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  • Alfred-Wegener-Institute
    for Polar and Marine Research

    Hannes Grobe
    Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research
    27515 Bremerhaven, Germany

  • Antarctic Research Facility,
    Florida State University

    Simon Nielsen, Curator
    Sherwood W. Wise, Jr., Co-Principal Investigator
    Antarctic Marine Geology Research Facility
    Florida State University
    Tallahassee, FL 323016-3026
    (850)644-2407 (Simon Nielsen)
    (850)644-6265 (Sherwood Wise)
    (850)644-4442 (fax)

  • Bedford Institute of Oceanography,
    Geological Survey of Canada

    Iris Hardy, Curator emeritus
    Ann Therriault, Collections
    National Marine Geoscience Collection
    Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic (GSC A)
    Bedford Institute of Oceanography
    Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
    B2Y 4A2
    (902)426-6127 (Iris Hardy)
    (613) 947-0228 (Ann Therriault)

  • British Ocean Sediment Core Research Facility,
    Southampton Oceanography Centre,
    United Kingdom

    Guy Rothwell
    National Oceanography Centre
    Empress Dock
    European Way
    Southampton S014 3ZH
    United Kingdom
    44 2380 596567 (Guy Rothwell)

    44 2380 596554 (fax)

  • Byrd Polar Research Center Sediment Core Repository
    Leonid Polyak
    Byrd Polar Research Center Sediment Core Repository
    Ohio State University
    1090 Carmack Rd.
    Columbus, OH 43210
    (614) 292-2602
    (614) 292-4697 (fax)

  • IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institute for Marine Sciences
    Warner Brückmann
    Leibniz-Institute for Marine Sciences
    Logistics & Core Repositories
    Dienstgebäude Ostufer
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel, Germany
    +49 (431) 600-2819
    +49 (431) 600-2916 (fax)

  • Integrated Ocean Drilling Program,
    ODP & DSDP Permanent Archives

    John Firth
    Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
    USIO Science Services, TAMU
    1000 Discovery Drive
    College Station, TX 77845

  • International Marine Global Change Study
    Cores shown as "IMAGES" are archived in various facilities,
    for the exact facility and help contacting that facility,
    please use the IMAGES web site and obtain the help of
    the IMAGES data manager in contacting the facility.

    Stefan Rothe
    Institut fuer Geowissenschaften
    Olshausenstrasse 40, D-24098 Kiel

  • Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,
    Columbia University

    Rusty Lotti Bond
    Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
    Columbia University
    Rte 9W
    Palisades, NY 10964

  • National Lacustrine Core Repository
    Anders Noren
    National Lacustrine Core Repository
    Department of Geology and Geophysics
    University of Minnesota
    500 Pillsbury Drive SE, Room 672
    Minneapolis, MN USA 55455
    (612)626-7750 (fax)

  • National Museum of Natural History
    Ian Macintyre (curator of carbonate sedimentology)
    Department of Paleobiology
    Smithsonian Institution
    P.O. Box 37012, NHB MRC-121
    Washington, D.C. 20013-7012
    (202)786-2832 (fax)

  • Oregon State University, College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences
    Nicklas Pisias, Core Curator
    Bobbi Conard, Asst Curator
    College of Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
    Ocean Admin. Building 104
    Oregon State University
    Corvallis, OR 97331-5503
    (541)737-5213 (Nicklas Pisias)
    (541)737-5224 (Bobbi Conard)

  • Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences,
    University of Miami

    Larry Peterson
    Rosenstiel School of Marine
    & Atmospheric Sciences
    4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
    Miami, FL 33149
    (305)361-4632 (fax)

  • Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
    University of California-San Diego

    Richard Norris, Curator
    James Hawkins, Assoc Curator, Rocks
    Warren Smith, Collections Manager
    Paula Worstell, Staff Associate
    Geological Collections
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    University of California, San Diego
    8603 La Jolla Shores Drive
    La Jolla, CA 92093-0231
    (858)534-2037 (Warren Smith)
    (858)534-2037 (Paula Worstell)
    (858)534-0784 (fax)

  • School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology,
    University of Hawaii

    Jane Schoonmaker
    University of Hawaii at Manoa
    Department of Oceanography
    1000 Pope Road
    Honolulu, HI 96822
    (808)956-9225 (fax)

  • US Geological Survey, Menlo Park
    Cathy Stanton Frazee
    US Geological Survey
    Coastal and Marine Geology
    345 Middlefield Road
    MS 999
    Menlo Park, CA 94025

  • US Geological Survey, Woods Hole
    Brian Buczkowski
    US Geological Survey
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Woods Hole, MZ 02543

  • University of Rhode Island,
    Graduate School of Oceanography

    Steven Carey
    University of Rhode Island
    Graduate School of Oceanography
    Kingston, RI 02881

  • University of Southern California,
    Department of Earth Sciences

    University of Southern California
    Department of Earth Sciences
    Zumberge Hall of Science
    3651 Trousdale Pkwy
    Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740
    (213)740-8801 (fax)

  • University of Texas at Austin,
    Institute for Geophysics

    Patricia Ganey-Curry
    University of Texas at Austin
    Institute for Geophysics
    4412 Spicewood Springs, #600
    Austin, TX 78759-8500
    (512)471-8844 (fax)

  • University of Wisconsin,
    Department of Geology and Geophysics

    Klaus Westphal
    Department of Geology & Geophysics
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    A120A Weeks Hall
    1215 W. Dayton Street
    Madison, WI 53706
    (609)262-0693 (fax)

  • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Jim Broda
    Ellen Roosen
    Bill Curry
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    Department of Geology & Geophysics
    Woods Hole, MA 02543
    (508)289-2466 (James Broda)
    (508)289-2959 (Ellen Roosen)
    (508)289-2591 (Bill Curry)
    (508)457-2183 (fax)