------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMSL Name: ICAMIN (Single precision version) Revised: September 8, 1989 Purpose: Find the smallest index of the component of a complex vector having minimum magnitude. Usage: ICAMIN(N, CX, INCX) Arguments: N - Length of vector X. (Input) CX - Complex vector of length MAX(N*IABS(INCX),1). (Input) INCX - Displacement between elements of CX. (Input) CX(I) is defined to be CX(1+(I-1)*INCX). INCX must be greater than zero. ICAMIN - The smallest index I such that CABS(X(I)) is the minimum of CABS(X(J)) for J=1 to N. (Output) X(I) refers to a specific element of CX. Keyword: Level 1 BLAS GAMS: D1a2 Chapters: MATH/LIBRARY Basic Matrix/Vector Operations STAT/LIBRARY Mathematical Support Page No.: MATH/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1146 STAT/LIBRARY User's Manual page 1508