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Urologic Diseases

All Health A-Z Results: 1-10 of 18 Web Pages
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Urology  External Link was written and reviewed by urology experts in partnership with the American Foundation for Urologic Disease. Visitors can search by choosing from adult or pediatric conditions, or b... Details >

American Urological Association, Inc.  External Link

Early Prostate Cancer: Questions and Answers

Also available in: Spanish 

Except for skin cancer, cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy in American men. This fact sheet answers questions about prostate cancer, including who is at risk for prostate cancer, wha... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Bladder Cancer (PDQ®): Treatment Information for Patients

Based on information in the PDQ summary for health professionals on bladder cancer, this patient resource presents facts about current treatment of bladder cancer by cancer stage.... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Erectile Dysfunction

Also available in: Spanish 

Impotence is a consistent inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. This fact sheet focuses on impotence defined as erectile dysfunction.... Details >

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health

Find a Urologist  External Link

Search this database to find a practicing AUA (American Urological Association) member Urologist in the United States or internationally.... Details >

American Urological Association, Inc.  External Link

Peyronie's Disease

This consumer health information fact sheet provides basic information about Peyronie's disease -- a condition characterized by a plaque, or hard lump, that forms on the penis.... Details >

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health

Prostate Cancer (PDQ®): Screening

This up-to-date information from the National Cancer Institute's PDQ® database is intended for use by patients. The document presents an general overview of prostate cancer screening methods and scree... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Prostate Cancer (PDQ®): Treatment

This consumer health information document about prostate cancer -- the most common form of male cancer -- includes a description and overview of the disease, discusses each stage of the disease and tr... Details >

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases (Journal)  External Link

Focused entirely on the prostate, this journal's target audience is clinicians and researchers treating all aspects of prostate cancer and prostatic diseases.... Details >

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Prostate Cancer Treatment Options  External Link

This online men's health information document provides a general overview on treatment choices for prostate cancer.... Details >

American Academy of Family Physicians  External Link

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