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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1195

Surficial sediment character of the Louisiana offshore continental shelf region: A GIS Compilation

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Geologic sedimentary-character data included within this Open-File Report were previously released as part of the USGS Data Series-146, usSEABED: Gulf of Mexico Surficial Sediment Data Release (Buczkowski and others, 2006). That publication was the first release of the Gulf of Mexico coast data from the usSEABED database. That database contains data and information that forms the scientific foundation for the sediment characterization found within that publication. Below you will find a description of the categories, themes and units held within the dataset.

usSEABED information is categorized into 12 data themes. A list of data themes is given in Table A. The thematic basis of the values found in the outputs can be found in field 11 ("DataType")(Table B) of the extracted (_EXT), parsed (_PRS), and calculated (_CLC) output files. Information on contribution of each source report is in the accompanying metadata files.

Table A. Key to data themes in usSEABED output files
Acronym Meaning
ACU Acoustic properties
BIO Biota
CMP Sediment composition analyses
COL Color
GRZ Grain size analysis results
GTC Geotechnic properties
LTH Lithology
MSL Multisensor core logger
PET Grain petrology
SFT Seafloor type descriptions
TXG Graphical texture statistics
TXR Texture statistics


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Relational keys
The usSEABED data file types are linked relationally by the foreign keys: DataSetKey (for individual data sets), SiteKey (for individual sites), and the SampleKey (for individual analyses). The DataSetKey field gives the relationship of the data to the original source. The tables can be loaded into a relational database (RDB), relationships may be constructed, and the tables may be joined using the keys.

Source data (_SRC)
Information about the original data are in the source (_SRC) file, including links to metadata about the original data. Each of the output data files discussed below is linked to the _SRC file by the DataSetKey field.

Textural and other basic information (_EXT, _PRS, _CLC)
Textural, statistical, geochemical, geophysical, dominant component, and color information are held in three separate, but similar, data files, based on the type of data: _EXT, _PRS, _CLC. The three data file types have the same fields (Table B) and can be combined for more extensive coverage of the seafloor. It is important for users to understand the inherent limitations of each type of file in order to choose the best data file, or combination of data files appropriate for a particular use.

Extracted data (_EXT)
The data file with the _EXT tag is the extracted data: those data from strictly performed, lab-based, numeric analyses. Most data in this file are listed as reported by the source data report; only minor unit changes are performed or assumptions made about the thickness of the sediment analyzed based on the sampler type. Typical data themes include textural classes and statistics (TXR: gravel, sand, silt, clay, mud, and various statistics), phi grain-size classes (GRZ), chemical composition (CMP), acoustic measurements (ACU), color (COL), and geotechnical parameters (GTC). The _EXT file is based on rigorous lab-determined values and forms the most reliable data sets. Limitations, however, exist due to the uncertainty of the sample tested. For example, were the analyses performed on whole samples or only on the matrix, possibly with larger particles ignored?

Parsed data (_PRS)
Numeric data obtained from verbal logs from core descriptions, shipboard notes, and (or) photographic descriptions are held in the parsed data set (_PRS). The input data are maintained using the terms employed by the original researchers and are coded using phonetically sensible terms for easier processing by dbSEABED. Longer descriptions may have the data divided by theme (Table A). The descriptions often include information on associated biota, sea floor features, and structure. Typical data themes for the parsed data set are lithologic descriptions (LTH), biology (BIO), color (COL), and (or) sea floor type (SFT, descriptions from photos or videos). The values in the parsed data file are calculated using the dbSEABED parser that assigns field values based on the form and content of a description. See the original DS-146 publication (Buczkowski and others, 2006) for additional information on the processing and fuzzy set theory.

