Gary was the co-Founder of DreamCatchers. He was a
man who loved life and the people in it. Described as a
'voice for the voiceless', Gary was a man of many
accomplishments. Learn more about Gary.
DreamCatchers Incorporated is a non-profit, charitable organization founded by the officers of Kitaru Productions to promote cross cultural communications emphasizing environmental respect, social justice and civic engagement. The organization's work is rooted in the belief that within the spiritual traditions of the ancient cultures of the Americas, lie values not only viable in today's world, but absolutely vital to the regeneration of Earth's life cycle. In cooperation with other culturally based organizations, DreamCatchers fosters the creation of documentaries, feature films, educational events, school curricula and other media based pieces which inspire, motivate and teach values of respect for nature and people by disseminating information about issues such as health care, the environment, immigration, civil rights and other topics to promote civic engagement.
As we learn, we evolve and expand. DreamCatchers has learned much over the years and we have decided to expand our core mission to make a bigger impact on progressive issues. In order to accomplish this we have partnered with Brave New Foundation. BNF excels at using media to champion social justice issues and promote civic engagement. Together we intend to make a difference.
Educational support to organizations which assist Native American people in educational endeavors including: THE OTUNHAN FUND, based at The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Otunhan assists students who have received scholarships for college tuition, but lack funds for special expenses like clothes, tools and conference fees. Learn more.