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Press Statement
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 15, 2008

Two Students Arrested in Iran

The United States is concerned by reports that Iranian authorities have stepped up their repression of student activists in the wake of the ninth anniversary of the July 9, 1999 student uprising. Two prominent student activists, Mohammad Hashemi and Bahareh Hedayet, were arrested on July 13, the latest in a series of arrests of members of the Office for Consolidating Unity.

The United States stands with all students and civil society leaders in Iran who courageously struggle for universal rights and justice in their country. We continue to work with the international community through the United Nations and foreign governments to focus attention on the Iranian regime's human rights abuses. The United States calls on the Iranian regime to guarantee fundamental freedoms to all its citizens, including the provision of due process and fair trials. 


Released on July 15, 2008

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