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Council News Archive 2006


December 2006

December 28, 2006
Lambert to host Town Hall meetings on storm response
“My goal with these town hall meetings is to use this windstorm event as a learning experience to make sure that the response efforts of government agencies and utilities are coordinated as efficiently as possible in the future.”

December 22, 2006
Constantine Calls for King County Review of Storm Response
“It’s important that utility officials, government representatives, emergency preparedness experts, and the public get a chance to discuss what was done well in reaction to this storm, what failings there were in the system, and what we can learn from both.”

December 12, 2006
Guardian One Rescue Hoist is Funded
“This equipment upgrade will allow King County to remain one of the most prepared jurisdictions in the country to respond to emergencies and disasters. It will be very helpful to have our own equipment and be able to rescue our own people, especially in remote and rugged areas of East King County.”

December 11, 2006
Larry Gossett Elected Chair of King County Council for 2007
“Becoming the chair of the King County Council is a special privilege and challenge, one for which my 13 years of experience has superbly prepared me. I am particularly excited about taking the helm during a year we have made a commitment to provide all members with meaningful leadership responsibilities.”

December 11, 2006
County Council Completes Committee Reorganization
The Metropolitan King County Council today completed its 2007 committee reorganization, which includes a new committee chairmanship for Councilmember Kathy Lambert of Redmond. After serving as human services policy chair for the past year, Councilmember Lambert will become chair of the Council’s Law, Justice and Human Services Committee.

December 11, 2006
Dunn Takes County’s Lead on Transportation
“In every public opinion survey, the citizens of King County cite transportation or congestion relief as their number one priority. It is humbling to take on such a daunting issue that is so important to my constituents.”

December 11, 2006
Phillips and Gossett Promise Smooth Transition of Council Leadership
Incoming King County Council Chair Larry Gossett and outgoing Chair Larry Phillips both expect a smooth transition as a new Council leadership team prepares to guide County policy in 2007.

December 11, 2006
Phillips Kept Council’s Ship Steady through Tumultuous Waters
“King County government provides such an incredible array of services that citizens depend on in their everyday life—everything from the bus they ride to work to the sheriff’s deputies keeping their communities safe. I have enjoyed working with my colleagues during my time as chair to ensure King County’s services are measuring up to the public’s expectations.”

December 11, 2006
Council Renews King Conservation District Assessment for Natural Resource Protection and Salmon Recovery
“This assessment will go a long way toward improving conservation efforts in King County. Recovering endangered salmon and helping farmers stay in King County takes more than just wishful thinking. These funds will enable us to get to work on water quality and agricultural projects that will make a real difference to farmers, fish, and all King County residents.”

December 11, 2006
Council Reauthorizes Legislation that Helps White Center and Boulevard Park Fight Street Crimes
“Two years ago, Deputy Steve Cox led a group of White Center and Boulevard Park residents in requesting the creation of these emphasis areas. Their judgment has proven correct—this legislation has been a significant tool for fighting street crime.”

December 7, 2006
Councilmembers Call for Audit of Health System at King County Jail
“One of the primary responsibilities of the Auditor is to examine the quality and efficiency of County agencies and programs. An audit will provide the King County Council with a comprehensive evaluation of all services provided by Jail Health, and a set of recommendations on how those services can be better delivered.”

December 5, 2006
Sheriff’s Deputies to Receive Emergency Kits
“One of the lessons we learned from Hurricane Katrina is that first responders have survival needs also. This donation will ensure that our deputies will be able to fulfill their first responder roles, even if stranded in the field by severe storms, earthquake damage or flooding.”

December 4, 2006
Council Calls for an End to Violence in Darfur
“We represent many King County residents who have relocated to this country to escape war and oppression, so we have a special responsibility to speak out against injustice wherever it occurs.”

November 2006

November 29, 2006
"County budget sticks to priorities"--Seattle PI OpEd from 2007 County Budget Team
"The budget the King County Council unanimously adopted on Nov. 20 meets public expectations: It spends less, saves more and sticks to priorities."

November 20, 2006
Council Adopts 2007 Budget That Spends Less, Saves More, Sticks to Priorities
“Citizens expect fiscal integrity and accountability in the use of their tax dollars. This budget meets that demand by spending less, saving more, and sticking to established priorities. It cuts some major expenditures proposed by the executive and places those dollars in reserve. This keeps the pressure on to lower costs while ensuring money is available to meet our goals.”

November 17, 2006
2007 Council Budget Identifies Funds for Public Health Centers; Calls for Countywide Strategy and Expert Panel
“One of the fundamental roles for Public Health is to ensure that high quality health care is accessible to all people, especially low-income and vulnerable populations. The Public Health Operational Master Plan (PHOMP), along with the recommendations from the expert panel, will help us develop a long-term strategy for the provision of health care services.”

November 14, 2006
2007 Budget Enhances Bus Riding Experience with “Next Stop” Readerboards, More Bus Shelters, No Bus Wraps over Windows
“The County’s ‘Priorities for People’ that are guiding our budget deliberations call for excellence in customer service and improved mobility for people. We’ve heard from bus riders that they want dry locations to wait for their bus and clear windows so they can see out on dark days.”

