U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service logo National Wildlife Refuge System Logo Celebrating a Century of Conservation
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Yukon Flats
National Wildlife Refuge
Moose are found throughout the Refuge utilizing willow, birch and aspen stands in the winter and ponds and marshes in the summer.
101 12th Ave
Box 264
Fairbanks, AK   99701
E-mail: yukonflats@fws.gov
Phone Number: 907-456-0440
Visit the Refuge's Web Site:
Moose calves, born in late May, feed on wetland plants and the new growth of summer.
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  Wildlife and Habitat
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Habitat features on the Refuge include wetlands, uplands, and subalpine terrains. The dominant feature is the Yukon Flats, a 10,000 square mile wetland basin bisected by the Yukon River. This tremendous area encompasses over 20,000 water bodies, and a dozen major rivers. Periodic drying and flooding of shallow wetlands along with wildland fire help maintain diversity and productivity. Since 1981, Yukon Flats has had over 260 lightning-caused fires burn in excess of 2.5 million acres. The combination of fire and flood has created an area rich in wildlife.

More than 150 species of birds, 39 species of mammals, and 18 species of fish have been identified on the Refuge. Biologists have marked over 50,000 ducks since 1960, and received thousands of leg band returns from all over North America and 11 foreign countries. The Refuge and its partners also monitor populations of moose, bears, sheep, and wolves. Although not monitored, small mammals such as beaver, squirrels, and voles are a vital component of the ecosystem as they provide a food base for larger predators including mammalian carnivores and avian predators. Refuge fishery resources play not only an important role in subsistence (chum, chinook, and coho salmon, pike and six whitefish species) but also contribute to the productivity of the landscape.

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