RELEASE DATE:  August 28, 2003

NOTICE:  NOT-OD-03-060

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Contract Proposal Receipt Date:  November 14, 2003

Innovative technologies and methodologies fuel progress in biomedical and 
behavioral research and represent an increasingly important area of the 
economy.  The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program provides 
support for research and development (R&D) of new or improved technologies 
and methodologies that have the potential to succeed as commercial products. 

The purpose of this notice is to (1) announce the issuance of the 
RESEARCH CONTRACT PROPOSALS (PHS 2004-1) with a due date of NOVEMBER 14, 2003 
for receipt of SBIR CONTRACT proposals; and (2) inform the public about the 
opportunities that the SBIR program offers to small business concerns as well 
as to scientists at research institutions.  The SBIR legislation requires the 
Public Health Service (PHS), Department of Health and Human Services, and 
certain other federal agencies to reserve 2.5 percent of their extramural 
research or R&D budgets for an SBIR program.  The PHS SBIR set-aside 
requirement for FY 2004 is $535 million.

The offeror organization must be a small business concern as defined by the 
Small Business Administration and described in the Solicitation, and the 
PRIMARY EMPLOYMENT of the principal investigator MUST be with the small 
business concern at the time of award and during the conduct of the proposed 
project. In accord with the intent of the SBIR program to increase private 
sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal R&D, scientists 
at research institutions can play an important role in an SBIR project by 
serving as consultants and/or subcontractors to the small business concern.  
Generally, one-third of the Phase I budget may be spent on consultant and/or 
subcontractual costs, and, generally, one-half of the Phase II budget may be 
spent on such costs. In this manner, a small business concern with limited 
expertise and/or research facilities may benefit from teaming with a 
scientist(s) at a research institution; for the scientist(s) at a research 
institution, this team effort provides support for R&D not otherwise 

The SBIR program consists of the following three phases:

PHASE I: The objective of this phase is to determine the scientific and 
technical merit and feasibility and potential for commercialization of the 
proposed research or R&D efforts and the quality of performance of the small 
business concern, before consideration of further federal support in Phase 
II. Generally, Phase I SBIR awards do not exceed $100,000 for direct costs, 
Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs, and negotiated fixed fee for a 
period generally not to exceed six months.

PHASE II: The objective of this phase is to continue the research or R&D 
efforts initiated in Phase I. Funding shall be based on the results of Phase 
I and the scientific and technical merit and commercial potential of the 
Phase II proposal. Only Phase I contractors are eligible to apply for Phase 
II funding, and Phase II proposals may be submitted upon the request of the 
Contracting Officer ONLY.  (However, see "Fast-Track" Initiative below.) 
Generally, Phase II awards do not exceed $750,000 for direct costs, F&A 
costs, and negotiated fixed fee for a period generally not to exceed two 
years.  That is, generally, a two-year Phase II project does not cost more 
than $750,000 for that project.  Only one Phase II award may be made for any 
SBIR project.

PHASE III: The objective of this phase is for the small business concern to 
pursue, with non-SBIR funds, the commercialization of the results of the 
research or R&D funded in Phases I and II.

"FAST-TRACK" INITIATIVE: (Applicable only to proposals submitted to the 
National Institutes of Health [NIH] and only if an awarding component 
indicates it is accepting Fast Track proposals for a particular topic.)

The Fast-Track initiative is an opportunity for small business concerns to 
submit both a Phase I and Phase II proposal for concurrent peer review. This 
initiative also has the potential to minimize any funding gap between Phase I 
and Phase II. Proposals must be prepared in accordance with Phase I and Phase 
II proposal preparation instructions.

Following are the research topics contained in the SOLICITATION OF THE PUBLIC 
2001-1) for the contract proposal RECEIPT DATE of NOVEMBER 14, 2003:


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)   
O 017 Development of Methodology for Measuring Compliance for Medications   

O 018 Medications Development   

O 024 Development of Correlational Alcohol-Relevant Database from Mouse 
Transcriptosome and Proteome   

O 025 Identification of Genomic, Proteomic, Or Metabolomic Differences 
Associated with Alcohol-induced Organ Damage and Other Alcohol- related 

O 026 Science Education Materials Development for Kindergarten through  
12th Grade   

O 027 Biochemical Markers   

O 028 Development of Equipment and Materials Related to Activities on the 
Genetics of Alcohol Metabolism   