The parsing process has been tested and calibrated by comparing the outputs against analytical results for the same samples. Due to the nature of visual descriptions by observers and the use of fuzzy set theory in the parser, the output data show the degree of representation in the sample, or percent abundance values. An assumption in the process is that the output degrees of representation reflect absolute abundances to some degree of accuracy. The calibrations provide information on that accuracy. Although at first sight the descriptive results in the parsed file may seem less accurate than measured values in the extracted file, they are frequently more representative of the sample and seabed as a whole, as they include description of objects such as shells, stones, algae, and other objects (Table C) that are a textural component of the seabed and which are often left out of laboratory analyses, particularly when a machine analysis is employed.

Calculated data (_CLC)
For the extracted and parsed data, some values are not reported by the original source, but can be calculated directly or estimated by standard derivative equations using assumptions about the conditions or variables. These values are reported in the calculated ( _CLC) data files. Although the calculated ( _CLC) data can be combined with the extracted and the parsed (Table B), they are the least reliable of the three data file types and should be used with caution.

Component/feature and facies data (_CMP, _FAC)
Two usSEABED data files contain information about the presence of certain sea floor features, compositional content, biota, and sediment structure. These use major synonyms defined by the thesaurus in the dbSEABED parsing software, which clusters comparable descriptive terms together (granite represents granite, aplite, granodiorite, pegmatite, while laminated represents laminated, laminations, or lamina). Individual components and features (terms like feldspar, phosphorite, bivalves, seagrass, and wood) are held in the _CMP data file (Table D). Appropriately combined components are held in the facies (_FAC) data files (Table E). As with the parsed data files, the values held within the _CMP and _FAC files are the results of filters based on fuzzy set membership to chosen sets, and represent a measure of truth about the attribute, not percentages or defined values. These files only indicate presence, not absence, of material; it is rare that a report might state, "no bivalves" or "no phosphorite."

The _CMP file contains information about compositional content (individual minerals, rocks), genesis (terrigenous, carbonate), and certain biota. These components are internally evaluated and the value for each attribute is based solely on the relationships of attributes within the original description. The flora and fauna included in the compositional components are those that may have an effect on textural determinations in the _PRS data file, such as halimeda, bivalves, or foraminifera (Table C). The values within these attribute fields range between 0 (no membership, probably due to no information), to 100 (complete membership, shell hash = 100 to the shell debris set).

The _CMP file also includes information on sea floor features such as bedforms, fissures, internal structure (bedding, bioturbation), and other flora and fauna. Unlike the compositional content information, which is construed as an abundance within the sample, these attributes are an intensity of development or density of occurrence relative to scales of development or density of occurrence observed elsewhere. The flora and fauna included in the feature category are soft-bodied, for example, those that do not have an input on the textural determination within the _PRS data files, such as kelp, ophiuroids, or annelids. Values within the attribute fields range from 0 (no membership, possibly due to no information) up to 100% (maximum development). In contrast to the situation with component abundances, the sum of feature intensities in a sample is allowed to exceed 100%.

The 100 most common components in the U.S. EEZ are given in the _CMP file, and those attributes with "_F" denote features. Table D lists the components and gives basic forms of descriptive terms that may trigger membership for each. Included in this file are 27 components that are included in the facies (_FAC) file only.

The second file, the facies file (_FAC), is created from components only, similar to the _CMP file. This file configures multiple components into appropriate groups or facies, such as igneous, metamorphic, ooze, foraminifera, and others. The dbSEABED processing software is restricted to a maximum of six components per facies. Table E lists the facies type and the components that comprise each facies group.

Again, these files only indicate presence, not absence, of material; it is rare that a report might state, "no bivalves" or "no phosphorite". The values within this attribute field range between 0 (no membership, probably due to no information), to 100 (complete membership, for example, schist = 100 to the metamorphic set).

Relationship between the _PRS and _CMP outputs
The dbSEABED processing software recognizes that many skeletonized biota, such as halimeda, rhodoliths, shells (broken and unbroken), and others often comprise a sediment sample. Such biological terms are included in the parsing of the textural values. To see the selected biota with textural implications, see Table C . When using the parsed data, it may be important to cross-check with the component file using the relational foreign keys (SiteKey, SampleKey) to determine if biota are to be included in the textural outputs.