November 13, 2006
Council Creates Expert Panel to Review County’s Financial Policies
The Metropolitan King County Council today unanimously adopted legislation to create an expert review panel to review the financial and debt policies of King County, including policies that call for maintaining adequate reserves and the prudent issuance of debt.

November 13, 2006
Council Waives Flood Disposal Fees and Bidding Requirements for Flood Repairs
“The King County Council is the local government for many of the people affected by the rains and flooding. This is the least we can do as they start working on rebuilding what they’ve lost.”

November 9, 2006
2007 Budget to Include Independent Office to Oversee Major Capital Projects
“Having an office charged with the single focus of large capital project oversight will avoid costly mistakes and provide us with better accountability for project budgets.”

November 8, 2006
Statement from County Council Chair Larry Phillips on Voter Approval of “Transit Now”
“This is a positive step toward addressing the traffic gridlock gripping our region. By enhancing bus service, we're not only helping commuters right away, but also preparing for the future by increasing local service that can later complement expansions and improvements to our regional light rail and highway systems.”

November 8, 2006
Statement from Councilmember Dow Constantine on Voter Rejection of Initiative 933
“Recent revelations about Puget Sound’s failing health make it clear that balanced land use planning, sensible rules, and public education are our most important tools in protecting our fish, farms, and forests.”

November 8, 2006
Statement from County Council Chair Larry Phillips on the Defeat of I-933
“The recent flooding near our rivers highlights the importance of some of the regulations I-933 would have eroded, such as regulation of construction within flood zones and laws to preserve the forest cover and vegetation that helps stop erosion and storm water runoff. Without those laws in place, we would have seen even greater threats to people’s safety and damage to property.”

November 6, 2006
Ratepayers to Benefit from Bond Sale
“We must continue building upon the sound financial policies established by the Council and to maintain our prudent management of the public’s money. This sale is an example of ratepayers benefiting from the fiscal strategies promoted in past budgets.”

October 2006

October 30, 2006
Council Approves Innovative Plan to Complete Harborview Project
“This is an opportunity to make lemonade out of lemons. This unique partnership allows the county to have a larger facility than was part of the original bond measure and, most importantly, legal assurance that county taxpayers will not be on the hook for possible cost overruns.”

October 30, 2006
Council Approves Transfer of County Fairgrounds to City of Enumclaw
“The city of Enumclaw has a vision for the future of their city, and the fairgrounds will play a major role in making that vision a reality.”

October 30, 2006
Council: County Should Pay Cost of Additional Postage for Ballots Over One Ounce

“King County residents should not have to worry about extra postage or whether their votes will be counted. This is a matter of fairness to voters and recognizes the need to ensure equal, hassle-free access to democracy.”

October 30, 2006

Council Urges Congress to Support Workers' Right to Organize

“Employees deserve to know that they will not have to look over their shoulder as they try to improve conditions at work—the Employee Free Choice Act is a safeguard against coercion and retaliation by employers.”

October 25, 2006
Caution Urged on Proposed Boeing Field Land Swap
Members of the Council today expressed concerns about a proposal to have King County surrender title to King County International Airport and the Fisher Flour Mills site on Harbor Island in exchange for the Eastside rail corridor owned by Burlington Northern – Santa Fe Railroad.

October 25, 2006
King County Executive, Port of Seattle to brief Regional Policy Committee on proposed land swap
The Regional Policy Committee meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 1, at 3:00 p.m. and will be held in Council Chambers, 10th Floor, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave, Seattle.

October 25, 2006
Statement from Councilmember Julia Patterson on Proposed Land Swap between King County and the Port of Seattle
“As a strong advocate for acquiring the BNSF Rail Corridor, I am thrilled by the opportunity to preserve this corridor for public use through an innovative acquisition.”

October 23, 2006
Council Approves Plan to Manage Funds from Veterans and Human Services Levy
“The voters of King County overwhelmingly supported a tax increase to lend a helping hand to veterans and others in need. This ordinance details the County’s promise to spend these tax dollars wisely and consistently with the levy’s vision.”

October 20, 2006
Councilmembers Present Resolution Making Domestic Violence a Health Care Priority
“I am convinced that regular screening for domestic violence will help abused women and men realize they are not alone, that it is not acceptable for them to endure abuse, and that help is available.”

October 20, 2006
PRIORITIES FOR PEOPLE: Council Panels Begin Scrutiny of 2007 Proposed County Budget
The two panels that make up the Metropolitan King County Council’s Annual Budget Reconciliation and Adoption Committee begin their evaluation of the Proposed 2007 King County Budget next week.

October 19, 2006
The region can't afford a tunnel--Seattle Times OpEd by Councilmember Reagan Dunn
"It's time to step back and prioritize the overall benefits of each project. This region cannot miss the opportunity to make improvements to its transportation system that will serve the next generation. It should wisely spend its very valuable transportation dollars on projects that reduce congestion or increase mobility."

