, Peace, and Security; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; United Nations Security Council; New York City
--06/18/08  Remarks With Kenyan Prime Minister Raila A. Odinga Before Their Meeting; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--06/06/08  Remarks On Recent Events in Zimbabwe; James McGee, U.S. Ambassador to Zimbabwe; Via Digital Video Conference
--06/05/08  China in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy; Thomas J. Christensen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Statement Before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ; Washington, DC
--05/12/08  Briefing on Rewards for Justice Search for Rwandan War Criminals;  Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--04/23/08  Elections in Africa; Carol Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Panel Remarks for the Student Organization for African Studies (SOFAS) at American University; Washington, DC
--04/22/08  An Overview of AFRICOM: A Unified Combatant Command; Claudia E. Anyaso, Director, Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs for African Affairs; WIIS-US Army War College AFRICOM Conference; Washington, DC
--04/17/08  Remarks at the Rhythm Road: American Music Abroad Program; Carol J. Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; National Geographic Society; Washington, DC
--04/15/08  Partnership To Support Entrepreneurs in Africa; Henrietta H. Fore, Administrator of USAID and Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance; Remarks at Signing Ceremony; Washington, DC
--04/08/08  U.S. Urges Kenyan Leaders to Fulfill Power Sharing Commitment; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--04/04/08  On Being a Spokesman and Public Affairs Officer; Gregory L. Garland, Chief, Press and Public Affairs, Bureau of African Affairs; Panel Remarks, Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute Future Leaders’ Conference; Miami Dade College–Wolfson Campus, Miami, FL
--04/01/08  China-Africa Relations and the Global Village: Diplomatic Perspective; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Howard University; Washington, DC
--03/18/08  U.S.-Africa Policy and Florida; Gregory L. Garland, Public Affairs Chief, African Affairs; Tallahassee Kiwanis Club; Tallahassee, FL
--03/17/08  Florida And The Grassroots Constituency For Africa; Gregory Garland, Chief, Press and Public Affairs Office for African Affairs; Tallahassee-Africa Sister Cities Committee Africa Awareness Month International Conference; Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL
--03/12/08  Democracy Threatened: The Legitimacy of Elections in Africa; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Howard University--Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center; Washington, DC
--03/11/08  Evaluating U.S. Policy Objectives and Options on the Horn of Africa; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa; Washington, DC
--03/05/08  Africa: An Emerging Strategic Partner; Todd Moss, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; The Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs; Baltimore, Maryland
--02/19/08  President Bush Tours Meru District Hospital, Discusses Malaria ; George W. Bush, President ; Remarks to Meru District Hospital; Arusha, Tanzania
--02/18/08  Next Steps for Resolving the Crisis in Kenya; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Nairobi, Kenya
--02/18/08  Remarks After Her Meeting with Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Nairobi, Kenya
--02/16/08  Press Briefing by Ambassador Jendayi Frazer; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Aboard Air Force One; En route Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
--02/14/08  Partnership with Africa through Public Diplomacy and Development Assistance; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; National Council of International Visitors; Washington, DC
--02/07/08  The Immediate and Underlying Causes and Consequences of Flawed Democracy in Kenya; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Testimony Before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs; Washington, DC
--02/06/08  The Political Crisis in Kenya: A Call for Justice and Peaceful Resolution; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Statement Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Africa and Global Health Subcommittee Hearing; Washington, DC
--01/31/08  Ethnic Cleansing in Kenya; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--01/28/08  Opening of the Interim General Headquarters, Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA); Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--01/11/08  African Trade and Economic Prospects; Gregory L. Garland, Chief, Press and Public Affairs Office, Bureau of African Affairs; San Jose Office of Economic Development Roundtable; San Jose, CA

2007: African Affairs Remarks
--12/07/07  U.S. Policy in the Horn of Africa; James Knight, Director, Office for East Africa, Bureau of African Affairs; Remarks from the Conference Working Toward A Lasting Peace in the Ogaden; The University of San Diego, CA
--12/05/07  Meeting With Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--12/05/07  Progress Toward Great Lakes Stability ; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--12/05/07  Remarks on AFRICOM; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Army National Guard Directorate; Arlington, VA
