DNAREPAIR-L archives -- August 2003, week 4 (#1)

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Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:17:19 -0400
Reply-To:     Ken Kraemer <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       DNA Repair Interest Group <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Kenneth H. Kraemer" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      DNA Repair Interest Group - UPDATE - August 27, 2003

DNA Repair Interest Group - UPDATE - August 27, 2003 1. VIDEOCONFERENCE - SEPT 16, 2003 Dr. Satya Prakash - Translesion synthesis DNA polymerases of yeast and humans 2. SPECIAL SEMINARS - 1. Sept 16 - Dr. Satya Prakash -Studies of human DNA repair diseases in yeast 2. Sept 19 - Dr. Yossi Shiloh - Upstream and Downstream of ATM in DNA Response 3. CONFERENCES - International workshop on ataxia-telangiectasia 2003; Molecular Signature of DNA Damage Induced Stress Responses- September 26-30, 2003 - Cortona, Italy; Molecular cross talk among chromosome fragility syndromes 2-4 February, 2004. Madrid (Spain); DNA Repair and Mutagenesis: from Molecular Structure to Biological Consequences; International Congress of Photobiology 4. POST DOC AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Baltimore, MD; Research Triangle Park, NC; New York, NY; Boston, MA; Portland, OR; Ontario, Canada; Boston, MA; Saskatchewan, Canada; Washington, D.C. 5. COMMERCIAL REAGENT SOURCES 6. Electronic Contacts 1.0 DNA REPAIR VIDEOCONFERENCE: Sept 16, 2003 - Tues - 12:30 PM - Dr. Satya Prakash - Translesion synthesis DNA polymerases of yeast and humans VIDEOCONFERENCE LOCATIONS: ; Building 45 (NATCHER) Room H, Bethesda, MD (origin); Room 1E03 GRC Baltimore, MD Lawrence Livermore Labs, Livermore, CA; Univ of Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of Pittsburgh; MD Anderson, Smithville, TX (origin); Building 101 Room B200, NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC; State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY (origin); Univ of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; Building 549, Conference Room A, FCRDC, Frederick, MD; Brookhaven National Labs, Upton, NY; Univ of Texas, Galveston and live on the internet at 1.1 DNA REPAIR VIDEOCONFERENCE - FUTURE DATES AND VIDEO ARCHIVE [Note: A larger and more up to date list of future and past videoconferences can be found on the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: ] 1.1.1 FUTURE VIDEOCONFERENCES: Oct 14, 2003- Tues 12:30 PM - Dr. Alain Sarasin, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif France - Xeroderma pigmentosum : Role of the XP variant pol eta gene in UV-induced mutagenesis. Toward a gene therapy in XPC patients? Nov 18, 2003 - Tues 12:30 PM Dec 16, 2003 - Tues 12:30 PM Jan 20, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM Feb 17, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM Mar 16, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM April 20, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM May 18, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM June 15, 2004 - Tues 12:30 PM 1.1.2 VIDEOARCHIVES: INTERNET ACCESS (WORLDWIDE): To date 59 of these videoconferences have been archived and are available for viewing at your leisure on the internet. You will need a web browser (with a high speed link) and free Real Video software. Setup details and access are available at the NIH videocast website: Go to Past events; DNA Repair Interest Group Sessions. Note: Technical improvements are made regularly on this site to increase transmission speeds and ease of access. If you were not successful in viewing these videos in the past it is worth trying again! June 17, 2003 - Dr. John Bradsher, NCI, NIH, Roles of the CS proteins in Nucleotide Excision Repair and Transcription; June 17, 2003 - Dr. Tom Rosenquist, SUNY, NEIL proteins and base excision repair in mice June 17, 2003 - Dr. Karen Vasquez, Smithville, TX - Processing of site-specific DNA lesions by DNA repair and recombination pathways [Note: The posting of this talk will be delayed at the request of the speaker.] May 20, 2003 - Dr. Errol Friedberg, Univ of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Tx - Honest Jim Revealed- The Writings of James D. Watson Apr 15, 2003 - Dr. Qingyi Wei, M.D. Anderson, Houston, Tx - DNA Repair Function, Polymorphisms and Cancer Risk in the General Population Mar 11, 2003 - Dr. Sankar Mitra, Univ of Texas, Galveston - Oxidative Damage Repair and Its Co-ordination in the Mammalian Genome.