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Shays and Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) introduce the first bipartisan universal health care legislation to originate in the House of Representatives. Watch Shays and Langevin discuss the American Health Benefits Program.

In anticipation of Earth Day, Representatives Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Christopher Shays (R-CT) reintroduced the Energy for Our Future Act (H.R. 1945) on April 19, 2007. This comprehensive bipartisan energy reform bill seeks to decrease U.S. dependence on foreign oil, protect the environment, build a market for renewable energy, and promote energy conservation. Read more »

Congressman Christopher Shays joins John Farnham, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Brad Davis, and Charles LeConche at the Connecticut First Coalition Leadership Awards Event. Shays was honored by the group for his leadership and accomplishments on behalf of the Connecticut Laborers.

One Coast, One Future is a consortium formed by the Bridgeport Regional Business Council and The Business Council of Fairfield County. The initiative seeks to spark new and renewed economic growth, job creation and individual economic opportunity by linking the Coastal Fairfield County region’s business centers in a new and stronger alliance for their mutual benefit. One Coast, One Future is funded by nearly a $1 million federal grant procured by Congressman Shays.
