RELEASE DATE:  August 26, 2003

NOTICE:  NOT-DK-03-007

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 
(NIDDK), in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), invites 
requests for use of the resources of NCI's Rapid Access to Intervention 
Development (RAID) to foster development of new therapeutics for type 1 
diabetes (T1D-RAID).  T1D-RAID is a special mechanism to make available to 
academic investigators the necessary resources to move novel molecules and 
concepts from bench to bedside more rapidly and effectively.  Services that 
would be available include for example: production, bulk supply, GMP 
manufacturing, formulation and toxicology. 

T1D-RAID will make available, on a competitive basis, the preclinical 
development contract resources of NCI's Developmental Therapeutics Program.  
T1D-RAID is not a grant program.  The goal of T1D-RAID is the rapid 
movement of novel molecules and concepts from the laboratory to the clinic 
for proof-of-principle clinical trials, using NCI's contract research 
mechanisms.  T1D-RAID will assist investigators who submit successful 
requests by providing any (or all) of the preclinical development steps 
that may be obstacles to clinical translation.  Suitable agents for T1D-
RAID will include small molecules, biologics or vaccines for the treatment 
or prevention of type 1 diabetes and its complications.  

There are two receipt dates for requests for T1D-RAID support per year, 
November 1 and April 1.  Current requests must be received by Nov. 1, 2003, 
with all materials submitted directly to the office listed below; do not 
submit materials to the Center for Scientific Review.   

For information on process, procedure and review criteria of requests for 
T1D-RAID resources, visit 
Inquiries are encouraged, and the opportunity to clarify issues or 
questions is welcome.  Academic investigators may have collaborations with 
small-business partners and still qualify for T1D-RAID funding.  Non-profit 
organizations other than universities may also submit T1D-RAID Requests.  
Please note that a maximum of two distinct requests for support per 
investigator can be submitted for each receipt date.


Inquiries regarding this initiative maybe directed to:

Myrlene Staten, MD
Senior Advisor, Diabetes Research Translation
Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases, NIDDK, NIH
6707 Democracy Boulevard 
Bethesda, MD 20852-5460
Tel: 301-402-7886; Fax: 301-480-3503

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