[Note: The posting of this talk will be delayed at the request of the speaker.] March 05, 2003 - Dr. Stephen J. Elledge - Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX - Sensing and Responding to DNA Damage [Note: this talk was part of the NIH Wed afternoon lecture series and was sponsored by: the Mouse Club and Washington Area Yeast Club Interest Group and is now posted on the DNA Repair Interest Group part of the website.] Jan 21, 2003 - Tues 12:30PM - Dr. Jack Taylor, NIEHS - Epidemiologic studies of DNA repair gene polymorphisms and cancer risk Dec 17, 2002 - Dr. John Tainer, UC Berkeley - Conformational Controls and DNA Repair Coordination - [Note: The posting of this talk will be delayed at the request of the speaker.] Nov 12, 2002 - Dr. Rob Sobol, Univ of Pittsburgh - DNA Base Damage and Repair Intermediates: Out of the Pan and into the Fire [Note: This talk is now posted!] Oct 15, 2002 - Dr. Al Fornace, NCI - Convergence of the p53 and MAP kinase stress signaling pathways after UV radiation Sept 17, 2002 - Dr. Dale Ramsden, UNC - DNA Double strand break repair June 18, 2002 - Dr. David Chen - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - Role of DNA-PK in Cellular Responses to DNA damage May 21, 2002 - Dr. Mark J. Schofield - NIH, Bethesda - DNA mismatch repair; Dr. Sunitha Yanamadala - Univ of Michigan - Role of Mismatch Repair Proteins in Signaling p53 and Apoptosis; Dr. Federica Marini - Univ of Pittsburgh - A human DNA helicase homologous to the DNA crosslink sensitivity protein mus308 Apr 16, 2002 - Dr. Philip Hanawalt - Half a century of DNA repair: An historical perspective Mar 19, 2002 - Dr. Alan Tomkinson - Univ of Texas, San Antonio - Mechanisms of DNA End Joining Feb 19, 2002 - Dr. Yves Pommier - NCI - Nucleotide excision repair-dependent cytotoxicity of a novel anticancer agent, ecteinascidin 743 Jan 15, 2002 - Dr. Tom Kunkel- NIEHS - Recent studies of DNA Mismatch Repair Through the miracle of videotape we now have been able to post most of the DNA Repair Interest Group videoconferences from 1998,1999, 2000 and 2001 on the web site. These include talks by Drs. Anderson, Beernik, Bogenhagen, Bohr, Brash, Brooks, Brosh, Chu, Cleaver, Copeland, Drotschmann, Emmert, Essigman, Fornace, George, Glazer, Grossman, Hanawalt, Jin, Kashlev, Kraemer, Kunkel, Leadon, Liu, Ljungman, Matson, Matsumoto, McKay, Setlow, Sharan, Sobol, States, Stefanini, Sung, Sutherland, Thompson, Wang, Wood, Woodgate and Yarosh. 2. SEMINARS OF NOTE 2.1 Tues Sept 16, 2003 4:00 PM Wilson Hall Building 1 NCI MERIT SEMINAR Speaker: Dr. Satya Prakash Title: Studies of human DNA repair diseases in yeast 2.2 Friday September 19, 2003 1:00 PM Bldg 37 Room 1A-19 Speaker: Dr. Yossi Shiloh, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Title: Upstream and Downstream of ATM in DNA Response [Note: This seminar will not be videocast. Contact Dr. Michael Bustin 301-496-5234 for information] 3. CONFERENCES - International workshop on ataxia-telangiectasia 2003; Molecular Signature of DNA Damage Induced Stress Responses- September 26-30, 2003 - Cortona, Italy; Molecular cross talk among chromosome fragility syndromes 2-4 February, 2004. Madrid (Spain); DNA Repair and Mutagenesis: from Molecular Structure to Biological Consequences; International Congress of Photobiology [Note: A larger and more up-to-date list of conferences can be found on the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: ] 3.1 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA 2003 - QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, SEPTEMBER 10-14, 2003 "Role of ATM and related proteins in DNA damage response" September 10-14, 2003, Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia Organizer: Dr Nuri Gueven, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Radiation Biology and Oncology,Royal Brisbane Hospital Post Office, Herston 4029, Queensland, Australia Phone: +61 7 3362 0335, FAX: +61 7 3362 0106, Email: [log in to unmask] 3.2 MOLECULAR SIGNATURE OF DNA DAMAGE INDUCED STRESS RESPONSES- SEPTEMBER 26-30, 2003 - CORTONA, ITALY We are organizing a workshop on "Molecular signature of DNA damage induced stress responses", scheduled for September 26-30, 2003, in Cortona, Italy. The workshop will be funded and organized jointly by the National Cancer Institute (NCI, US), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), and the Directorate General Research (DG RTD) from the European Commission, to bring together EU and US researchers and representatives of health advisory bodies. The focus of the workshop will be to characterize the molecular and cellular responses of various organisms to different DNA-damaging agents, in particular chemicals, ionizing radiation, and ultraviolet light. State-of-the-art approaches in genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics will be included, with special emphasis on the importance of networks of interacting DNA repair and signaling pathways as indicators of DNA damage stress responses. The rationale for the Workshop, as well as a preliminary program, is laid out in the introductory part of the enclosed First Announcement (see The total number of participants is limited to 100, in the expectation that a fruitful exchange of ideas will be most effective in a relatively