LivePerson: Live professional advice, 24/7! Meet our online counselors now.
Connecting You to Professional Counselors, online.
Facing life’s challenges is easier
said than done.

LivePerson provides you with a safe and secure environment to communicate with professional counselors in real-time, 24/7.
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Chat with Live professional counselors, 24/7 - specializing in Relationship Issues, Family Therapy, Child Development, Depression, Personal Development and more.
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If you have suicidal thoughts, you may need help immediately and should pick up the phone and call:1-800-784-2433 from anywhere in the U.S; or call 911 and ask for help.
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About Online Counseling
The mental health industry has recently joined the countless industries already offering web-based services. Online counseling is a rapidly growing means of communicating with professionals, worldwide, via the Internet by means of Live chat or email.

As in traditional counseling, online counseling provides you with access to qualified and experienced professionals. In addition, online counseling is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the privacy of your own home. Avoid the uncomfortable feeling of running into a familiar face on the way in or out of a clinic. Since you never have to leave the comfort of your home to meet with your counselor, your anonymity and privacy is completely secured. Online counseling gives you access to live professional counselors anytime of the day or night, no matter what part of the world you live in.

Many people are turning to the Internet for professional counseling and find it to be an ideal way to discuss life’s challenges, personal concerns or emotional problems. Some people opt for ongoing counseling with a single counselor, while others for a single session with a counselor just for guidance on a specific matter.
Our Clients say:
"Thank you for your positive and constructive advice. You helped me move forward and take control
of life."
                 Dan, San Diego
"My counselor was very helpful, non-judgmental, validating, and calming. Thank you for taking
the time to help me right when I needed it most."
               Susanna, Pittsburgh
"Thank you for giving me inspiration. I am looking forward to continuing the learning process on my
issues that need focusing."
              Melanie, Toronto