--12/05/07  Somalia Consultations; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--12/05/07  Sudan Ministerial ; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--12/03/07  The Human Rights Crisis in Zimbabwe; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Remarks to the Center for Strategic And International Studies (CSIS) Non-Governmental Organization Forum; Washington, DC
--12/01/07  Panel Discussion: Emerging Markets; Gregory L. Garland, Chief, Press and Public Affairs Office, Bureau for African Affairs; Whitney M Young MBA Conference; Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
--11/16/07  Great Lakes Contact Group Communiqué; Joint Communique; Washington, DC
--11/15/07  Press Conference in Bamako, Mali; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Bamako, Mali
--11/13/07  Remarks to the Press in Nigeria; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Abuja, Nigeria
--11/11/07  Briefing at Airport in Cote d'Ivoire; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
--11/11/07  Interview With United Nations Operation in Cote d'Ivoire (UNCOLI) Radio; John D. Negroponte , Deputy Secretary of State; Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
--11/11/07  Press Conference at the Airport in Cote d'Ivoire ; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
--11/11/07  Remarks After Meeting With President Laurent Gbagbo; John D. Negroponte , Deputy Secretary of State; Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
--11/11/07  Remarks After Meeting With Prime Minister Guillaume Soro; John D. Negroponte , Deputy Secretary of State; Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
--11/06/07  Remarks at the 2007 Award for Corporate Excellence Ceremony; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--11/01/07  Support for Congolese and Rwandan Initiatives; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--10/27/07  Statement on Darfur; Andrew S. Natsios, U.S. Presidential Envoy; Sirte, Libya
--10/24/07  Testimony: Exploring the U.S. Role in Consolidating Peace and Democracy in the Great Lakes Region; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Remarks to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs ; Washington, DC
--10/18/07  President Bush Meets with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia
--10/15/07  The Future of Sudan; Andrew S. Natsios, Special Envoy to Sudan; Remarks to Catholic University; Washington, DC
--10/12/07  Empowering Women To Change Their Lives and Their World; Karen Hughes, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs; Remarks at Women's Conference Sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch; Salt Lake City, Utah
--10/06/07  Press Conference in Khartoum; Andrew Natsios, Special Envoy to Sudan; Grand Villa Hotel; Khartoum, Sudan
--10/03/07  Testimony on Darfur before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Testimony on Darfur before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Washington, DC
--10/02/07  Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee: Ethiopia and the State of Democracy; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Africa and Global Health Subcommittee Hearing; Washington, DC
--10/01/07  Remarks at the Community of Democracies UNGA Event; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; New York, NY
--09/19/07  Planning for Peace in Darfur; Andrew S. Natsios, Special Envoy to Sudan; Remarks to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); Washington, DC
--09/11/07  U.S.-Africa Policy; Ruth A. Davis, Ambassador; East China Normal University; Shanghai, China
--09/05/07  Remarks on Somalia; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary; Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP); Washington, DC
--08/17/07  Briefing on U.S.-Eritrea Relations; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs ; Washington, DC
--08/07/07  Ninth Anniversary Commemoration of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam Bombings; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Arlington National Cemetery; Rosslyn, VA
--08/04/07  U.S. Policy in the Horn of Africa; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; 4th International Conference on Ethiopian Development Studies; Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
--08/01/07  Exploring the U.S. Africa Command and a New Strategic Relationship with Africa; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa; Washington, DC
--07/31/07  Political Dynamics Affecting the Business Climate in Nigeria; Donald L. Heflin, Acting Office Director, West African Affairs; Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy; Washington, DC
--07/23/07  Remarks With Lesotho Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili and MCC Chief Executive Officer Ambassador John Danilovich at the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Compact Signing Ceremony With the Kingdom of Lesotho; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Ben Franklin Room; Washington, DC
--07/18/07  Remarks for AGOA Forum; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--07/17/07  Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa; Barry F. Lowenkron, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy; Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs; Washington, DC