Within the _PRS file, the "seabed class" and "class membership" fields indicate the dominant compositional class and the fuzzy set membership of a sample to that class. Other components and mined information may also be listed for that sample in the _CMP file, linked by the relational keys.

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Table B. Field parameters, format, units, range, meaning, and comments for _EXT, _PRS, _CLC data files
Field Name Parameter Data Format Units, Range, Meaning Comment
Latitude Latitude Decimal 00.00000 Decimal degrees, 90° to -90° range WGS 84 Spheroid.
Longitude Longitude Decimal 000.00000 Decimal degrees, -180° to 180° range WGS 84 Spheroid.
WaterDepth Water depth Integer 00000 Meters Not always corrected for tides.
SampleTop Sample top Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface Sample top as noted in source report.
SampleBase Sample base Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface Sample bottom as noted in source report.
SiteName Site name Character XXX: XXX Survey or laboratory code for the sampling site Not unique; site name as given in report; sometimes linked to cruise name or other information to decrease site name overlap.
DataSetKey Dataset number key Integer 000 For audit only Relational key to _SRC file; _SRC file contains links to source metadata.
SiteKey Site number key Integer 0000000 For audit only Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; core data may have more than one sample per site.
SampleKey Sample number key Integer 0000000 For audit only Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; Multiple samples may be at each site (i.e., in core).
Sampler Sampler type Character Xxxxxxxx.... Type of sampling device As given in source report; recovery (rcvy) or penetration (‘pen') length appended if given in source report. For more complete information on sampler, see source metadata.
DataType Data types Character XXX: XXX For audit principally Source data types (Table A).
Gravel Gravel Integer 000 Gravel grain size fraction, % Textural class.
Sand Sand Integer 000 Sand grain size fraction, % Textural class.
Mud Mud Integer 000 Mud grain size fraction, % Textural class.
Clay Clay Integer 000 Clay grain size fraction, % Textural class; output for '_EXT' only, as clay value can be determined only by analysis.
grain size grain size Decimal 00.00 Phi characteristic grain size Consensus of mean and median grain sizes.
Sorting Sorting Decimal 0.00 Phi grain size dispersion Standard deviation, sorting only.
SeafloorClass Seafloor class Character Xxxxx... That class (or ' facies ' ) with the maximum fuzzy membership, if above 30% Output for '_PRS' table only.
ClassMbrshp Class membership Decimal 000 Fuzzy membership (%) of the class (or 'facies'), noted above Output for '_PRS' table only.
Folk classification; Shepard classification Folk classification; Shepard classification Character xx.XX...    
RockMbrshp Rock index Integer 000 Fuzzy membership (%) Membership of sample to ‘rock fuzzy set'; reported only in _PRS data.
WeedMbrshp Weed index Integer 000 Fuzzy membership (%) Membership of sample to 'weed fuzzy set'; reported only in _PRS data.
Carbonate Carbonate Integer 000 %; may be Fuzzy membership (_PRS).  
MunsellCode Munsell color code Character XXXXX Standard alphanumeric coding of color partitioned into Hue, Value, and Chroma Ex: '5YR 6/4', See Rock-Color Chart (Geological Society of America, 1991).
OrganicCarbon Organic carbon Integer 000 % Minimum value from descriptions (PRS tables) is 0.1%.
ShearStrength Log shear strength Decimal 00.0 kiloPascals, undrained, unconfined From a variety of instrumentation.
Porosity Porosity Decimal 00.00 %  
P-waveVelocity P-wave velocity Decimal 00.0 m/sec Usually not corrected for P/T effects.
Bottom roughness Roughness Decimal 0000.00 Coded to express the height and length of the bottom feature with greatest aspect ratio In a coding that expresses the height and length of the bottom feature with greatest aspect ratio; a coded output representing the V:H of the roughness element with greatest aspect ratio, values expressed as (rounded) integer log2.
Critical shear stress Log critical shear stress Decimal 0000.00 Log10 of Tau in kPa, Log 10 of Tau in kPa, being the shear stress required to initiate easily observable erosion and transport, whether by traction or suspension; taken from a compilation of published relationships ranging from large boulder to muds, through a range of grain shapes (eg. shell).
Sample phase Where in sample the data are from Character Xxxxx.... Where sample is from Records whether the results are for the whole, bulk sediment, or just to some special part like: inside a nodule, burrow-infill, the sand fraction, porewater (chemistry), a layer in the core, a gradient observed in the core, badly preserved, a layer that is not properly located, or sample with questionable location; also may report a type of analysis or observation if that is special or potentially unrepresentative (for example, XRD, smear slide). Output is as a word-based description that may involve numerics. This field will need to be selected against when GIS mappings of the bulk sedient characters are being mapped. Only blank entries should be included in such a mapping.

