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Resources for Parents

Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)

The Black Alliance for Educational Options raises awareness on the power parents possess to actively assist with the education of all black children. The BAEO strives to be a source of information for parents, directing them to programs whose quality standards BAEO constantly works to increase. They are located in 30 local chapters within 20 states.

Greater Educational Options (GEO) Foundation

The Greater Educational Options (GEO) Foundation, founded in 1998, focuses on increasing availability of school choice and developing community understanding of the importance of parental right to choose. Their efforts are primarily concentrated on the communities within the states of Indiana and Colorado.

Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options

The Hispanic council for Reform and Educational Options concentrates its efforts on empowering parents within Latino communities by making all educational options available, while incorporating the skills of parent leaders.

The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE)

The National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education (NCPIE), founded in 1980, encourages the development of parental involvement in their child's education. The organization utilizes its collaborations with parent organizations, foundations, and national education groups representing teachers and administrators in the arming of parents with accessible tools and legislative info.

Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC)

The Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC), funded by the U.S. Department of Education, provides updated information and easy access to NCLB resources. In operation since 1995, they are nationally based with 70 centers in a majority of the states. PIRC's mission is to provide parents, schools, and organizations with necessary training and information in order to effectively understand child development and their needs on the journey to success.

The Supplemental Educational Services Quality Center (SESQ) provides the "" website to assist families and the opportunities supplemental services provide. SESQ works on the district, state, and national levels, increasing the numbers of eligible children receiving supplemental services as well as the numbers of assisting tutors.

General Resources on Supplemental Services

American Association of School Administrators (AASA)

The American Association of School Administrators consists of educational leaders focused on making strides towards equal access to the public educational system. The AASA website provides helpful links to articles and organizations with information on some of the best NCLB implementation practices and support.

Committee for Hispanic Children and Families Inc.

The Committee for Hispanic Children and Families Inc. applies its efforts to raising the quality of educational standards within the rapidly growing Latino population, their families and communities.

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSO)

The Council of Chief State School Officers is a nationwide organization whose mission is to further the educational field by lending support to NCLB as well as other major issues. Tips useful to state agencies on NCLB standards for supplemental education service providers are listed as well.

Education Resource Organization Directory (EROD)

A database created by the Department of Education whose focus is to heighten district awareness of educational options as well as provide easy access to local agencies and organizations.

Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) Out-of-School Time (OST) Program Evaluation Database

The Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP) Out-of-School Time (OST) Program aims to provide easily accessible information concerning out-of-school evaluation programs in the interest of increasing the numbers of high quality OST programs as well as evaluations within the education field. HFRP strategy consists of a searchable compilation of HFRP-written profiles on OST program and initiative evaluations.

National Governors Association (NGA)

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices has developed an "Extra Learning Opportunities" initiative, providing supplemental services, including tutors. State leaders are provided with assistance and published resources.

National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST)

NIOST focuses in on ensuring access equality for families and youth to programs extending beyond school hours. NIOST provides information, research reports on out-of-school time, training for staff and directors, school administrators, as well as to others committed to providing high-quality after-school programs for children.

Toledo Public Schools

When No Child Left Behind became law, district leaders quickly recognized the convergence of its goals and their own reform efforts. Of the nearly 36,000 students served, 54 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch. Because of gaps in achievement among district students, they saw the Supplemental Educational Services requirement as particularly supportive of their improvement goals. And, during the 2000-01 school year the district embarked on an ambitious accountability agenda. Now, the district is seeing gains in student performance and test scores.


No Child Left Behind

U.S Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII)

The Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) in the U.S. Department of Education partially consists of former teachers, policy analysts, and directors of not for profit organizations. Their website provides detailed information and resources about supplemental services, including Creating Strong Supplemental Educational Services Programs.

Helping Your Child Series

The Helping Your Child publication series focuses on providing parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and in life. Two titles of particular interest are "Helping Your Child With Homework" and "Helping Your Child Succeed in School."