--07/13/07  Millennium Challenge Corporation Mozambique Compact Signing Ceremony; John Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--07/13/07  Press Conference on Sudan; Andrew S. Natsios, Special Envoy for Sudan; Hilton Hotel (Darfur Room); Khartoum, Sudan
--07/11/07  Remarks At the Organization of American States/African Union Democracy Bridge Forum; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--06/27/07  Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the Maputo Seminary on the President's Malaria Initiative
--06/26/07  Mrs. Bush's Remarks on the Africa Education Initiative
--06/26/07  Press Availability With French FM Kouchner, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, European High Representative Javier Solana, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and European Commissioner Louis Michel; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Paris, France
--06/25/07  Interview With Patrick Poivre d'Arvor of TF-1; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Paris, France
--06/13/07  Remarks on U.S.-Africa Policy; Gregory L. Garland, Chief, Press and Public Affairs, African Affairs; West & Central Africa Oil & Gas Conference; Houston, Texas
--06/07/07  Nigeria at a Crossroads: Elections, Legitimacy and a Way Forward; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Testimony Before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health; Washington, DC
--06/07/07  Remarks By President Bush And U.K. Prime Minister Blair In Photo Opportunity in Germany (Darfur, HIV/AIDS, Malaria)
--05/31/07  U.S.- Angola Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting & USTDA Grant Signing Ceremony; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Hotel Tropico; Luanda, Angola
--05/29/07  Remarks on Darfur and Sanctions; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--05/22/07  Remarks on Africa at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rotary Club; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rotary Club; Bethesda, Maryland
--05/18/07  Press Rollout for the 2007 AGOA Forum; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Foreign Press Center; Washington, DC
--05/10/07  An Open Letter to the American People: Peacekeeping Support for Darfur; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs; Washington, DC
--05/09/07  Celebrating Angola Day; Jendayi E. Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Keynote Address at the Woodrow Wilson Center; Washington, DC
--05/08/07  DAS Swan Discusses U.S. Policies in Africa with Uganda Journalists ; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Roundtable Held In Amb. Browning's Residence; Kampala, Uganda
--05/04/07  The 42nd Annual Foreign Affairs Day ; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--05/03/07  Civil War and Genocide in Darfur: Chinese and Saharan Dimensions; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Hosted at The American Enterprise Institute; Washington, DC
--05/03/07  Keynote Address African-American Studies Scholarship Banquet; Claudia E. Anyaso, Director of Public Diplomacy/Public Affairs, Africa Affairs; University of Houston ; Houston, Texas
--04/24/07  Interview on the NewsHour With Gwen Ifill; John Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Washington, DC
--04/24/07  President Bush’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR); Ambassador Mark Dybul, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ; Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Washington, DC
--04/24/07  Testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Mark Dybul, Ambassador, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator ; Washington, DC
--04/23/07  Briefing on Recent Travel to Africa
--04/21/07  United States Policy in Somalia; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
--04/20/07  China and the U.S. in Regional and Global Relations: Panel Discussion on Becoming a Stakeholder: China in International Affairs ; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary; Remarks to Columbia University's Third Annual China Symposium; Columbia University, New York City
--04/18/07  President Bush Visits the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; President George W. Bush; U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum; Washington, DC
--04/18/07  Press Availability in Tripoli, Libya; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Tripoli, Libya
--04/18/07  Remarks Delivered in Tripoli, Libya; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; As Prepared for Delivery; Tripoli, Libya
--04/17/07  Press Availability in Chad; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; N’djamena, Chad
--04/16/07  Remarks at a Press Conference in Khartoum; John D. Negroponte, Deputy Secretary of State; Khartoum, Sudan
--04/11/07  Darfur: A "Plan B" to Stop Genocide?; Andrew S. Natsios, President’s Special Envoy to Sudan; Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--04/11/07  Opening Statement on Sudan Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Andrew Natsios, Special Envoy To Sudan; Washington, DC
--04/05/07  Panel Discussion: "Responses to the Challenges of War, Political Violence, and Terrorism in the 21st Century"; Jerry Lanier, Office Director, Regional and Security Affairs, African Affairs; The Blackburn Center, Howard University; Washington, DC
--03/30/07  Remarks from the Signing Ceremonies Between the U.S., Brazil, and Guinea-Bissau and the U.S. and Brazil; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
