Abramoff and Associates

Click the grey boxes to learn more about the specific contacts between Abramoff and his associates and the White House.

Jack Abramoff

For ten years, from 1994 to 2004, Jack Abramoff was a Washington, D.C., lobbyist with a sizable practice, soliciting and obtaining lobbying business from groups and companies throughout the United States, focusing especially on Native American tribal government clients and insular territories. In 2004, National Journal described Mr. Abramoff as "the engine that transformed a midsize lobbying practice at the law firm Greenberg Traurig into one of K Street's top money machines." Mr. Abramoff has pled guilty to conspiring to offer public officials items of value in exchange for official action and other public corruption crimes.

Abramoff's Contacts with the White House

Tony Rudy

Mr. Rudy joined the Greenberg lobbying practice in early 2001 and worked there until July 2002. Prior to his time at Greenberg, Mr. Rudy served as Press Secretary and Deputy Chief of Staff in the leadership office of Rep. Tom DeLay. He has pled guilty to corruption charges stemming from the federal investigation of Mr. Abramoff, admitting that while working at Greenberg, "he violated the conflict of interest post-employment restrictions by lobbying staff members in the leadership office of [Rep. Tom DeLay] within one year of having left his position as Deputy Chief of Staff to that office."

Rudy's Contacts with the White House

Neil Volz

Mr. Volz joined Mr. Abramoff's practice at Greenberg in February 2002, after serving as Communication Director and Chief of Staff for Congressman Bob Ney. In May 2006, Mr. Volz pled guilty to public corruption charges stemming from the federal investigation examining the Abramoff lobbying scandal. Mr. Volz faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

Volz's Contacts with the White House

Kevin Ring

Mr. Ring was a "quasi-team leader" in Mr. Abramoff's lobbying practice at Greenberg Traurig. In 2002 and 2003, Mr.Ring was named a "Top Rainmaker" by The Hill newspaper in its annual rankings of Washington's premier lobbyists.

Ring's Contacts with the White House

Todd Boulanger

Mr. Boulanger was a top aide to Mr. Abramoff, handling much day-to-day lobbying for the Greenberg team. Mr. Boulanger started working with Mr. Abramoff at Preston Gates in 1999, and moved to Greenberg Traurig with Abramoff in 2001.

Boulanger's Contacts with the White House

Shawn Vasell

Mr. Vasell worked with Mr. Abramoff at both Preston Gates and Greenberg Traurig. In 2002, he left Greenberg to do work in Montana for Sen. Conrad Burns, returning in January 2003.

Vasell's Contacts with the White House