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U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
For Immediate Release
June 25th, 2008
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), Representative John Dingell (D-Mich.), Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), and Representative Joe Barton (R-Texas) announce that at today’s Conference Committee Meeting for H.R. 4040, the Reauthorization of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the following items were approved by unanimous consent pending final adoption of the complete conference report.

  1. Tracking Labels for Children’s Products
  2. Durable Nursery Product Standards
  3. Catalog and Internet Advertising
  4. Study of Injuries and Deaths in Minority Children
  5. Full Commission Requirement and Interim Quorum
  6. Submission of Documents to Congress
  7. Expedited Rulemaking
  8. Prohibition on Stockpiling
  9. Enhanced Recall Authority
  10. Corrective Action Plans
  11. Requirements for Recall Notices
  12. Inspection of Proprietary Labs
  13. Identification of Manufacturers
  14. Increased Civil Penalty
  15. Sharing of Information with Government Agencies
  16. Repeal of Section 30(d) of the Consumer Product Safety Act
  17. Industry Sponsored Travel Ban
  18. Annual Reporting Requirement
  19. Study of effectiveness of authorities related to imported product safety
  20. Cost Benefit Analysis for the Poison Prevention Packaging Act
  21. Employee Training Exchanges