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Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans Overview


The Criteria for State, Local and Regional Oil Removal Contingency Plans are provided to assist State, local and regional agencies in the development of oil removal contingency plans for the inland navigable waters of the United States. The regulation establishes minimum criteria for the development and implementation of state, local, and regional contingency plans by state and local governments in consultation with private interests to insure timely, efficient, coordinated and effective action to minimize damage resulting from oil discharges. 

Such plans are directed toward the protection of the public health or welfare of the United States, including, but not limited to, fish, shellfish, wildlife, and public and private property, shorelines, and beaches.  The development and implementation of such plans shall be consistent with the National Oil and Hazardous Materials Pollution Contingency Plan, and shall provide for coordination of the total response to an oil discharge. 

The criteria also define the relationship between non-federal and federal response actions, establishes the development and implementation of state, local and regional oil contingency plans, and requires contingency plans be developed and implemented in consultation with private interests.

Key Provisions

§ 109.1 Applicability

§ 109.2 Definitions

§ 109.3 Purpose and scope

§ 109.4 Relationship to Federal response actions

§ 109.5 Development and implementation criteria for State, local and regional oil removal contingency plans

§ 109.6 Coordination

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