small group. Money is available for young scientists to attend and present a poster. The deadline for abstracts and registration has been extended till July 21. As envisaged in the Announcement, the program will begin with a series of keynote lectures on the experimental and computationally driven approaches currently being used to measure and analyze global cellular responses to genotoxic stress. This will be followed by several sessions that focus on individual topic areas such as the use of gene profiling and transcriptional regulation patterns to dissect the genetic control of gene expression, new gene discovery, proteomics of DNA damage response and the increasing need for standardization and harmonization of experimental settings and large-scale sets that are involved in a systems biology approach, and phylogenetic similarities and dissimilarities in DNA damage response mechanisms. If you have any questions please contact me. Ben Van Houten, Chief, Program Analysis Branch & Investigator in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, NIEHS 111 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 PAB office: 919-541-7752; Lab office: 919-541-2799; FAX: 919-541-5064 [log in to unmask] 3.3 DNA REPAIR AND MUTAGENESIS: FROM MOLECULAR STRUCTURE TO BIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES - BERMUDA, DECEMBER 7-13, 2003. Dear Colleagues, We are writing to let you know that we will be organizing an ASM Conference entitled "DNA Repair and Mutagenesis: From Molecular Structure to Biological Consequences" sponsored by the American Society for Microbiology to be held at the Fairmont Southampton Princess, Bermuda, December 7-13, 2003. The conference will bring together the various subdisciplines that collectively comprise the field of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis. Meetings of this type have been held at approximately four year intervals since 1974, the preceding one in this informal series having been at Hilton Head, South Carolina in 1999, and have played a critical role in the development of this exciting area of research. Speakers will include: Genevive Almouzni, Lorena Beese, Serge Boiteux, Jaap Brouwer, Keith Caldecott, Judith Campisi, Gilbert Chu, Priscilla Cooper, Titia de Lange, John Diffley, Sylvie Doubli, Jean-Marc Egly, Stephen Elledge, Tom Ellenberger, Rick Fishel, Marco Foiani, Errol Friedberg, Robert Fuchs, James Haber, Fumio Hanaoka, Phil Hanawalt, Jan Hoeijmakers, Peggy Hsieh, Ian Hickson, Stephen Jackson, Maria Jasin, Penny Jeggo, Joe Jiricny, Roland Kanaar, Richard Kolodner, Stephen Kowalczykowski, Thomas Kunkel, Tony Leadon, Alan Lehmann, Tomas Lindahl, Bndicte Michel, Sankar Mitra, Paul Modrich, Leon Mullenders, Tanya Paull, John Petrini, Louise Prakash, Miroslav Radman, Rodney Rothstein, Leona Samson, Alain Sarasin, Erling Seeberg, Jesper Svejstrup, John Tainer, Shunichi Takeda, Kiyoji Tanaka, Graham Walker, Susan Wallace, Stephen West, Sam Wilson, Richard Wood, Roger Woodgate, and Wei Yang. Some additional speakers on timely topics will be invited closer to the date of the meeting, and furthermore, speakers will be chosen from among the submitted abstracts for shorter presentations. Careful thought has been given to the choice of the site and the design of the program so that participants will be able to enjoy the type of opportunities for informal discussions and interactions that are normally found only at smaller meetings. A special feature of the meeting will be travel grants to help support the participation of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Additional information concerning the meeting and the program is available at: We hope you will mark these dates on your calendars. We look forward to seeing you in Bermuda in December 2003! Best Wishes Graham Walker, Susan Wallace, and Priscilla Cooper 3.4 MOLECULAR CROSS TALK AMONG CHROMOSOME FRAGILITY SYNDROMES 2-4 February, 2004. Madrid (Spain) Scientific Organizers: Hans Joenje, Department of Clinical Genetics and Human Genetics, Free University Medical Centre, Amsterdam Jordi Surralles, Department of Genetics and Microbiology, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Format: The workshop will consist of lectures and poster sessions; there will be extended time for formal and informal discussion. Some posters may beselected for presentation as short talks. Invited speakers (all confirmed): A. Ashworth (London, UK) M. A. Blasco (Madrid, Spain) P. Concannon (Seattle, WA. USA) A. D. D'Andrea (Boston, MA. USA) S. P. Jackson (Cambridge, UK) M. Jasin (New York, NY. USA) P. A. Jeggo (Brighton, UK) H. Joenje (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) R. Kanaar (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) M. B. Kastan (Memphis, TN. USA) A. Nussenzweig (Bethesda, MD. USA) K. J. Patel (Cambridge, UK) J. H. J. Petrini (New York, NY. USA) R. Scully (Boston, MA. USA) Y. Shiloh (Tel Aviv, Israel) J. Surralles (Barcelona, Spain) S. Takeda (Kyoto, Japan) A. M. R. Taylor (Birmingham, UK) H. Te Riele (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) A. Venkitaraman (Cambridge, UK) S. C. West (Herts, UK) M. Z. Zdzienicka (Al Leiden, The Netherlands) Programme: The human genome has evolved a number of cellular mechanisms in response to chromosome breaks to counteracts the mutational load and prevent tumour transformation. Consequently, defects in these mechanisms increase cancer risk and lead to chromosome fragility cancer-prone syndromes such as Fanconi anemia (FA), ataxia telangiectasia (AT), Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS), and several types of hereditary breast cancer with mutation in the BRCA1/BRCA2 genes. Therefore, basic research on these syndromes is particularly interesting not only to find a cure for the patients but also to understand key biological processes required to maintain the genome stability and prevent cancer in the general population. The following topics will be discussed: 1) Nijmegen breakage syndrome and the Mre11-Rad50-NBS1 complex; 2) Ataxia telangiectasia and downstream effectors; 3) Fanconi anemia and its cross talk with DSB repair proteins; 4) BRCA proteins and double strand break repair networking; 5) Cellular response to chromosome breaks. For all requests, please go to the web site: and then link to Centre for International Meetings on Biology Greetings and see you in Madrid Jordi Surralles 3.5 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON PHOTOBIOLOGY - JEJU ISLAND, KOREA - JUNE 10-15, 2004. The 14th International Congress on Photobiology sponsored by the International Union of Photobiology and hosted by the Korean Society of Photoscience, Photobiology Association of Japan, and Asia and Oceania Society for Photobiology will be held June 10-15, 2004, on the island of Jeju, Korea. Both Korean Society of Photoscience, Korean Photodynamic Association, and Asia and Oceania Society for Photobiology will also hold their annual meetings in conjunction with the Congress at the same time. More details can be found at: (ICP is case-sensitive) I would like to invite you to register to participate in the Congress by visiting the website and filling out the registration form therein. To make the Congress successful, your suggestions and contributions are essential and will be greatly appreciated by the Organizing Committee. In order to make the Congress scientifically attractive, we plan to organize nearly 50 symposia and 10 special lectures. In addition, we are planning to present a national photobiology-society sponsored Plenary Lecture each day of the Congress. The Congress venue is the Island of Jeju. It is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It offers many sightseeing and leisure attractions. Bring your family and friends. You will enjoy it. See you all here in Jeju, Korea, in Year 2004! Best wishes, Pill-Soon Song Congress President-ICP2004 4. POST DOC AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Baltimore, MD; Research Triangle Park, NC; Boston, MA; New York, NY; Boston, MA; Portland, OR; Ontario, Canada; Boston, MA; Saskatchewan, Canada; Washington, D.C. [Note: Check the list for more Job Opportunities on the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: ] 4.1 NIH POST DOCTORAL FELLOW - DNA HELICASES- NIA, BALTIMORE, MD With nation-wide responsibility for improving the health and well being of all Americans, the Department of Health and Human Services oversees the biomedical research programs of the National Institutes of Health and those of NIH's research Institutes. The National Institute on Aging, a major research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services, is recruiting for a NIH postdoctoral fellow to conduct research program in The Unit on DNA Helicases, Laboratory of Molecular Gerontology. An individual is sought who will complement our current research activities that investigate structure-function aspects of DNA helicases defective in premature aging and cancer disorders. The objective of this research is to understand the molecular-cellular roles of human DNA helicases in pathways important for the maintenance of genome stability. The successful individual will possess an M.D. or Ph.D., have research experience in biochemistry, and training in molecular and/or mammalian/yeast cell culture techniques. For additional information on this position, and for instructions on submitting your application, please see contact: Robert M. Brosh, Jr., Ph.D., Investigator NIA-NIH, Laboratory of Molecular Gerontology, 5600 Nathan Shock Drive, Baltimore, MD 21224 USA. Phone: 410-558-8578, E-mail: [log in to unmask] 4.2 NIH POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - GENOME STABILITY - RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC NIH POSTDOCTORAL POSITION to investigate highly