Release Date:  January 28, 2000

NOTICE:  OD-00-018

Department of Health and Human Services

Notice is hereby given that the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has made a 
final finding of scientific misconduct in the following case:

John L. Ho, M.D., Cornell University:  Based on a report dated June 16, 1999, 
by Cornell University (Report), as well as information obtained by ORI during 
its oversight review, ORI found that Dr. John Ho, Associate Professor, 
Department of Medicine and Department of Microbiology at Cornell University 
Medical College, engaged in scientific misconduct by reporting falsified and 
fabricated research results in a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 
(NHLBI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant application.

Specifically, ORI found that Dr. John Ho committed scientific misconduct in 
connection with the data contained in Figure 10 of the Application that 
purportedly demonstrated cytokine production heterogeneity.  Dr. John Ho 
falsified the text describing Panel 2 of Figure 10 by representing that the 
interferon-? values reflected data from 25 donors when values from only four 
donors had been obtained.  In addition, Dr. John Ho falsified the data entries 
for Panels 1 and 3 of Figure 10 by representing that approximately 19 and 25 
donor samples, respectively, were studied when only three and six genuine 
values were obtained, the remaining symbols reflecting fabricated results.

Dr. John Ho has accepted the ORI finding and has entered into a Voluntary 
Exclusion Agreement with ORI in which he has voluntarily agreed:

(1) to comply with all terms and conditions of the plan for remedial training 
and scientific and administrative oversight imposed by Cornell University.  
Pursuant to the Cornell Plan, Dr. John Ho can return to work at Cornell 
University only after it receives written confirmation from Dr. David Ho that 
Dr. John Ho has successfully completed a program of remedial training of at 
least one (1) year=s duration at the Aaron Diamond Foundation.  Under the 
terms of the Cornell Plan, Dr. John Ho will be subject to a two (2) year plan 
of scientific and administrative oversight of his research upon his return to 
Cornell University from the Aaron Diamond Foundation.

(2) that, for a period of three (3) years beginning on December 28, 1999, any 
institution (including but not limited to Cornell University and the Aaron 
Diamond Foundation) that submits an application for U.S. Public Health Service 
(PHS) support for a research project on which Dr. John Ho=s participation is 
proposed or which uses him in any capacity on PHS supported research, or that 
submits a report of PHS-funded research in which he is involved, must 
concurrently submit to PHS and ORI:  a) a plan for supervision of his duties 
during the particular PHS-related project at issue, which must be designed to 
ensure the scientific integrity of his research contribution; and b) a 
certification that the data provided by Dr. John Ho are based on actual 
experiments or are otherwise legitimately derived, and that the data, 
procedures, and methodology are accurately reported in the application or 
research report.

(3) to exclude himself from serving in any advisory capacity to PHS, including 
but not limited to service on any PHS advisory committee, board, and/or peer 
review committee, or as a consultant for a three (3) year period beginning 
December 28, 1999.

Further, in the event that Dr. John Ho obtains a new employer at anytime 
during the three (3) year period beginning on December 28, 1999, Dr. John Ho 
has agreed to:  (1)notify ORI in writing no later than ten (10) business days 
after the commencement of his new employment of the name and address of his 
new employer; (2) provide his new employer with a copy of the Agreement 
(including the Cornell Plan); and (3) ensure that, for so long as the Cornell 
Plan is in effect, his new employer will agree to assume the scientific and 
research oversight responsibilities adopted by Cornell University pursuant to 
paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the Cornell Plan.


For further information contact:

Acting Director
Division of Research Investigations
Office of Research Integrity
5515 Security Lane, Suite 700
Rockville, MD  20852
Telephone:  (301) 443-5330

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