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September 17, 2008
September 17, 2008 Newsletter
As our nation continues to face historic energy challenges, as shown by the dramatic increase in price leading up to Hurricane Ike, I wanted to take this opportunity to hear directly from you about what I should focus on as I work for solutions.  Below is the text of a survey that is posted on my website at  You can fill that survey out there, and it will be automatically sent to my office.  After completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to send it to a friend – also, if you know of anyone who wants to sign up for my email newsletter, please have them visit my website [] and enter their zip code into the “E-mail Updates” block on the right side of the homepage.  Thank you for the opportunity to be YOUR VOICE in Washington. Full Story »

September 17, 2008
Brown Applauds House Support for Supreme Court's D.C. Gun Ban Reversal
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), a strong supporter of the right to bear arms, made the following statement today after legislation was passed by the House to comply with the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic decision deeming the D.C. gun ban unconstitutional: Full Story »

September 16, 2008
Brown Fears for Nation's Security with Democrat 'No Energy' Bill
WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr. (R-SC), a long time supporter of an ‘all of the above’ energy policy, spoke from the House floor today in response to more empty energy legislation from Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats.  For fear that our current situation in the US will become similar to that in Europe, where Russia holds half of the continent’s natural gas supply under threat of being cut off, Congressman Brown made the following statement: Full Story »

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