October 16, 2006
PRIORITIES FOR PEOPLE Guide King County Council’s Review of Executive Proposed Budget
Budget leaders on the Metropolitan King County Council will use their own yardstick to measure the 2007 Executive Budget Proposal delivered today: a set of 11 targets called PRIORITIES FOR PEOPLE.

October 16, 2006
Unexpected Revenues to Benefit Arts and Cultural Programs in King County
“King County’s strong economy means that 4Culture’s portion of the hotel-motel tax revenue was 23 percent higher than projected in 2006. Investing those additional funds into arts and cultural programs not only improves the quality of life for those who live in King County, it will also keep King County attractive to those who travel here for business and pleasure.”

October 16, 2006
Council Approves Plans for Chinook Salmon Recovery
“King County’s adoption of the WRIA 8 and 9 interlocal agreements is a significant step toward beginning full-fledged implementation of our carefully-crafted salmon recovery plans.”

Ocotber 16, 2006
King County Council Creates Permanent Endowment for Youth Sports Facilities
“It’s fitting that proceeds from the sale of a building that was used to store athletic equipment will be used to fund the athletic dreams of young people throughout King County.”

October 16, 2006
Council Provides Oversight for Elections’ Equipment and Software Purchase
“We must upgrade our ballot tabulation systems to meet the increased volume of ballots anticipated with all-mail balloting. But the Council must maintain its oversight function and take into consideration the warnings of experts who question the security of certain ballot tabulation software. The Council will not authorize a blank check on the purchase of this equipment which is critical to the security and transparency of our Elections system.”

October 12, 2006
What Are Your Priorities For King County? Make Your Voice Heard on the 2007 King County Budget
On October 24, the Annual Budget Reconciliation and Adoption Committee, chaired by Councilmember Dow Constantine, will begin a series of public meetings to review the details with the public.

October 9, 2006
PRIORITIES FOR PEOPLE: King County Council Sets Yardstick for Measuring 2007 Budget
“Our primary responsibility is to maintain the financial integrity of county government. We do this by setting priorities, funding programs consistent with those priorities, and measuring the results.”

October 9, 2006
Council Approves Transparent and Independent Civilian Oversight of King County Sheriff’s Office
“This legislation removes the curtain that blocked the public from seeing how the Sheriff’s Office conducted investigations into misconduct.”

October 9, 2006
Phillips: Sheriff Oversight Legislation Reflects Recommendations of Blue Ribbon Panel
“I am confident that the panel’s model for independent oversight will be a great fit for King County. Its implementation will bridge the confidence gap between citizens and deputies, improving community trust and confidence in the Sheriff’s Office.”

October 9, 2006
Council Seeks Analysis of Potential Financial Impact of I-933
“Both supporters and opponents of this measure have stated what they think I-933 could cost taxpayers. What we need is a clear, independent analysis of the potential financial impacts on King County.”

October 9, 2006
Council Adopts Aggressive Commitments to Reduce King County Greenhouse Gas Emissions
“These commitments are common-sense measures that can have a lasting, positive impact on our region and world.”

October 9, 2006
Councilmembers Draw Attention to Domestic Violence Prevention
The Metropolitan King County Council proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in King County, with a proclamation presented before the Council today.

October 9, 2006
County Council Acts to Improve Online Security in King County Recorder’s Office
“With the advances in open government and access to public records, we need to take steps that will protect our citizens for years to come.”

October 9, 2006
Audit Recommends Stronger Management of Contract Amendments for Brightwater
“Brightwater is the largest public works project in the history of King County, and it is vital we keep an eye on the bottom line.”

October 2, 2006
Council Expands Opportunities for Home Businesses In Comprehensive Plan Update
“The growth of landscaping and contracting companies as well as the increase in the number of people operating mail-order and online businesses means adjusting the Comprehensive Plan to accommodate a new aspect of the rural economy.”

September 2006

September 29, 2006
County must support sheriff reforms--Seattle PI OpEd by Council Chair Larry Phillips
"King County will implement independent oversight of the Sheriff's Office, but the question is, will we stop there?"

September 28, 2006
North and Northshore Public Health Clinics to Stay Open with Interim Funding
“While this temporary funding will come as a deserved relief for patients and the hard-working staff at these clinics, I am committed to pursuing this issue until we can reach a long-term solution to funding public health services and access to medical care.”

September 28, 2006
Strengthened Civilian Oversight of Sheriff’s Office Approved by Council Committee
“This legislation creates transparency and independence in the investigative process. It also ensures that citizen complaints are taken seriously while protecting the reputations of the vast majority of Sheriff’s deputies who serve with honor every day.”

September 25, 2006
County Council Approves Court Plan That Promotes Effective Services for Children and Families
“The families of defendants are better served by programs and facilities that takes their needs into account and provides multiple related services in one place. This plan is a positive step in that direction.”