Table C. Most frequently occurring biological components that may have textural implications (U.S. waters only)
barnacles coralline algae fish debris_F pteropods serpulids
bivalves corals forams radiolaria shells
brachiopods crabs halimeda razor clams sponges_F
bryozoa crustaceans molluscs reefs worm tubes_F
calcareous algae diatoms nannofossils scaphopods  
clypeasts echinoids      

Table D. Components (features*) processed within usSEABED
Only the descriptive terms found in source reports are defined in the dbSEABED thesaurus. Conversely, as usSEABED uses the same thesaurus as its sister data compilations (auSEABED, goSEABED), some terms listed below may not occur within U.S. waters. Only one of possible variations are listed below, for example, laminated (laminae, lamination); mollusc (mollusk, mollusca), etc.
Major synonym Triggering words (word variations not included)
andest andesite, augite andesite, benmoreite, trachyandesite
anmne_F anemone, tube anemone, cerinth, cerianthid, coryanactid
annld_F annelid, arenicola, beachworm, bloodworm, bristleworm, funnelworm, nereid worm, polychaete, polynoid
aren_frm arenaceous foraminfera, agglutinated foramifera, ammobaculite, ammodiscus, textularid foraminfera
artif_F artificial, soot, anchor, brass, cinder, coal, contaminated, lumber, obstruction, petroleum, oil-gas, rubber band, snag, tar, wood chip, wreck
asterd_F asteroid, basket star, briseaster, sea star, starfish
barit barite (-concretion -vein)
baslt basalt, diorite, metabasalt, scoria, trap rock, trachybasalt
bioturb bioturbation
bitumn bitumin
biv bivalve, arctica, astarte, cardium, chama, chione, chlmys, clam (-shell -flat material -hash -valves), cockle (-anadara -shell), donax, glycymeris, katalysia, lamellibranch, macoma, mercenaria, mulinia, mussel (-bed -bank -shell), mya, mytilus, nucula, pelecypod, quahog, rangia, seep mytilid, slipper shells, surf clam, tellina, tellinid, venerid, venus clams, vesicomyid, yoldia
bluschst blue schist, crossite-albite schist, crossite-quartz schist, glaucophane, quartz crossite schist, quartz glaucophane schist
bnth_frm benthic foraminfera, archaias, bolivina, bulimina, coralline forams, discorbis, eponides, homotrema, hyaline, lenticulina, loxostema, miliolid, nodosirid, nonien, notosirid, peneroplis, porcellanous, rotaiid, uvigerina
borng_F boring, bioeroded
brach brachiopod, lingula
brncl barnacle
bryz bryozoa, polyzoa
burw_F burrow, chondrite, clam siphon, crab hole, lebensspurren, Thalassinoides
c_alg calcareous algae, purple algae, red algae
calc_ooz calcareous ooze, nannofossil -mud -ooze, pteropod -mud -ooze, foraminiferal -marl -ooze -mud, globigerina -mud -ooze
calcrst calcareous crust, tufa
calct calcite (-cement -core -filling -veinlets)
carb allogenic grain, authigenic carbonate, biogenic, calcareous, calcilutite, calcarenite, calcirudite, calcareous biogenic, carbonate, limey, marl, skeletal micrite
chrcoal_F charcoal, fire debris
chrt chert, flint, porcellanite
claymin clay mineral, bentonite, chlorite, collophane, illite, kaolinite
clypeast clypeasteriod, sand dollar
coal coal, lignite, bituminous
coralgl algal coral, coralgal
crab crab, hermit crab, sand crab, spider crab, swimming crab
crinod_F crinoid, basket star
crl coral, Acropora palmata, brain coral, Dendrophyllia, Madrepore, Manicina, Porite, sea twig
crl_dbr coral debris
crlrf coral reef, coral heads, shingle bank, reefal shoal
crnalg coralline algae, calcareous algae, lithothamnion
crustac crustacea, decapods, lobster, shrimp shell
defrmn_F deformation, convolute, flame structure, flow structure, load -cast -structure, pull apart
