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House of Representatives Seal Congressional Hispanic Caucus




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Watch Congresswoman Napolitano at work in DC, making statements on the floor of the House of Representitives or taking part in committee meetings on issues relevant to the 38th District.

Pipeline Inspection and Safety Hearing
June 25, 2008

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New Effort Launched to Highlight Clean, Renewable Energy
- (Washington, D.C.) Today, Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (CA-38) helped launch a new effort to inform and educate people on the benefits of a renewable source of power already available across much of the country: hydropower, the production of electricity through the movement of water, including hydroelectric dams that tap the movement of rivers. Napolitano joined the newly-created Congressional Hydropower Caucus to help educate other members of Congress, their staff and others about the many benefits of renewable, clean and emissions-free hydropower. Napolitano co-chairs the Hydropower Caucus with Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Rep. Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA) and Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE).  “Hydropower is an important piece of the puzzle to achieving energy independence and addressing global climate change,” said Rep. Napolitano, adding, “Hydropower is not just dams, it is also about emerging technologies, like “wave-energy” that generates power by the movement of the ocean. There is so much potential for clean energy, but we need to harness our collective brain power and combine our efforts to utilize new and existing technologies to the fullest potential.”   In addition to education, the goals of the Congressional Hydropower Caucus include: Advocating for pump storage and low-head hydro (on canals and pipelines) , where feasible, and emerging technologies such as, ocean wave, tidal and hydro-kinetic hydropower; Recognizing the value that hydropower provides as a firming resource for intermittent renewable electricity generation, including wind and solar; Promoting hydropower as a clean, renewable, emissions-free and relatively low-cost electricity generation resource, especially in the context of energy supply, electric reliability and global climate change legislation and research; Protecting current conventional hydropower generation facilities and promote conventional hydropower expansion, where appropriate; Hold informational briefings and other activities to facilitate greater awareness of hydropower.     Rep. Napolitano is chair of the House Water and Power Subcommittee and a leading voice on water issues.     ...More

House Votes to Reduce Transit Fares
- (Washington, DC) The House passed H.R. 6052, the “Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act of 2008 on June 27. The legislation will provide $850 million for each of the next two years to reduce fares and expand transit services. Over $250 million of that money will go to California, including $102,835,570 for the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana metro areas and $9,608,984 for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.   “More and more Californians are turning to public transit because of rising gas prices,” said Rep. Grace F. Napolitano. “This bill will help ensure that our communities have access to affordable public transportation assistance.”   “Despite what this administration says, offshore drilling is not a long-term recipe for energy independence and lower gas prices – it is a recipe for oil company profits,” she added. “The only responsible route to real energy independence is investment in alternative energy and fuels and in our public transportation infrastructure.”   “We need mass transit services for our working families and these funds will assist our local bus service providers in attracting more riders by reducing fares.”   H.R. 6052 also increases the federal share of alternative and clean fuel buses and trains and parking at end-of-line stations.   Rep. Napolitano is a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.     ...More

House Republicans Block 'Use It or Lose It'
- (Washington, DC) The Republicans blocked passed of H.R. 6251 yesterday by a vote of 223-195. The measure required a 2/3 vote to pass. Oil and gas companies hold leases on 68 million acres of federal land that they are not developing. This bill would have forced them to either begin producing or give up their leases. It also would have prevented them from obtaining new leases unless they can show that they are either producing or diligently developing the leases they already hold.   Coal companies are required to show that they are diligently developing their leases, but oil and gas companies are not held to the same standards and have been allowed to stockpile leases, without producing any oil or gas.   “On Tuesday, we tried to pass H.R. 6346 to prevent some forms of price gouging by oil companies,” said Rep. Grace F. Napolitano. “But by sitting on leases that could produce 4.8 million barrels a day while simultaneously demanding states open our coasts to more drilling, the oil companies and the Bush administration are just engaging in another kind of gouging.”   Rep. Napolitano is a member of the House Natural Resources Committee.   ...More

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