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Congressman Louie Gohmert
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Press Release


December 13, 2007

Laura Mszar, Jonna Fitzgerald

Rep. Gohmert Selected as Ranking Member of Crime Subcommittee

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) has been selected as Ranking Member of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

As a former prosecutor, judge, and chief justice, Gohmert has brought a wealth of experience to the subcommittee and hopes to continue to do so in his new position. Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) said in a hearing that he looks forward to having the benefit of Gohmert’s knowledge and background as he fills his new role. Ranking Member for the full Judiciary Committee Lamar Smith (R-TX) also said at the hearing yesterday that he believed Gohmert would provide “excellent” leadership.

Ranking Member is the highest position a Member of the Minority party can hold within a committee or subcommittee, and the second highest ranking position of all members of the committee. Though Gohmert is not the longest serving Republican on the subcommittee as there are four Republicans who have spent more time in Congress, Gohmert is the only former judge on the entire committee.

Gohmert stated, “It is indeed an honor to work with some extraordinary colleagues from across the country on such a critical committee. To be asked to serve as the Republican leader of this particular subcommittee is even more humbling. The importance in the United States of all issues involving crime, terrorism and homeland security makes the honor even more daunting.  It truly is a great privilege to serve in this new capacity and I intend to do my best to justify the confidence that my colleagues have placed in me.”

Gohmert has taken over the role for Rep. Randy Forbes of Virginia who was moved to the position of Ranking Member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Management.

The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security has jurisdiction over all of the following areas: Federal Criminal Code, drug enforcement, sentencing, parole and pardons, internal and homeland security, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, prisons, criminal law enforcement, and other appropriate matters as referred by the Chairman, as well as all relevant oversight.

In addition to the Judiciary Committee, Gohmert also serves on Natural Resources and Small Business and can be reached at

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