--03/29/07  Global Conflict in the 21st Century, Colloquium on Darfur ; Gregory L. Garland , Public Affairs Chief, African Affairs; Nova-Southeastern University; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
--03/22/07  Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--03/20/07   Remarks from the Sudan Donor Consortium held in Khartoum and Juba; Cameron Hume, Charge d'Affaires; Khartoum, Sudan
--03/20/07  Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa, Chad and the CAR: The Regional Impact of the Darfur Crisis; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Washington, DC
--03/16/07  Opening Remarks at the 8th Biennial Conference - “We the People: Global Citizenship, Global Perspective”; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Prinicipal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; The International Association of Black Professionals in International Affairs; Hilton Washington Embassy Row, Washington, DC
--03/15/07  U.S. Africa Dialogue on Connecting Africa; Carol J. Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; U.S. Capitol; Washington, DC
--03/14/07  Remarks on U.S. and International Cooperation in the Niger River Delta; Phil Carter, Director, African Affairs, West Africa; Center for Strategic and International Studies; Washington, DC
--03/13/07  Call for Immediate Release of Zimbabwean Opposition Leaders; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--03/07/07  Press Conference in Khartoum, Sudan; Andrew S. Natsios, Special Envoy for Sudan; Hilton Hotel (Darfur Room); Khartoum, Sudan
--03/07/07  Remarks on International Women's Day; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; International Women of Courage Award Ceremony; Benjamin Franklin Room, Washington, DC
--03/07/07  Remarks to the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs on Somalia; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs; Baltimore, Maryland
--03/07/07  Statement on International Women’s Day; Statement by Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Washington, DC
--03/06/07  Remarks at the China in Africa Today Seminar; Claudia E. Anyaso, Director, Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, African Affairs; Institute of Texas Cultures (USEUCOM and JIOWC); San Antonio, Texas
--02/15/07  Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of International Visitors; Claudia E. Anyaso, Director of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, African Affairs; Renaissance Hotel; Washington, DC
--02/15/07  US Foreign Policy Priorities in Africa for 2007; Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary; National Council of International Visitors; Washington, DC
--02/13/07  Liberia Partners' Forum; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Preston Auditorium of the World Bank; Washington, DC
--02/09/07  Africa-China Relations: The View from Washington; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs; New York, New York
--02/08/07  International Affairs Budget for FY 2008; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Opening Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Washington, DC
--02/08/07  China’s Expanding Role in Africa: Implications for the United States; James Swan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Washington, DC
--02/08/07  Testimony on Sudan Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Andrew Natsios, President's Special Envoy to Sudan; Washington, DC
--02/07/07  International Relations Budget for Fiscal Year 2008; Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Opening Remarks Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Washington, DC
--02/07/07  Nigeria’s April 14 and 21, 2007 Elections; Don Heflin, Deputy Director, African Affairs; Remarks at American University; Washington, DC
--02/06/07  Testimony on Somalia Before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa ; Dr. Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Africa on Somalia; Washington, DC
--02/05/07  Current Developments in Sudan; Cameron Hume, Charge de'Affaires, U.S. Embassy, Khartoum, Sudan; Foreign Press Center Roundtable; Washington, DC -- Official Transcript
--01/30/07  Inauguration of Four Basketball Courts in Angola; Carol J. Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Viana, Angola
--01/30/07  Launch of the Angolan Fulbright Association; Carol J. Thompson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; U.S. Embassy; Luanda, Angola
--01/30/07  Press Conference at the AU Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Dr. Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
--01/23/07  State of the Union Address
--01/17/07  Securing Somalia’s Future: Options for Diplomacy, Assistance, & Security Engagement; Dr. Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Keynote Address at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS); Washington, DC
--01/16/07  Welcoming Remarks to the Organization of African First Ladies Against HIV/AIDS Celebration Luncheon; Dr. Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Daniel Webster Room, State Department; Washington, DC
--01/07/07  Remarks on Somalia and 2007 Travel to Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya; Jendayi Frazer, Assistant Secretary for African Affairs; Nairobi, Kenya

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