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Department of Human Services

Groundwater Protection

Water Well Report Fact Sheet - Describes how to find and interpret a well report (well log).  

Private Well Fact Sheet - A brief description of private wells, including the construction components, protection and testing of private wells.  Web resources are also given.  

Iron and Manganese in Groundwater - Discusses the natural occurrence of iron and manganese in groundwater.  

Sulfur in Groundwater - Discusses the natural occurrence of sulfur in groundwater.

Groundwater Training Manual - This document contains basic information about groundwater hydrogeology, i.e., the origin, occurrence and movement of groundwater. Also discussed are groundwater contamination, groundwater protection, well construction and data that water systems should consider collecting.

Aquifer Sensitivity (Susceptibility) Analysis - This document provides a summary of Oregon's approach to evaluation of the relative potential of an aquifer becoming contaminated as a result of activities at the surface.

What is Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWUDI)? - This is a short description of the program for determining if ground water sources are under the direct influence of surface water.

Natural Factors Influencing the Composition of Groundwater  - Groundwater is not constant in its chemical and physical characteristics. Seasonal changes in taste, odor and appearence are common. This document describes the natural compositional variations that may occur in groundwater and discusses possible causes.

GWUDI Flow Chart - Illustrates the procedures to follow once a source is identified as being potentially GWUDI.

GWUDI Flow Chart Explanation - A text version of the flowchart that explains each step in the GWUDI process.

Protocol for the Evaluation of Hydraulic Connection  - A detailed explanation of the procedures a water system operator needs to follow when conducting a water quality assessment for the GWUDI program. Specific requirements of what constitutes a hydrogeologic assessment is also included.

Water Quality Assessment Data Sheet - Download the data sheet to record ground- and surface water parameters for the water quality assessment for GWUDI.

Using Source Water Assessments in Land Use Planning - Communities often find themselves having to make important land use decisions without the benefit of a detailed understanding of their drinking water source or its sensitivity to potential contamination. This document describes how the information compiled through the Source Water Assessment Program can help communities make more informed choices.

Water Well Reports and Hydrology  - A discussion of how information provided on well constructor's drilling logs are typically used by hydrogeologists to better understand groundwater systems. Reprinted with permission of the Water Well Journal. Copyright 2003 by the National Ground Water Association (www.ngwa.org). All rights reserved.

An article on the benefits of a properly sealed well, 1994 Summer Pipeline and "How to Prepare for an Aquifer Test" (excerpt from the 1995 Fall Pipeline)
Page updated: October 02, 2007

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