September 25, 2006
County Councilmember Lambert Presents Recognition of National Preparedness Month
“In the event of a large-scale disaster, our emergency responders could be temporarily overwhelmed. It will be critically important for individuals and neighborhoods to know how to take care of immediate problems and communicate effectively with authorities. I encourage everyone to take advantage of the training and assistance through Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) to help communities survive and recover from a disaster. King County residents have many resources at their disposal.”

September 22, 2006
Patterson Praises Airport Light Rail Groundbreaking
“It has truly been a collaborative effort to make this light rail connection a reality. This project demonstrates the ability of our cities, port, transit agencies and other government bodies to come together and deliver a remarkable project for the tax payers of our region.”

September 18, 2006
Preparing for a Pandemic: Council Approves Funding for Flu Preparedness Plan
“This is a plan we hope never has to be put into use, but it is our responsibility to ensure that County government is prepared and the public has the information necessary to prepare for a pandemic.”

September 18, 2006
Council Approves Appointees for Citizen Election Oversight Committee
“Strides have been made in the Elections Section, but there is still a lot of work that needs to take place to restore voter confidence. The CEOC will continue to act as our eyes on elections—letting us know what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done.”

September 12, 2006
Rural Roundtable: County Council Brings Town Hall to Carnation
“Many rural residents believe that county government has lost touch with their needs. I want this meeting to be a first step in trying to restore a true dialogue between rural communities and all the people who are supposed to be providing services and watching out for their interests.”

September 11, 2006
Young County Citizens Challenged to Name New County Office Building
“In the end, one young person will eventually be able to tell his or her children: ‘that’s MY building—I named it.’”

September 11, 2006
Panel Recommendations Create Road Map for Sheriff’s Office
“Our confidence in appointing this panel was well-founded. They have thoroughly researched the issues and delivered responsive recommendations that provide a road map for addressing some long-standing organizational challenges in the Sheriff’s Office.”

September 11, 2006
Councilmembers: Blue Ribbon Panel Findings Confirm Goals of Sheriff Oversight Legislation
“This report complements our proposed legislation. We have an opportunity to integrate the ideas of a much-respected panel into the information we have received from a number of sources throughout the country. The result should be legislation that will present clear guidelines on how we will investigate complaints against law enforcement.”

September 5, 2006
Council Declares Intent to Place Charter Amendment on Electing County Auditor on 2009 Ballot
“I am pleased that we will eventually be able to follow the recommendations of the Executive’s Independent Task Force on Elections, the Council’s Citizens’ Elections Oversight Committee and the Secretary of State and let the people decide the direction of the Elections Section.”

September 1, 2006
Councilmember Lambert tours BN Skykomish clean-up site
“The scope of this work to clean up decades of contamination goes beyond anything that has been attempted before, and eventually involves moving literally half the Town of Skykomish. After reviewing this work first hand, I am delighted with the plan, the progress that has been made so far and the sensitivity to the needs of the community.”

September 1, 2006
“Meth Watch” Perfect in First Year
“Our goal was simple: getting the public involved in helping us get this lethal drug out of their neighborhoods and the people responsible for making and selling meth into jail.”

August 2006

August 30, 2006
Councilmembers Head to Los Angeles for “Hands-On” Look at Independent Oversight of Sheriff Department
“It is vital that we see a ‘working model’ of an independent review process so we can have first-hand, on the ground knowledge of what is working and what we can build on.”

August 28, 2006
Agencies Discuss How They will Continue Operating During a Potential Flu Pandemic at Council Town Hall
“What the Town Hall panels gave us was a blueprint on how services will be delivered during a pandemic flu in a way to protect workers and public services.”

August 28, 2006
Patterson and Dunn Team Up for Renton
Renton-area residents packed into the Spirit of Washington Events Center in downtown Renton Aug. 23 to share their concerns and ideas with Councilmembers Julia Patterson and Reagan Dunn, who both represent portions of the City of Renton on the Council.

August 21, 2006
Redmond Ridge East Agreement Ties Expansion to Infrastructure
The Council approved a compromise that allows for construction of the first 100 homes of the 800 home Redmond Ridge East development, but ties additional development to the construction of the infrastructure needed to support it.

August 14, 2006
Preparing for a Potential Flu Pandemic: County Council Town Hall to Explore Regional Preparation and Response
“Preparing for a possible pandemic flu outbreak is as vital as preparing for an earthquake or terror attack.”

August 3, 2006
Ross Baker Named New Chief of Staff for the Metropolitan King County Council
“I look forward to this opportunity to bring my experience, skills, energy and drive to work with the members of the Council to help them make the best possible decisions in serving our citizens.”

July 2006

July 31, 2006
von Reichbauer Convenes Regional Hearing on Professional Sports
“This meeting will examine the economic and cultural impact of all professional sports in the region, and provide a forum for positive dialogue as we move forward.”

July 26, 2006
Statement from County Council Chair Larry Phillips on State Supreme Court Ruling Upholding the Defense of Marriage Act
“Historically, courts in the United States have played a vital role in protecting minorities from the tyranny of the majority in matters of civil rights. Sadly, the majority on the court today, strayed from that tradition.”

