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World Horticultural Trade
and U.S. Export Opportunities
Table of Contents
Statistical tables in this circular can be viewed in Lotus 123 (.WK4) or Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. Click here to download the Adobe Acrobat Viewer.


On The Cover
Staff Contacts
Export Summary
Export News      
Export Credit Guarantee Program: USDA Amends Credit Guarantees to South Korea
Supplier Credit Guarantee Program: USDA Amends Credit Guarantees to
Andean Region
World Trade Situation and Policy Updates      


Yemen Market to Open to U.S. Apples
New Zealand to Permit Imports to Hawaiian Papaya
Venezuela Resumes Issuing Phytosanitary Import Permits for U.S. Fruit
Mexico Triggers NAFTA Safeguard on U.S. Apples
Philippines Opens Market to Florida Citrus
U.S. Mint Oil Prices Remain Depressed Due to Oversupply
Vietnam Hikes Duties on a Range of Horticultural Products
Italy and Greece to Lift Restrictions on Citrus Imports
Organic Updates      
Update on Codex Guidelines for Organic Foods
Organics in Hungary
Canada Announces National Organic Standard
Trends from Australia
Featured Articles      
  Orange Juice Outlook for Selected Countries      
  World Fresh Citrus Situation      
  U.S. Horticultural Product and Market Export Summaries     .PDF
  U.S. Horticultural Export Summary .TXT or .PDF
  U.S. Horticultural Import Summary .TXT or .PDF
FY 1999 GSM-102 Credit Guarantee Coverage
FY 1999 Supplier Credit Coverage
Orange Juice: Supply & Utilization
Brazil: Supply and Distribution of Oranges and FCOJ
U.S. Exports of Orange Juice
U.S. Imports of Orange Juice
or .PDF
Fresh Citrus: Supply & Utilization, Selected Countries
U.S. Exports of Fresh Oranges and Temples
U.S. Exports of Fresh Grapefruit
U.S. Exports of Fresh Lemons
Production of Processing Tomatoes in Selected Countries
Canned Tomatoes: Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries
Tomato Paste: Production, Supply, and Distribution in Selected Countries
U.S. Exports of Canned Tomatoes, Paste, Ketchup, and Tomato Sauce
U.S. Imports of Canned Tomatoes
U.S. Imports of Tomato Sauce
U.S. Imports of Tomato Paste and Puree
U.S. Imports of Ketchup


  U.S. Exports of Horticultural Products by Country of Destination .TXT or .PDF
  U.S. Imports of Horticultural Products by Country of Origin .TXT or .PDF
All measures not otherwise noted are metric. One kilogram (kg.)=2.2046 pounds, 1 metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds, 1 liter = 0.2642 gallon, 1 hectoliter (hl.) = 26.42 gallons, and 1 hectare (ha.) = 2.471 acres.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 08, 2001