Fly Flag Over the Capitol

As a Member of Congress, I am able to arrange for an American flag to be flown over the United States Capitol. This page will provide you with information on how to order a United States Flag through my Washington office. To order flags, you must either be a resident of my district, or sending the flags to a person who is in my district. Flags may be flown on any day of the year and for special occasions or events. Each flag that is flown is accompanied by a certificate confirming that it was flown over the U.S. Capitol.

The certificate reads: "This is to certify that the accompanying flag was flown over the United States Capitol on [Month, Date, Year] at the request of the Honorable Mike Rogers, Member of Congress." You may also request additional text personalizing the certificate (i.e., birthday greeting, retirement, Eagle Scout award, etc.).

If you would like to learn more about our flag, the proper way to fly it, instructions for folding the flag, the words for the pledge of allegiance, or how to dispose of unserviceable flags, the American Legion has an informative section on the U.S. flag.

If multiple flags are requested to be flown, they will all be flown on the same date and shipped at the same time. If you need flags flown on different dates, you must submit separate order requests for each separate date to fly the flags.

Because of the large volume of flag requests, we require a check or money order for the total amount before we mail the requested flag. There is no limit on the number of flags you may order. Flags can be purchased in multiple sizes. All flags are sold at cost and take approximately 4-6 weeks for delivery, depending on the availability of inventory. Please use the order form to specify the flags and certificate information you want, then print the resulting order request for mailing.

To proceed to the order form, please first fill in who is purchasing the flag, and where the flags will be sent. This will confirm that at least one of the addresses is in my district.

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Ship to same as billing address.







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