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Resource Conservation Management
Resource Conservation Management (RCM) is a management tool that gives you more control over the operating costs of your facilities. It helps you to reduce operating costs, increase efficiency, prepare for deregulated energy purchases and promote environmentally friendly operations.  
An RCM program is a well-coordinated effort to manage the resources and services used, and the waste generated, by your facilities. It involves careful tracking of resources and attention to operational efficiency. The program focuses on occupant comfort, cost-effectiveness and assuring that equipment is used only when needed. Operational savings are gained through organization, analysis and communication.
With a comprehensive RCM program in place, you can expect to see quantifiable results in the first one to six months. Most RCM programs achieve 10 to 15 percent savings on utility bills after the first year -- depending on the number of facilities involved and level of management commitment.
RCM strategies have been used in industry and large corporations for many years. As markets become more competitive and public-sector budgets shrink, RCM programs are cropping up in many organizations -- both large and small. 
More than 20 Resource Conservation Managers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are already gathering savings in schools and government facilities. You, too, can begin reaping the benefits of Resource Conservation Management.
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Gresham-Barlow School District case study (pdf)  
Crook County School District case study (pdf)
RCM Guidebook
Benefits of RCM program

Requirements for RCM program

Time and Costs for RCM

Sustaining RCM program

Sample RCM policy

Sample implementation plan

Sample classified ad for position
RCM pamphlet (pdf) - Overview with sample documents
OSU University Housing & Dining Service RCM Program
U.S. Dept. of Energy funding opportunities for schools
For more information, contact the Oregon Department of Energy at 503.378.4040 or, Brandon Adams at 503-378-5054, Chrisite Sphoon at 503-373-7430, or Brittin Witzenburg at 503-373-7563.

Page updated: October 10, 2007

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