No Child Left Behind—Especially for Parents Page

On this site the U.S. Department of Education offers information about public school choice, supplemental services, testing and accountability, as well as parenting tips on reading and homework.

  • Tools for Student Success: Selected Publications for Parents and Teachers This catalog provides brief descriptions of a number of publications featuring the latest research and most effective practices in subjects such as reading, homework, and staying drug free, as well as information on how to obtain these publications in hard copy or online.

  • No Child Left Behind: A Parents Guide This is the essential guide for parents, and provides answers to questions about No Child Left Behind and what the law means for parents, in an accessible and easy to understand format.

  • Questions Parents Ask About Schools This pamphlet provides answers to commonly asked questions on topics such as Getting Ready for School, Monitoring School Work, Helping with Reading, and Working with Schools and Teachers.



Nina S. Rees is the Assistant Deputy Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Innovation and Improvement. In this capacity, Ms. Rees serves as the principal adviser to the Secretary of Education on all matters related to parental options and choice. Prior to her appointment, Ms Rees served as an aide to Vice President Cheney and was the former Chief Education Analyst for The Heritage Foundation. A frequent media commentator on education issues, Ms. Rees's articles and views has appeared in many national newspapers and magazines.

Harris Cooper (in a taped conversation with Education Secretary Rod Paige) is a Psychology professor, the Director of the Program in Education at Duke University and serves as the editor for the widely respected Psychological Bulletin. He has previously served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri. Dr. Cooper's research and respected opinions have been highlighted in the media on numerous occasions and he was awarded a grant by the Department of Education in order to update his research synthesis entitled Homework, a monograph and policy guide with practical application.

Eugene T.W. Sanders is the Superintendent and CEO of Toledo Public Schools in Toledo, Ohio. During his tenure in this position, Toledo has seen dramatic increases in student achievement and performance. As part of its reform efforts, the district implemented Project STAR (Striving Toward Academic Reform)—an initiative focused on improving the outcomes of 4th and 6th grade students and the expansion of Supplemental Services as an intervention tool. Prior to his appointment as Superintendent, Mr. Sanders served as a consultant to Toledo Public School as well as a high school teacher and an assistant principal at two high schools in Lorain County.

Michael Kuhn is a teacher with the Libby Elementary Enrichment Program within the Toledo Public Schools system. Mr. Kuhn is also a tutor with H.A.R.P. (Helping Achieve Reading Proficiency), an extension of Toledo's Summer Reading Academy—a program run jointly by the Toledo Federation of Teachers and Toledo Public Schools. The Academy is a state-approved supplemental services provider and employs district teachers as tutors to use their knowledge of the district's curriculum and standards in reading to help students improve their skills.

Angelita Sanchez is the parent of four school-age children that currently attend schools in the Toledo Public School District. Last year, her 5th grade son William received supplemental tutoring services through the No Child Left Behind Act. Prior to receiving tutoring to improve his reading and math skills, William struggled with his schoolwork and received poor grades. Now, William excels at school, is a model student and looks forward to completing his homework. Delighted by her son's success, Angelita plans to enroll her 4th grade daughter in a tutoring program.

Pastor Jeffrey Dennis is the Executive Director of Project A.G.A.P.E. (Academically Growing and Promoting Excellence), an approved provider of Supplemental Services in Akron, Ohio. Project A.G.A.P.E. concentrates on improving the academic performance of students ages 6 through 17 by providing them with tutorial assistance in math, reading and writing as well as computer training, counseling on health issues and improving self-esteem. Pastor Dennis leads a congregation at Mt. Calvary Baptist church in Akron, Ohio.

Kevin Teasley is the President of the Greater Educational Opportunities (GEO) Foundation. The GEO Foundation is a Parent Information and Resource Center focusing on informing and educating parents on their choices and options in education. Mr. Teasley has also served as President of the American Education Reform Foundation as well as public affairs director for both the Reason Foundation and the Heritage Foundation.


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Last Modified: 05/26/2006