Voting Record

The chart below shows Congressman Snyder's position on the latest key votes in Congress.

Title/DescriptionDate Congressman's Position Result
Highway Bridge Safety Bill 08/23/08 Yes Pass
Global HIV/AIDS Bill 08/24/08 Yes Pass
Suspend Medicare Trigger Resolution 08/24/08 Yes Adopted
Mortgage Relief Bill 08/23/08 Yes Pass
Myanmar Sanctions Bill 08/23/08 Yes Pass
Saving Energy through Transportation Act 06/26/08 Yes Pass
FISA Amendments Act of 2008 06/20/08 Yes Pass
Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act 06/19/08 Yes Pass
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008 06/18/08 Yes Pass
To provide for continuation of agricultural and other programs of the department of agriculture through the fiscal year 2012 and for other purposes (contains 15 farm bill titles and has been enacted over veto) 06/18/08 Yes Pass
Captive Primate Safety Act - received in Senate 06/17/08 Yes Pass
Emergency Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2008 06/12/08 Yes Pass
Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act 06/11/08 Yes Pass
Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network Continuing Authorization Act 06/05/08 Yes Pass
National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2008 06/05/08 Yes Pass
Providing for consideration of H.R. 5540, the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network Continuing Authorization Act 06/05/08 Yes Pass
21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act 06/04/08 Yes Pass
Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008 06/04/08 Yes Pass
Health Centers Renewal Act of 2007 06/04/08 Yes Pass


How To Read the Roll Call Information

Simply follow the easy steps listed below to look up a vote cast by Congressman Snyder or any other member. Note: You may want to read all of the steps before clicking on the appropriate links.

The Clerk's Legislation and Votes WebpageStep 1

Please visit the Legislation & Votes page at the Office of the Clerk's website. To the right side of the page is a section called "Roll Call Votes." Click on the link of the current session of Congress to view roll call votes for that session. You also have the option of viewing roll call votes from past sessions of Congress.



The Clerk's Roll Call Vote WebpageStep 2

The far left column labeled "Roll" will give you the number of the roll call vote. Moving to the column on the right, you see the date the vote was cast. The "Question" tells you if the vote was on final passage, on an amendment, or as otherwise noted. The "Result" is the outcome: P=passed, F=failed, and A=the amendment was agreed to. The column that is cut off from view on the right tells you the title/descritpion of the measure. All votes are posted in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top).


The Clerk's Roll Call Vote Webpage

Step 3

Click on the appropriate "Roll" number on the same row as the title/description that you are interested in. If it is an older vote that you are interested in (must be in the same year), move to the bottom of the screen and you will encounter a similar image as seen on the left. Simply click on a previous set of roll call votes.


The Clerk's Roll Call Vote Webpage

Step 4

After clicking on the appropriate roll, you will be taken to this page. Scoll down to see how Congressman Snyder voted on this measure.


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