July 25, 2006
Councilmembers Introduce Aggressive Commitments to Reduce King County Greenhouse Gas Emissions
“Our environment is becoming dangerously off-balance. Local governments – like King County – must lead by example and change the way we do business to reduce emissions.”

July 25, 2006

Dunn and Ferguson: Let Voters Decide on Elected Auditor
A majority of the Metropolitan King County Council is now ready to put the question of electing a County Auditor on the November ballot. The measure would appear as an amendment to the King County Charter

July 24, 2006
Councilmembers Hail Healthy Return of Sockeye Fishing Season on Lake Washington
Today’s announcement that Lake Washington will be open for Sockeye salmon fishing this weekend was greeted by the co-chairs of King County’s Cedar River Council as validation of local efforts to restore endangered salmon runs, and of the need for a permanent fish hatchery on the Cedar River.

July 24, 2006

Council Addresses Global Warming by Approving Membership in Chicago Climate Exchange
The Council unanimously approved an ordinance authorizing King County’s membership in the Chicago Climate Exchange, North America's premier program for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through binding goals and the trading of “carbon credits.

July 24, 2006
Council Calls for Action Plan for Treatment of Chronic Mental Illness, Chemical Dependency
The Council unanimously approved a motion calling for development of an action plan to pull “repeat users” out of the King County criminal justice system and get them into the treatment programs they need.

July 20, 2006
Shifting Focus from a Jail Cell to a Treatment Bed
“People who commit crimes because of their mental disorders are often locked in jail where their conditions worsen, as opposed to receiving the treatment they need to lead law-abiding, healthy and productive lives. This is a commitment to end the King County Jail’s reign as the second largest mental health facility in Washington State.”

July 17, 2006
Council Takes a “Bird’s-Eye View” on Managing Growth
“The best way to stop sprawl is to focus on creating neighborhoods that have the services, stores and programs that keep people out of their cars and in their communities. Today’s presentations showed a region working on a number of unique and exciting options to meeting growth and affordable housing needs for the people who will call King County home in the next quarter century.”

July 17, 2006
Fairwood Residents to Determine their Future
“There are passionate arguments from all sides. Let’s let the democratic process move forward.”

July 13, 2006
"Done right, vote-by-mail will improve county elections"--Seattle Times OpEd by Council Chair Larry Phillips
"Based on the input we received from citizens and election experts, the council established a number of conditions that must be addressed before the transition to vote-by-mail elections occurs in 2007 or 2008."

July 10, 2006
Council Sends Levy for Automated Fingerprint Identification System to September Ballot
The Metropolitan King County Council today unanimously approved sending to the voters a September ballot measure funding the continued operation and expansion of King County’s Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), the program that matches suspects to crimes through fingerprint identification technology.

July 10, 2006
County Council Town Hall to Explore Local Response to Global Warming
“Currently, the County is proposing ways to reduce the greenhouse gases that play a role in global warming. This Town Hall is an opportunity to consider those ideas as well as discuss the overall impact of this crisis.”

July 6, 2006
Dunn Encouraged Executive is Working to Improve Online Security
“My office has been in touch with realtors, title companies and Records Departments from around the county to discuss this issue. We have been actively sharing information with the Executive and I’m confident that we can work together to merge these two proposals and get something through the Council quickly.”

June 2006

June 29, 2006
More Passenger Ferries Coming to Puget Sound?
The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) today approved a comprehensive study to explore options for expanding passenger ferry service across the Puget Sound.

June 29, 2006
Dunn Introduces Legislation To Remove Social Security Numbers From County Web Site
The legislation would require removal of all Deeds of Trust filed for recording with the Recorder’s Office prior to January 1, 1995. Research done by Councilmember Dunn’s office revealed Social Security numbers stopped appearing in documents after 1994.

June 26, 2006
Sale of North Lake Union “Tank Farm” Site Will Benefit Neighborhood and County
“The purchase agreement addresses legitimate concerns about views and access that have been raised by residents during the negotiation process. Touchstone has agreed to limitations on the use of the property, on how construction will take place and to work with the community on retaining their ability to view Lake Union.”

June 26, 2006
Record and Elections Posting Citizens’ Personal Information

“Within forty-five minutes, my staff was able to retrieve online documents with the social security numbers of numerous local elected officials and other high-profile individuals. If we had a criminal agenda, these people would be victims of identity-theft by now.”

June 22, 2006
Water Taxi Transports Stranded Commuters After Fatal Accident Closes West Seattle Bridge
“This unprecedented one-day ridership demonstrates the water taxi’s importance as an emergency transportation safety valve for the West Seattle peninsula.”

June 19, 2006
Council Adopts All-Mail Voting for King County
“Today’s decision is the beginning of the process for moving to vote-by-mail — not the end — and we have much preparation work ahead to ensure a smooth transition.”