diat diatom, diatomite/diatomaceous
dolmt dolomite, ankerite, molar magnesium carbonate
echnd echinoid, heart urchin, keyhole urchin, sea urchin, spiny urchin
echndrm_F echinoderm
fault_F fault
fces feces, coprolite
ferug ferruginous, iron fragment, iron (-cement -streak -flake -stain), iron stone, laterite, limonite
flasr_bed_F flaser bed
fld feldspar, albite, andesine, anorthorite, K-feldspar, labradorite, orthoclase, plagioclase
frm calcareous foramifera, foraminifera, globigerina bit, planktonic
gas foamy, gas
gbbro gabbro, diabase, diorite, dolerite, meta-dolerite, monzodiorite, monzonite, quartz diorite
glacl glacial, diamicton, erratic, moraine, till
glauc glauconite, greensand
gniss gneiss, diorite gneiss, granite gneiss
gradd_F coarsening upward, fining upward, increasing grain size, normally graded, reverse graded
granit granite, aplite, granodiorite, pegmatite
grnschst greenschist
gstrpd gastropod, cerithium, conch, turitella, snail, nassarius, olivella, tenebrae, turitella
h2s hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide -odor -smell, sulfur odor
halmda halimeda, Peyssonnelia
holoth holothurian, sea cucumber
hvy_min heavy mineral, anatase, andalusite, apatite, black sand, brookite, cassiterite, clinozoisite, corundum, dumortierite, epidote, garnet, ilmenite, jadeite, kyanite, leucoxene, magnetite, monazite, ore mineral, piedmontite, rutile, sillimanite, sphene, spinel, staurolite, titanomagnetite, titanite, tourmaline, topaz, zircon, zoisite
hydrt hydrate, gas hydrate
ign_rck igneous rock, acidic rock, alkali basinite, augite plagioclase porphyry, augite porphyry, basic rock, dacite, felsite, olivine plagioclase clinopyroxene, olivine plagioclase phyric, plagioclase andesite porphyry, plagioclase augite porphyry, plagioclase porphyry, plutonic rock, porphyry, rhyolite, syenite, trachyte
klp_F kelp, brown algae, ecklonia, M. vertebralis, red brown algae
lamintd_F laminated
lenticlr_bed lenticular bed, lenticular mass
limstn limestone, beach rock, bioclastic -floatstone -grainstone -limestone -rudstone, boundstone, bryozoan -floatstone -grainstone -rudstone, calcareous -chip -rubble -rock, coral limestone, floatstone, grainstone, packstone, rudstone, wackestone
lmp_F lump, aggregate, ball, cast, clump, compact clot, intraclast, pellet, pisolitic, peloid
lrg_frm large foram, foraminferal gravel, amphistegina, heterostegina, macro foraminifera, marginopora
maf mafic, actinolite, aegirite, amphibole, augite, (brown- green- basaltic-) hornblende, bronzite, clinopyroxene, ferromagnesian, hypersthene, olivine, orthopyroxene, oxyhornblende, pyroxene, titanaugite, titaniferous, tremolite
met metamorphic, calcsilicate, granitized, mylonite, porphyroblast, saussurite
methne methane
metlif metalliferous
mica mica, biotite, chlorite, muscovite, sericite, talc
mlsc mollusc
mn_crst manganese crust, manganese iron oxide crust, manganese nodule, manganese pavement, manganese phosphate material
mn_nod manganese nodule, iron manganese nodule, manganese concretion, micronodule
mnoxd manganese oxide, iron-manganese (-coat -stain -veneer), iron-manganese oxide
motl_F mottle, chickwire mottle
mudlmp_F mud lump, armored mud ball, silty lump, clay (-aggregate -ball -chip -clast -gall -lump -mass -pod), mud (-aggregate -ball -chunk -clump -clot -clast -lump -pebble -pellet, claystone -chip -gall), sandstone fragment, soft pebble, shale (-fragment -concretion)
mudstn mudstone, calcareous (-mudstone- siltstone), clay (-rock -shale -stone), marlstone, mud (-rock -stone), pelite, shale, siliceous shale, siltstone
nan nannofossil coccolith, nannofossil (-coccolith -ooze), silicoflagellate
