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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
July 15, 2008

South Asian Seeds of Peace Participants Visit Department of State

Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard Boucher will welcome South Asian participants of the Seeds of Peace program to the Harry S. Truman building on July 16, 2008. This group consists of 32 young leaders from Pakistan and India who have just completed a three-week conflict resolution program in Maine.

The Seeds of Peace International Camp encourages increased understanding, tolerance, and new friendships among youth from conflict-torn regions. The Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs is funding these students’ participation in the camp and subsequent follow-on activities in the region. Seeds participants remain in touch after their experience through the Internet and other regional programs. During their visit to Washington D.C., they will also meet with members of Congress as well as representatives of the Indian and Pakistani diplomatic missions.

The Washington D.C. part of the program helps empower these young leaders as they return from camp to the “real world,” showing them that world leaders are interested in their achievements and entrust them with creating a more just and secure future in their region and for all peoples and nations.

For further information on Seeds of Peace and its activities, please visit:


Released on July 15, 2008

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