National Cancer Institute (NCI)   
O 181   Clinical Trial Data Collection Using Hand-Held Technology   

O 184   Biomedical Informatics System for Basic and Clinical Cancer Research   

O 186   Target Based High Throughput Screening for the Identification of  

O 190   New Approaches for the Determination of 3-Dimensional Protein Structure   

O 191   Technologies for the Study of Genetic Alterations
O 192   New Technologies for Monitoring the Tumor Micro-environment   

O 193   Development of Inhibitory Reagents for the Study of Protein Function   

O 194   Development and Application of High-Throughput Proteomics Technologies   

O 195   Virtual Microscopy for the Early Detection of Cancer   

O 196   Antibody Array for Cancer Detection   

O 197   Early Detection Research Network Bioinformatics Research Program  

O 198   Chemical Optimization and Structure-Activity Relationships   

O 199   Development of an Analytical Information Management System   

O 200   A Software Program to Develop Logic Models   

O 201   Research-based Health Information Communications Network Targeting 
Minority Populations   

O 202   Develop ACR BIRADS/BCSC:  A Standardized Computerized Mammography  
Data System   

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)   
O 060   Develop New Technologies for Screening and Assessing Drug Abuse and 
Matching Patients with Appropriate Treatment Services
O 061   Develop Screening and/or Assessment Tools for Multi-Problem Youth   

O 062   New Technologies for Epidemiology Research   

O 063   Efficient in vivo Delivery System for siRNA
O 064   Nanoscience-based Design of Therapies for Substance Abuse Treatment   

O 065   Discovery of New Chemical Probes   

O 066   Reagents to Identify Transcription Factors That Define Neural Cell 

O 067   Development of Novel Approaches in Human Neuroscience   

O 068   Virtual Reality for the Neurobiological Study of Drug-Brain-Behavior 
Interactions and Drug Abuse Treatment

O 069   Design, Evaluation, and Integration of Image Analysis Methods to 
Facilitate Clinical Neuroimaging in Substance Abuse   

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)   
O 094   Development and Validation of High Throughput In Vitro Estrogen  
Receptor (ER) and Androgen Receptor (AR) Binding Assays Based on  
the Use of Recombinant Receptors   

O 095   Development and Validation of Metabolically Competent In Vitro Toxicity 
Test Systems   

O 096   Development of an Indoor Allergen Assay for Asthma Studies   

O 097   Development of a Comprehensive System to Control Indoor Humidity and 
Reduce Indoor Allergen Levels in Residential Dwellings   

O 098   Mouse Tissue Informatics   

O 099   Analysis and Quantification of Eicosinoid and Regulatory Pathways   

O 100   Metabonomics of the Liver   

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)   
O 043   Development of Post-Postpartum Depression Training and Support  
Materials for Primary Care Providers   

O 044   Interactive Web-Based Networking Tool For Linking Services And  
Interventions Research Training And Education Programs   

O 045   Suicide Prevention Materials and Training for Criminal and Civil Court 

O 046   Development of Educational Models and Procedures to Improve the Quality 
of Mental Health Services and Interventions Research Mentoring
O 047   New methods for Rating Patients, Training Raters, and Assessing  
Reliability for Autism Spectrum Disorders   

O 048   Source Documents On Handheld Devices For Clinical Trials In Autism: 
Adaptive Functioning, Global Functioning, Quality Of Life, Behavior Ratings, 
and/or Symptom Ratings   

O 049   Adapting Existing Curricula for Promoting Social and Adaptive 
Functioning in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders   

O 050   Autism Caregivers: Developing Training and Educational Materials That 
Adapt Empirically-Based Caregiver Support Strategies   

O 051   Multi-Media Training and Education Materials for Cost-Effectiveness 
Analysis in Mental Health Services Research   

O 052   Interactive Tools for State Mental Health Agencies around the  
Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices   

O 053   Development of Tools and Monitoring Systems for the Implementation of 
Scientifically-Based Interventions to Reduce Mental Health Problems   

O 054   Neurocognitive Assessment in Schizophrenia   


National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers 
for Disease Control and Prevention (NCCDPHP)   
O 013   High Through-Put Method to Isolate Tobacco and Tobacco-Derived  
Cigarette Components   

O 014   Method to Screen Tobacco Products for Reduced-Harm or Reduced- 
Exposure Claims   