nod_F nodule, concretion
odr odor, anoxic, fetid, foul, fishy, organic, sewage, smell
oil oil, oil glob, oil sheen
ool oolite, sporbo
ooz ooze
ophiurd_F ophiuroid, brittle star, ophiomusium
orgcbn organic carbon, carbonaceous, organic (-streak -detritus -matter -mud -content -enriched -material -part -paricle -rich -rimmed), sapropel
oyst oyster, jingle shell
peat peat, lignite
pelag pelagic, hemipelagic, planktic, planktonic
phspht phosphate, phosphorite
pit_F pit, crater, feeding depression, hole, pockmark, mound, resting trace
planr_bed_F planar bed
plnk_frm planktonic foramifera, globerina, globorotalid, planktic foraminfera
plnt_F plant, mangrove, root, vegetation, weed, root
ptr pteropod
pumc pumice, ash
pyrt pyrite, marcasite
qtz quartz, arkosic sand, calcareous quartz sand, milky vein quartz, quartz (-content -fragment -grain -granule -groundmass -mass -rich -vein -veinlet -crystal), quartzose, quartzite (-cobble -gravel -pebble), sandstone (-chunk -fragment), silica
rad radiolaria
ripl ripple, bedform
rlct_F relict
root_struct root structure, root clast, root trace
rzr_clm razor clam, ensis, pinna, pteria, pelecypod
schst schist, -albite -chlorite -epidote, -albite -chlorite, -albite -mica, -albite -quartz -chlorite, -biotite -quartz, -chlorite -albite, -chlorite -quartz -albite, -chlorite, -phyllitic, -quartz -albite, -quartz -albite -chlorite, -quartz -biotite, -quartz -chlorite
scllp scallop, astropecten, pecten, placopecten
scour scour, crag and tail, erosional, lag deposit
scphpd scaphopod, dentalium
seagrs_F seagrass, acetabularia, amphibolis, batophora, eel grass, grass, halophila, heterozostera, phyllospadix, posidonia, sargassum, strap grass, syringodium, manatee grass, thallassia, zostera
sft_alg_F soft algae, algal (-scum -filament -mush -strand), Bossea, green algae, macrophytic, red algae
sftcrl_F soft coral, alcynacian, ascidian, coelentrate, gorgonian, hydrozoa
shl shell, shell (-bed -bank -carpet -fraction -content -material), shellfish, valves
shl_dbr shell debris, shell hash, coquina, shell (-bit -conglomerate -fragments -festoon -grit -lag -mash -material -piece -particle)
shrmp_F shrimp, amphipod, ampelisca, copepod, isopod, tanid
sidrt siderite, siderite nodule
sil_ooz siliceous ooze, siliceous mud
slte slate, phyllite, quartzite, metamorphic rock
sndstn sandstone, gritstone, graywacke, labile sandstone, sandstone reef, wacke
sol_crl solitary coral, cup coral, disc coral, horn coral, lophelia coral
spng_F sponge, calcareous sponge, glass sponge, hard sponge, hexactinellid sponge, porifera, Thalassodendron sponge
spoil_F spoil, brick, coke, dumped sediment
srpul serpulid, serpulid tube, serpulid worm tube
sulf sulfide, chalcopyrite
trail_F trail, trace (animal), track
trrg terrigenous, lithic, inorganic
umafic ultramafic, amphibolite, anorthosite, dunite, greenstone, harzburgite, lherzolite, norite, orthopyroxenite, periodotite, picrite, pyroxenite, serpentinite, troctolite, wehrlite
vol_rck volcanic rock, volcanic (-cobble -pebble)
volgls volcanic glass, obsidian, hyaloclastite, pyroclastic, quenched, vitric, subvitreous
volrck volcanic rock, welded tuff
volsed volcanic sediment, ash, tuff, lapilli
wood wood, bark, twig
wrm_F worm, chordate, echiurid, fan -flat (-glob -juicy -long -sand -tube worm), maldanid, pogonophora, priapulida, sliverfish, siphunculid, tunicate
wrm_tbe_F worm tube, agglutinated worm tube, amphipod tube, annelid worm tube, arenicola, chitinous worm tube, diopatra worm tube, polychaete worm tube, pogonophoran tube worm, vestimentiform tube worm
wavy_bed_F wavy bed