relevant genome stability issues using yeast and/or human cell systems. Research projects are available in several related directions that include i) DNA double-strand breaks (origin, repair, recombination, replication, cell signaling, and real time analysis); ii) replication and mutation avoidance; iii) influence of mitochondria on genome stability; and iv) human p53 function, role in genome stability and model for evolution of regulatory networks (see A variety of genetic, molecular, and functional genomics approaches are used that have been developed in this Section. Along with exceptional facilities and resources, the Section provides a highly interactive and unique scientific environment with several areas of expertise, so as to create an exceptional training opportunity. The Section is part of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics (LMG) with many PI's renowned for their contributions to the area of genome stability and is located at the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) of the NIH. NIEHS is in a highly attractive area of North Carolina that is central to prominent research institutions. A unique feature of the postdoctoral program is the opportunity to apply for special grants for subsequent tenure-track academic appointments. Salary and benefits are competitive. Application. Send CV & names of references to Dr. Michael Resnick, Head, Chromosome Stability Section, NIEHS, P.O. Pox 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; [log in to unmask] 4.3 POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION - CAMBRIDGE, MA Postdoctoral position - Biological Engineering Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Bevin P. Engelward to develop novel transgenic mouse systems for measuring mitotic homologous recombination via fluorescence detection within tissues, and to study interactions between DNA excision repair and homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Experience in genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, DNA repair, or knockout/transgenic mouse technology is desired. Interested individuals should send their C.V., a description of their research experience and interests, and the names of three references to: Bevin P. Engelward, Sc.D. Associate Professor of Biological Engineering MIT Biological Engineering Division, 56-631 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 MIT is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer 4.4 POST DOCTORAL POSITION - COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK A postdoctoral position is available immediately at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University to pursue studies of signal transduction pathway(s) involved in radiation induced DNA damage and bystander response in mammalian cells. Candidate with a recent a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry, Molecular biology or Cell biology is required. Experience in cell culture, protein biochemistry and signal transduction research experience is preferred. Interested candidates can submit their resume, areas of research interests and three letters of recommendations to either Prof. Charles R. Geard or Dr. A.S. Balajee Department of Radiation Oncology Center for Radiological Research College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University, VC-11, Room 243 168th Street, 630 West New York, NY 10032. Informal enquiries can be made to Dr. A.S. Balajee ([log in to unmask]). 4.5 POSTDOCTORAL POSITION - ALKYLATION DAMAGE - BOSTON, MA Postdoctoral position - Biological Engineering Division Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA. A postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Leona D. Samson to study the biological effects of alkylation damage. Research areas include: (1) exploring the molecular basis of cellular signaling in response to DNA alkylation damage; (2) alkylation damage-induced global transcriptional responses; (3) functional genomic approaches (genomic phenotyping) to identifying novel recovery pathways; (4) transgenic and knockout mice to study the influence of alkylation damage on apoptosis, mutation, genome stability and tumorigenesis; (5) gene therapy approaches to suppressing bone marrow toxicity. Experience in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, DNA repair, or knockout/transgenic mouse technology is desired. Selected Publications: Hickman, M. and Samson, L.D. (1999) Role of DNA mismatch repair and p53 in signaling induction of apoptosis by alkylating agents. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 96: 10764-10769. Roth, R.B., and Samson, L.D. (2000) Gene transfer to suppress bone marrow alkylation toxicity. Mutation Research, 462:107-120. Lau, A.Y., Wyatt, M.D., Glassner, G., Samson, L.D., and Ellenberger, T.E. (2000) Molecular basis for discriminating between normal and damaged bases by the human alkyladenine glycosylase, AAG. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 97(25):13573-13578. Jelinsky, S., Estep, P., Church, G., and Samson, L. D. (2000) Regulatory networks revealed by transcriptional profiling of damaged Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells: Rpn4 links base excision repair with proteasomes, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 20 (21):8157-8167. Roth, R. and Samson, L.D. (2002) 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase-deficient Aag null mice display unexpected bone marrow alkylation resistance, Cancer Research 62, 656-660. Begley, T.J., Rosenbach, A.S., Ideker, T. and Samson, L.D. (2002) Recovery Pathways in S. cerevisiae Revealed by Genomic Phenotyping and Interactome Mapping, Molecular Cancer Research, in press Begley T.J. and Samson, L.D. (2003) AlkB mystery solved: Oxidative demethylation of N1-methyladenine and N3-methylcytosine adducts by a direct reversal mechanism, Trends in the Biochemical Sciences, in press Please send CV and 3 letters of Reference to: Leona D. Samson Ellison American Cancer Society Research Professor Biological Engineering Division, and Director of the Center for Environmental Health Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 56-235 Cambridge, MA 02139 or via email: [log in to unmask] 4.6 POSTDOCTORAL POSITION-NERVOUS SYSTEM DNA REPAIR, PORTLAND, OR A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the role of DNA damage and DNA repair in the nervous system. Particular emphasis is on understanding the role of BER and NER in maintaining the integrity of neurons and other cell types of the central nervous system. Currently funded projects involve the use of whole animal and cell culture models from transgenic/knockout DNA repair mutant mice to explore the relationship between neuronal cell death and DNA damage during development and in age-related neurodegenerative disease (e.g., Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Lou Gehrig's disease). PhD candidates (less than 5 yrs experience) with a strong background in molecular or cell biology and DNA repair and experience in mammalian cell culture, protein biochemistry, gene expression, protein-protein interaction, DNA microarrays are encouraged to apply. For more information, send an email to the address below. To apply, please send your C.V., a description of your research experience, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three references to: Glen Kisby, PhD Associate Professor Ctr for Res on Occup & Environ Toxicol (CROET) Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd Portland, OR 97201-3098 E-mail: [log in to unmask] Portland is an affordable centrally located city in the beautiful state of Oregon. The University is only 1 h away from year round skiing at Mt Hood, the Pacific Ocean, and the scenic deserts of eastern Oregon. The campus contains a large group of distinguished faculty with special emphasis on the nervous system. CROET is a unique research institute with faculty that conduct applied research in the workplace (i.e., epidemiology) and basic research at the cellular and molecular level. 4.7 POSTDOCTORAL POSITION IN MAMMALIAN DNA REPAIR DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, McMASTER UNIVERSITY, ONTARIO, CANADA A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the DNA repair pathways in mammalian cells. Our laboratory is particularly interested in the mechanisms of inducible DNA repair pathways following exposure to UVA, UVB and UVC and how deficiencies in DNA repair play a role in human disease. Research areas include the role of several human ERCC genes in inducible DNA repair as well as several aspects of the DNA repair deficiency in cells from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome and ataxia telangiectasia. Our laboratory has developed a number of techniques to study DNA repair using adenoviruses as probes and expression vectors and the application of these techniques to other areas of mammalian DNA repair are also possible research areas in my laboratory. The position is initially for one year (minimum starting salary of $30,000) with the possibility of extension for two further years. Candidates with a recent Ph.D., a background in cell biology, molecular biology and genetics, some experience in mammalian cell culture and a good knowledge of both written and spoken English are encouraged to apply. Please send a CV and the names and addresses (including email address and telephone number) of three references to: Andrew J. Rainbow, Ph.D. Department of Biology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1 Canada. Telephone: (905)-525-9140, ext. 23544 Fax: (905)-522-6066 Email: [log in to unmask] Website: 4.8 POSTDOCTORAL/RESEARCH ASSOCIATE POSITIONS - BOSTON Two openings available immediately to study the role of AP endonuclease in the cell physiology and biochemistry of DNA base