June 19, 2006
Councilmembers Object to Quick Decision on Mandatory All-Mail Voting
Citing a lack of concrete strategic plans, and unanswered questions about operating costs and ballot security, four members of the Metropolitan King County Council voted today not to support a mandatory vote-by-mail system at this time.

June 19, 2006
Council Approves Funds to Research Restoration of Original Courthouse South Entrance
“We have the opportunity to restore the grandeur of the Courthouse and re-create a lively flow of citizens moving through City Hall Park and into the Courthouse.”

June 19, 2006
Dunn, Hague Revive Proposal to Elect County Auditor
“As stewards of county government it is our responsibility to provide fair, accountable and credible elections. Approving this measure will allow the citizens of King County to voice their opinion on this very important debate on the future of our elections department.”

June 19, 2006
Council Adopts 2007 Sewer Rate At Level Lower Than Proposed
“We’re managing wastewater costs carefully for the present and the future, and protecting Puget Sound and our waterways for generations to come.”

June 13, 2006
Statement of Council Chair Larry Phillips on the Resignation of King County Elections Director Dean Logan
“I have a high personal regard for Dean Logan, both for his professionalism and how he conducted himself under some extraordinary circumstances. He stuck with the job despite the most personal of attacks and didn’t quit when we needed him the most. Under his leadership the Elections Sections has made great strides to stabilize and improve their systems.”

June 13, 2006

Dunn Statement on Resignation of King County Elections Director Dean Logan

“With new leadership, we finally have an opportunity to put the mistakes of the elections office behind us. I look forward to a day when the people can trust our elections again. The resignation of Dean Logan gives us an opportunity to make that happen.”

June 13, 2006
von Reichbauer Statement on Resignation of King County Elections Director Dean Logan
"Los Angeles' decision is our gain. He became a lightning rod for bi-partisan concerns about King County's elections process, and his departure gives the dedicated people in the agency a clean slate to regain public credibility."

June 6, 2006
County Council Honors K2 Founder
The Metropolitan King County Council posthumously honored H. William Kirschner for his business and civic contributions to King County and the Vashon Island community at the Council's June 5 meeting.

June 5, 2006
Council Acts to Strengthen Animal Cruelty Enforcement
“The investigation of two high profile acts of shocking animal cruelty exposed gaps in the law enforcement response. This motion asks the executive to set clear guidelines for responding to such crimes. We have a responsibility to protect our four-legged friends and prosecute those who commit viscous acts against them.”

May 2006

May 30, 2006
Dunn Wants Riders Out Of The Rain
The Council adopted a Mission and Goals statement for King County Metro Transit that calls for an accelerated pace of bus shelter construction. Councilmember Reagan Dunn called on Metro to budget more money for shelter construction.

May 22, 2006
Council Approves Motion on “Comprehensive and Effective” Immigration Reform
The Metropolitan King County Council today called on Congress to pass a “comprehensive and effective” immigration reform plan that creates clear guidelines for undocumented immigrants to become citizens.

May 22, 2006
Hague and von Reichbauer: Immigration Reform Must Balance Opportunity with National Security
“We all agree that Congress must act on the issue of immigration. But any proposal that doesn’t address border security is like trying to fix an overflowing bathtub before turning off the water.”

May 22, 2006
Councilmembers Praise Executive’s Call for Child Health Coverage and for Focus on Global Warming
Members of the Metropolitan King County Council today applauded the two principal proposals put forward today by County Executive Ron Sims in his 2006 “State of the County” address.

May 22, 2006
South County Bus Riders to Benefit from Transit Improvements
“In South King County, cities like Kent and Renton are making important investments in their downtown cores to increase residential and employment densities. We must have adequate transit service to serve these new downtown workers and residents and reduce reliance on automobiles in the suburbs.”

May 22, 2006
Protecting Pets: Councilmembers Introduce Proposal to Strengthen Animal Cruelty Enforcement
“We must ensure that the welfare of our four-legged friends doesn’t fall through the cracks.”

May 22, 2006
Council Approves Northgate Park and Ride Package
“With this vote, one can now realistically imagine a thriving urban center with new green spaces, a new library, a new and attractive shopping mall, an urban salmon stream, attractive housing and easy transit connections to and from most anywhere in the region.”

May 22, 2006
Vote-By-Mail Sent to Full Council
“Why continue two separate voting systems when the people of King County have already chosen their preferred method of casting their ballots.”

May 15, 2006

Council Hires Property Rights Expert as County's First Rural Ombudsman
" Land use disputes will always be contentious, but if you have the right person who is qualified, credible, and knowledgeable, we can make the process less abrasive and more productive,” said new Rural Ombudsman David Spohr.

May 15, 2006
County Council Establishes Elections “Action Plan”
The Action Plan sets June 12 deadlines for Executive and Council action on certain election improvements.

May 8, 2006
Council Makes Citizens’ Election Oversight Committee An Ongoing Panel
“The creation of an ongoing group of citizens assisting the Council guarantees that there will always be a ‘public eye’ involved with election reform.”

May 8, 2006
Elections “Action Plan” Sent to the Full County Council
“The next election season is just around the corner. We need to be implementing these recommendations before voters head to the polls.”