Table E. Facies and their component makeup

Facies values are determined by a combination of components and their mined values from word-based descriptions. Numeric textural, geochemical, and geophysical information held in _PRS data files. Values represent memberships to fuzzy sets, given as percents. A minimum of 30% component presence is required to trip a given facies, and a component may trip more than one facies. See _FAC files for actual data, and table C for component information. Facies notes presence only, not absence.

Field name Parameter Data format, units Information/triggering components
Latitude* Latitude Decimal 00.00000 Decimal degrees, 90° to -90° range
Longitude* Longitude Decimal 000.00000 Decimal degrees, -180° to 180° range
WaterDepth* Water depth Integer 00000 Meters
SampleTop* Sample top Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface
SampleBase* Sample base Decimal 000.00 Meters below seabed surface
SiteName* Site name Character XXX: XXX Survey or laboratory code for the sampling site
DataSetKey* Dataset number key Integer 000 Relational key to _SRC file; _SRC file contains links to source metadata
SiteKey* Site number key Integer 0000000 Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; core data may have more than one sample per site.
SampleKey* Sample number key Integer 0000000 Relational key to other data files. Each site counted sequentially as total output; Multiple samples may be at each site (i.e., in core).
Terrigenous Terrigenous (%) Fld, hvy_min, maf, mica, qtz, trrg
Carbonate Carbonate (%) Calcrst, calct, carb, dolmt, limstn, sidrt
Igneous Igneous (%) Andest, baslt, gbbro, granit, ign_rck, umafic
Volcanic Volcanic (%) Baslt, pumc, vol_rck, volgls, volrck, volsed
Metamorphic Metamorphic (%) Bluschst, gniss, grnschst, met, schst, slte
Mineralized Mineralized (%) Barit, metlif, phspht, pyrt, sulf
AuthFeMn Authigenic Fe Mn (%) Mn_crust, mn_nod, mnoxd, ferug
Ooze Ooze (%) Ooz, calc_ooz, sil_ooz
Carbon Carbon (%) Coal, bitumn, orgcbn, peat
GeochemSignal Geochemical signal (%) Gas, h2s, hydrt, methne, odr, oil
Forams Forams (%) Aren_frm, bnth_frm, frm, lrg_frm, plnk_frm
OtherCalcPelag Other calcareous pelagics (%) Nan, ptr, calc_ooz
SilcPelag Siliceous pelagics (%) Diat, rad, sil_ooz
Shell Shell (%) Shl, shl_dbr
Coral Coral (%) Crl, crl_dbr, crlrf, sol_crl
HardPlant Hard plants (%) C_alg, coralgl, crnalg, halmda

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 12-Apr-2007 10:13:14 EDT