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Analytical Tools and Data Sources

Analytical Tools


Co-Benefits Risk Assessment Tool (COBRA) – The COBRA model is a screening tool used to: (1) approximate the impact of emission changes on ambient air pollution; (2) translate this into health effect impacts; (3) monetize these impacts; and (4) present the results in maps and tables. Availability: Contact Denise Mulholland (mulholland.denise@epa.gov).

Mitigation Impact Screening Tool (MIST) – MIST is an easy-to-use software tool intended to provide qualitative assessments of the likely impacts of heat island mitigation strategies averaged at the city-scale. With MIST, city officials and planners can estimate how changes in surface reflectance and tree cover will affect local air temperatures, ground-level ozone and energy consumption. MIST includes data for over 240 cities.

State Inventory Tool: EPA’s State Inventory Tool assists with the development of a state-level greenhouse gas emission inventory. This interactive spreadsheet software gives users the option of applying their own state-specific numbers or using default data pre-loaded for each state. The default data is gathered by federal agencies and other sources covering fossil fuels, agriculture, forestry, waste management and industry. To date, forty states and Puerto Rico have initiated or completed a greenhouse gas inventory – however, many inventories were completed for one year only and the data are ten or more years old. This makes it difficult for states to incorporate emissions trends in their strategic climate change planning. SIT provides a streamlined way to update an existing inventory or complete a new inventory. The software is accompanied by updated guidance describing best practices. Availability: Contact Andrea Denny (denny.andrea@epa.gov).

Emissions Forecasting Tool: This spreadsheet tool builds on the design of the state inventory tool to help states create forecasts of business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions through 2020. The tool estimates future emissions through a combination of linear extrapolation of State Inventory Tool results and economic, energy, population, and technology forecasts conducted by the federal government. The tool can be customized, allowing states to enter their own assumptions about future growth and consumption patterns. Availability: Currently under development. For a preliminary version of the software contact Andrea Denny (denny.andrea@epa.gov).

NGO Tools

Clean Air-Climate Protection SoftwareExit EPA
The State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators (STAPPA) and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (ALAPCO), in partnership with the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), prepared this tool to help state and local governments develop harmonized strategies to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. This software provides states and local governments with the ability to analyze different air pollution control scenarios and select and implement those that address air pollutants, such as ozone precursors like nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), and particulate matter (PM), in addition to greenhouse gases (GHGs). This software is available free to state and local governments. For more information, download the software brochure (PDF, 2 pp., 110 KB) Exit EPA or e-mail STAPPA/ALAPCO.

Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator: This calculator enables organizations and individuals to quickly and easily translate greenhouse gas reductions from units typically used to report reductions (e.g., metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) into terms that are easier to conceptualize. These include such metrics as gallons of gasoline, barrels of oil, the number of cars not driven for one year or the number of acres of forest preserved from deforestation. The online tool also allows users to work backwards and calculate greenhouse gas emissions from a known quantity of kilowatt-hours or gallons of gasoline, or a given number of cars and trucks not driven for one year.

RETScreen InternationalExit EPA
The RETScreen International Renewable Energy Decision Support Centre, supported by Natural Resources Canada, provides a variety of tools that allow planners, industry, policymakers and stakeholders to better assess the technical and financial viability of incorporating renewable energy technologies (RETs). The tools include renewable energy project analysis software models and manuals, technology case studies and university textbooks. The free software can be used worldwide to examine the energy production, costs and greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of RETs, and includes product, cost and weather databases and an online user’s manual.

Data Sources


State Greenhouse Gas Inventories
EPA has a variety of State and Local Clean Energy Programs that partner with states to develop greenhouse gas inventories and action plans. The Web page above includes inventory summaries for those states that have completed inventories, including 39 states and Puerto Rico. Each inventory identifies the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions and creates a baseline upon which reduction strategies could be based.

Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID)
eGRID is a comprehensive source of data on the environmental characteristics of all domestic electric power generation. It contains data on emissions and resource mix for virtually every power plant and company that generates electricity in the U.S. eGRID integrates 24 different federal data sources on power plants and power companies from three different federal agencies. It also provides many search options, including aspects of individual power plants, generating companies, states and regions of the power grid. The current version, eGRID 2.021, contains U.S. power plant emissions totals for 1996 through 2000 and state-by-state power plant emissions totals for 2000.

U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration

State Energy Profiles
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides a state-by-state breakdown of energy-related data, forecasts and analyses, including consumption and prices for petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity and nuclear power. The Web site also provides state-level information on renewable energy resource potential and production.

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