May 1, 2006
A Time for Action: Councilmembers Introduce Resolution Urging Congress to Act on Immigration Reform
“Clear rules on how undocumented immigrants can continue to live and work in this country are the first step towards destroying a system that is not that far removed from indentured servitude.”


April 2006

April 26, 2006
Dunn Completes Swing of all City Councils and Unincorporated Area Councils in Newly-Formed District 9
“The information that I received during these visits will help me in formulating my Council agenda.”

April 17, 2006
Council Examines County’s Pandemic Flu Preparations
Members of the Council today praised the work being done so far to engage the community through the King County Pandemic Influenza Response Plan, a coordinated regional response that will involve government, health care providers, schools, business, and the public.

April 13, 2006
Ferguson and Patterson Propose Action Plan for Election Reform
“This legislation will ensure that the important recommendations resulting from three separate outside reviews do not simply gather dust on the shelf.”

April 12, 2006
Phillips, Patterson Encourage State to Collect Complete Health Data
“The information we’re asking hospitals to collect can literally save lives—but only if it’s available.”

April 10, 2006
Council Directs Funding for Veterans, Human Services
“By passing this ordinance, we are not only directing levy funding to help those most in need, we are improving systems and changing the way we support human service programs.”

April 5, 2006
“Packed House” Provides Councilmember Ferguson with Critical Public Input on Sheriff’s Office Reforms
“It was clearly the most moving town meeting that I’ve sponsored.”

April 3, 2006
“Boxed In” Council Approves Funding for Harborview Costs Overruns
“Taxpayers trusted the project partners to keep an eye on the bottom line. The vote we were forced to take today jeopardizes that trust.”

April 3, 2006
County Council Honors Bob Santos
“I want to put retirement in quotes, because those of you who know ‘Uncle’ Bob are aware that as long as he lives in this community—or any community—he will be an active citizen.”

March 2006

March 29, 2006
Councilmember Ferguson Calls for Public Comment on Crucial Sheriff’s Office Reforms
“The single most credible first step to restoring public trust in the King County Sheriff’s Office is to fully engage County residents regarding oversight reforms. The public must be heard, understood and respected.”

March 27, 2006
Council Strengthens Civil Rights Protections
“The County Council can't eliminate bigotry; that is a matter for the individual human mind and heart. But we can and will ban discrimination.”

March 22, 2006
Phillips Hails “Local” Efforts to Address Global Warming
“If we want our children and their children to enjoy the beauty of this region and have clean air to breathe, we cannot wait to combat this problem.”

March 20, 2006
Council Hears From Supporters of Civil Rights Ordinance
“We heard today about the challenges people face everyday because of their gender identity. People in King County should be able to earn a living and make a home for their family without the fear of discrimination.”

March 20, 2006
Dunn: “Meth Watch” Meeting its Goal
“When we started, we wanted to get the public involved in helping get meth offenders off the street and into jail. Those goals haven’t changed, and we look forward to building on the success we’ve had.”

March 17, 2006
New Technology for Criminal Justice System Focus of County Council’s Renton Town Hall
“From rapid fingerprint checks to streamlining the booking of suspects into jail, new technologies are enabling law enforcement officers to know who they’re dealing with, and make sure no one slips through the cracks. It’s technology that keeps our streets safe, and we invite the public to come see what’s involved.”

March 13, 2006
Council Approved Plan Saves Taxpayers Cost of Paying Rent for Employee Office Space
“Citizens who wish to petition their government deserve to have their top elected officials under one roof. This will make King County a more efficient, streamlined and accessible government.”

March 13, 2006
Councilmembers Warn “Office Politics” on New County Office Building Could Cost Taxpayers Millions
“It is just as likely that we can end up eating up all the money that we have proudly discussed we would be saving by owning instead of renting. If it is borne out that in order to facilitate this narrow policy it ends up costing us 13 to 15 to 20 million dollars in remodeling costs, then we will eat up all the money we thought we were going to save.”

March 13, 2006
Phillips: “County delivers on promise to communities surrounding treatment plant”
“We made a commitment to the communities neighboring the West Point treatment plant that the most advanced technology would be used to reduce negative impacts from the plant such as loss of beach acreage, and if that was not possible, we would provide funding to make up for those impacts. Today the Council acted on the promise made to residents near West Point and Discovery Park in 1991.”

March 13, 2006
County Council Celebrates Seahawks “Super Season”
“Everyone has been celebrating what the Seahawks accomplished on the field in 2005, but this is also a celebration of two great Northwest families who have ensured the team’s commitment to community involvement.”

March 7, 2006
"What we've done, so far, to fix King County Elections"--King County Journal OpEd by Councilmembers Larry Phillips and Jane Hague
"The council has a strong commitment to an open, accurate and efficient elections process. Transparent and accurate elections are the cornerstone of democracy in America, and restoring the citizens' trust in elections is a top priority."