excision repair. We are a dynamic group in a young department with lots of opportunity. The successful candidate will be smart, enterprising and hard working. We need you! Contact: Phyllis Strauss, Northeastern University, Boston MA 02115, e-mail: [log in to unmask] 4.9 POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS - UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN, CANADA Two postdoctoral positions are available immediately. One is to study DNA postreplication repair and mutagenesis in mammalian cells and in a transgenic mouse model. The second position is to study molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in response to DNA damage, using budding yeast as a model eukaryote. Candidates with recent Ph.D. and background in biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics are encouraged to apply. Annual salary begins with $32,000 - $35,000, based on experience. Please send CV and names of three references with contact information to: Wei Xiao, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology University of Saskatchewan 107 Wiggins Road Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E5 Canada Tel: 306-966-4308 Fax: 306-966-4311 E-mail: [log in to unmask] Web site: 5.0 COMMERCIAL REAGENT SOURCES [Note: There are more commercial reagent sources listed on the DNA Repair interest group website: These sources are listed as a convenience to our readers and do not constitute an endorsement of any of these companies or their products.] 5.1 Bethyl Laboratories, Inc. Antibodies for DNA Damage/Repair and related research ( New antibodies include SDS3, DMAP1, KIF14, DIS, MCM2, MCM3, MCM4, MCM6, MCM7, MCM10, Claspin, BRD2, Pumilio 1, Pescadillo, Mre11, NBS1, SERCA2, AMPK and RFC1. 5.2 Reliable Biopharmaceutical Corporation As the leading U.S. manufacturer of modified nucleic acids, we wanted to introduce you to our newest product: cis-syn TpT Cyclobutane Dimer Phosporamidite. Specially developed for the DNA repair and research markets. You can see our homepage and our TpT Dimer Amidite webpage to better understand our company and products. If I or my staff can answer any of your specific questions, please call at your convenience. Sincerely, Sourena Nadji, Ph.D. Reliable Biopharmaceutical Corporation Director of Research and Development (314)429-7700 5.3 Novus Biologicals, Inc., Littleton, CO - Antibodies for DNA Repair Research ( and other research applications ( New antibodies include Rad9, HLTF, Aurora A and B, XAGE, chk1, and phosphorylated proteins (mNBS1, hNBS1, SMC-1 and 3, BRCA1, Rad17, and chk1). For more information contact: Bryan Tinsley Novus Biologicals, Inc. 5951 S. Middlefield Rd. Suite 103 Littleton, CO 80123 303-730-1950 fax: 303-730-1966 [log in to unmask] Visit our website for the most up to date product listings 5.4 Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc, Santa Cruz, CA - Antibodies for research applications. Please find specific product information at 5.5 Austral Biologicals, Inc, San Ramon, CA. - Antibodies for research applications. Please visit our web site: 6 ELECTRONIC CONTACTS: 6.1 Check out the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: You can find the schedule for future DNA Repair Interest Group videoconferences and a listing of past videoconferences (with links to the videoarchive) as well as a current list of JOB OPPORTUNITIES in DNA repair and MEETING NOTICES. 6.2 Encourage your colleagues who are interested in DNA Repair to request that they be added to this DNA Repair Interest Group listserve e-mail list by sending a request by e-mail to: [log in to unmask] Leave the subject blank. In the message field, type in: subscribe DNARepair-L your name Alternatively, by filling out the form on the website ( ) you can both add your name to the e-mail list and have your name posted on the website. If you want your name to be listed you can fill out the "Join the SIG" form on the web site and add your name to the listing of members. If you are not at NIH then be sure to click the "other" box and then fill in the name of your institution. 6.3 Archives of these listserve mailings can be found at or via links from the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: 6.4 I will be happy to relay information about post-doctoral positions, jobs and meetings and other information related to DNA Repair. Please send me an e-mail message ([log in to unmask]) and I will incorporate it into the next announcement list and post it on the DNA Repair Interest Group web site: . (This list goes to more than 1000 scientists around the world who are interested in DNA repair.) Kenneth H. Kraemer, M.D. Chief, DNA Repair Section Basic Research Laboratory National Cancer Institute Building 37 Room 3E24 Bethesda, MD 20892 301-496-9033 FAX: 301-496-8419 e-mail: [log in to unmask] DNA Repair Interest Group web site:

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