O 017   Culturally Tailored, Community-Based, Behavioral Change Intervention 
for at Risk Minorities   

O 018   Influencing Healthy Food Choices with a Skill Building Interactive Web 

O 019   Multi-Modal Based Intervention to Promote Healthier Lifestyles in  
at Risk Youth   

O 020   An Interactive Web-Tool Cookbook Approach Toward Increasing  
Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables   

O 021   Consumer Tools for Selecting Diabetes Health Care Coverage   

National Center for HIV, STD AND TB Prevention (NCHSTP)   
O 016   Technology to Facilitate the Rapid Identification of Antibiotic 
Resistance among Neisseria Gonorrhoeae in the Absence of Culture   

O 017   HPV and Pap Smear Screening Educational Materials for Low Literacy 

O 018   Development of Novel HIV-1 Envelope Immunogens for Vaccine Development   

O 019   Development of Novel Genotyping Procedures for Mycobacterium  
O 020   New Laboratory Tests for Tuberculosis and Detection of Drug Resistance   

National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)   

O 004   Environmental Health/Anti-Chemical Terrorism -- Rapid Field Tests for 
Human Exposure

O 005   Detection of Human Exposure to Aflatoxins and Other Mycotoxins from 
Food or as Chemical Warfare or Terrorism Agents
O 006   Rapid Field Tests or Continuous Monitors for Arsenic in Drinking Water   

O 007   Rapid Field Tests for Iodine Levels in Urine and Salt   

O 008   Coronary Heart Disease

O 009   Enhancement of Blood Glucose Meters to Improve Management of Diabetes   

O 010   Rapid Field Tests for Vitamin A Status
O 011   Rapid Field Tests for Iron Deficiency, Iron Deficiency Anemia, and 

O 012   Improved Tests for Zinc Status and Zinc Body Stores in Humans
O 013   Improving Assessment of Children's Exposure to Toxic Substances   

National Immunization Program (NIP)   
O 016   Develop Methods to Enhance Administration of Vaccines, Including Live 
Virus Vaccines, Through the Respiratory Tract   

O 018   Melting Device for Safe Sharps Disposal in Developing Countries   


Eligibility requirements, definitions, submission procedures, review 
considerations, contract proposal forms and instructions, and other pertinent 
information, including the "Fast-Track" Initiative, are contained in the 
RESEARCH CONTRACT PROPOSALS (PHS 2004-1) for the proposal receipt date of 
November 14, 2003. The PHS SBIR Contract Solicitation PHS 2004-1, including 
proposal forms, is available electronically through the National Institutes 
of Health's "Small Business Funding Opportunities" home page at See SBIR Phase I Contract 
Solicitation PHS 2004-1 (PDF 
[] or MS 
Word []). 
Be sure to use the appropriate CONTRACT PROPOSAL forms as they differ from 
the PHS 398 GRANT application forms.

Note: The SBIR Phase I Contract Solicitation will only be available via 
electronic means. Potential offerors are encouraged to check the NIH 
SBIR/STTR home page for updates on the program. Any updates or corrections to 
the solicitation will be posted there.

Contracting Officers 

Any small business concern that intends to submit an SBIR contract proposal 
under this Solicitation should provide the appropriate contracting officer(s) 
with early, written notice of its intent, giving its name, address, 
telephone, and topic number(s).  If a topic is modified or canceled before 
this Solicitation closes, only those companies that have expressed such 
intent will be notified.


National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Ms. Roberta Wilhelm
Phone: (301) 443-1191
Fax: (301) 443-3891

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Mr. Joseph Bowe
Phone: (301) 435-3810
Fax: (301) 480-0309

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Ms. Nancy A. Hurd
Phone: (301) 443-6677
Fax: (301) 443-7595

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Mr. Phillip D. Jones
Phone: (919) 541-0426
Fax: (919) 541-2712

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Ms. Patricia Gibbons
Phone: (301) 443-2696
Fax: (301) 443-0501


National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP)
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHSTP)
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
National Immunization Program (NIP)

Mr. Curt Bryant 
Phone: (770) 488-2806
Fax: (770) 488-2828

Those interested in the PHS SBIR/STTR GRANT program may access electronically 
There is one GRANT APPLICATION receipt date (December 1, 2003) remaining for 
calendar year 2003. 

To better understand the differences between grants and contracts, see

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