March 6, 2006
Review Panels Say King County on Right Track to Solving Elections Issues
“Today's briefing provides the public with a complete picture of the progress King County has taken to improve the management and operations of elections. Many improvements have been made and we know more work remains. We have moved swiftly, but with caution in implementing complex and often expensive reforms. We must look out for voters' wallets as well as their ballots.”

March 3, 2006

Dunn Praises Legislative Designation for SR-169

“It was high time that the Legislature realized the significance of Southeast King County in the economy of Washington State and the very real congestion issues on the Maple Valley Highway.”

March 2, 2006
Legislation Proposed to Standardize King County Civil Rights Protections with Recent State Law
“We want to ensure that the promise of ‘equal justice under law,’ enshrined above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court, is fulfilled for all Americans, including sexual minorities.”

March 1, 2006

Capital Budget Committee Approves Final List of Tenants for New County Office Building
The proposal calls for consolidation of the county’s elections operations in a separate facility, and allows time for long-range decisions on a permanent location for the County Executive’s office in the King County Courthouse.

February 2006

February 27, 2006
From Crown to King: Council approves image of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as the new official logo of King County
An overflow crowd of more than 275 filled the council chambers and lobbies as the Metropolitan King County Council today approved an ordinance to replace the crown that has been the logo of King County for 38 years with an image of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. the county’s namesake.

February 27, 2006
Councilmembers question costs of logo change
Two members of the Council today objected to changing the county’s logo before questions about costs and legal and licensing issues have been answered.

February 24, 2006
Council to Host Expert Roundtable on Monday in Seattle’s Central Area on Disparities in Public Health
“We must reduce the differences in health outcomes experienced by communities of color and others by focusing appropriate public health resources in King County.”

February 15, 2006
"A regional approach to keep traffic moving"--Seattle Times OpEd By Councilmember Julia Patterson and Shawn Bunney
"Nearly 1.2 million additional people are expected to move into the Puget Sound region in the next 25 years. To prepare, we need a comprehensive regional transportation program to supplement state investments in road and transit projects. Without such a program, our quality of life and economic viability will suffer. "

February 9, 2006
Councilmembers Propose Final List of Tenants for New County Office Building
Six members of the Metropolitan King County Council today introduced legislation that sets the list of final tenants for the new King County Office Building to be built at Fifth and Jefferson.

February 8, 2006
"The vast majority of voters in King County have made it clear that they would rather fill out their ballots at their kitchen table than in a polling booth."

February 6, 2006
Council Recognizes Legacy of Coretta Scott King
“When she had every right to be a grieving spouse, when she had every right to leave the movement and raise her family in peace, she picked up Dr. King’s standard and lifted it to newer heights. Her strength, determination and inherent goodness will be missed.”

January 2006

January 31, 2006
Council Sets Committee Assignments and Meeting Times for 2006
The Metropolitan King County Council has now completed its yearly reorganization by setting committee assignments and meeting times for 2006.

January 27, 2006
Phillips Praises Sound Transit’s Advancement of Transit Solution for First Hill
“I think a streetcar and bus improvements connecting First Hill to Downtown, the International District, and Capitol Hill will go a long way toward serving the needs of residents, employees and students within this growing urban corridor.”

January 24, 2006
"Get together on ferry service"--Seattle PI OpEd by Councilmember Julia Patterson
"The fact that a population the size of the Portland metro area (1.2 million people) will move to the region in the next 20 years demands we take a bold approach to explore how to maintain and expand passenger ferry service across Puget Sound and Lake Washington. "

January 23, 2006
Constantine to serve on Sound Transit Board
“I am very pleased to be joining the Sound Transit Board. My district includes large portions of the Link Light Rail alignment and I am eager to provide representation to the communities along the line.”

January 19, 2006
“Meth Watch” Continues to Shine in 2006
Nicholas Lovelace is wanted by the King County Sheriff’s Office for two counts of possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver.

January 17, 2006
Bi-partisan Team to Lead Council into New Era
“This innovative reorganization plan helps us to leverage the talents and experience of our members. It helps us make the most of the time we have to serve on committees, to act as the voice for the public in the operations of county government, while enabling us to stay accessible and accountable to our constituents in each of our local districts.”

January 13, 2006

Transportation Roundtable Highlights First Town Hall of 2006
“For this Town Hall we will host our leading local, regional and state transportation officials in a roundtable discussion of the projects to be built this year, and how to secure funding for the projects that must be built in the future.”

January 11, 2006
Ferguson and Patterson Call For Independent Oversight of Sheriff's Office
To help restore public trust in the operations of the King County Sheriff’s Office, Councilmembers Bob Ferguson and Julia Patterson today outlined proposed legislation to create two independent offices: one to review the Sheriff’s handling of citizen complaints, and one to recommend long-term policy reforms.

January 9, 2006
King County Investment Pool earns highest rating from Standard & Poor’s
Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services today assigned its highest rating of “AAAf” to the King County Investment Pool, a pool of public funds that are invested on behalf of all county agencies and more than 100 other local taxing districts and public authorities.


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