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United States Department of Agriculture
Foreign Agricultural Service
Circular Series
FHORT 10-01
October 2001
World Horticultural
Trade and U.S. Export
Table of Contents
Get Acrobat buttonStatistical tables in this circular can be viewed in Lotus 123 (.WK4) or Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format. Click here to download the Adobe Acrobat Viewer. Download the entire October 2001 Circular in .PDF.

On The Cover     .PDF
Staff Contacts     .PDF
World Trade Situation and Trade Policy Updates      .PDF
  The Mexican Government Expropriates 27 Sugar Mills      
  Canada Bans "Eat Fruits and Vegetables - 5 a Day - For Better Health" Logo and "U.S. Nutrition Facts" Box on Pre-packaged Fresh Fruits and Vegetables      
  First Food for Progress Shipment of Dehydrated Potatoes Approved for Tajikistan      


  Top United States Horticultural Product Exports By Value .WK4 or .PDF
  Top United States Horticultural Product Exports By Volume .WK4 or .PDF
  Top United States Horticultural Product Imports By Value .WK4 or .PDF
  Top United States Horticultural Product Imports By Volume .WK4 or .PDF
  Selected Horticultural Crop Prices Received by U.S. Growers .WK4 or .PDF

Export Summary

July 2001

U.S. exports of horticultural products to all countries in July 2001 totaled $894 million, a modest 1 percent increase from the same month a year earlier. Categories with increases in July were processed vegetables (up 1 percent to $138 million), tree nuts (up 15 percent to $76 million), wines and beers (up 25 percent to $72 million), and essential oils (up 2 percent to $53 million). Categories with declines included fresh fruits (down 1 percent to $205 million), fruit and vegetable juices (down 6 percent to $64 million), and processed fruit (down 7 percent from July 2000 to $49 million).

July exports to Canada, the largest market, were down slightly from July 2000 to $286 million. Exports to the European Union (EU) were up 6 percent to $164 million, while shipments to Japan were down 14 percent to $116 million. Exports to Mexico were practically unchanged from July 2000 at $78 million. Exports to Malaysia showed the most dramatic jump for July 2001, up 124 percent from July 2000, to $11 million. Exports in July 2001 to Hong Kong, China, Philippines, and Singapore rose to $32 million (up 34 percent), $10 million (up 13 percent), $10 million (up 23 percent), and $9 million (up 26 percent) respectively, from July 2000.

Exports for the October-July 2000/01 period are up 7 percent from the same period in 1999/2000 to $9.3 billion. Shipments of essential oils continue to show the most growth (up 21 percent to $576 million) for the October-July 2000/01 period. Tree nut exports are up 20 percent to $961 million, fresh fruit exports are up 10 percent to $1.8 billion, and fresh vegetable exports are up 6 percent to $1.1 billion. The fastest growing markets for FY 2001 to date are: China, up 84 percent; Malaysia, up 70 percent; the Philippines, up 17 percent; and Brazil, up 16 percent. On the other hand, exports to Japan are down 3 percent for the October-July 2000/01.
New U.S. Trade Internet System
Prompts Elimination of Statistical Tables and Charts on U.S. Horticultural Product Trade, Effective with the October 2001 Issue of "World Horticultural Trade and Export Opportunities."

The public now has unlimited access to the most up-to-date data on U.S. exports and imports of agricultural, fishery, and forestry products, to the 10-digit Harmonized System (HS) classification code level. The U.S. Trade Internet System allows users the flexibility to customize their data searches and save their criteria for repeated use. Users can obtain value or volume data for selected HS codes or commodity groupings to track trends going back to 1989.

To view the site go to 

For more information on the U.S. Trade Internet System, e-mail 

Given the availability of these statistics on the internet, the Horticultural and Tropical Products Division intends to stop publishing statistical tables and charts on U.S. horticultural product trade, beginning with the October 2001 issue. The following tables and charts will be discontinued: U.S. Horticultural Product and Market Export Summaries; U.S. Exports of Selected Horticultural Products Summary and By Country of Destination; U.S. Imports of Selected Horticultural Products Summary and By Country of Origin. For questions or comments on this decision, please contact Nancy Hirschhorn (202)720-2974.

To access FAS Attache Reports on line, please go to the following Internet address:


Search through the country and market reports prepared by FAS attaches covering over 20 horticultural and tropical product commodities and nearly 130 countries.

All measures not otherwise noted are metric. One kilogram (kg.) = 2.2046 pounds, 1 metric ton = 2,204.62 pounds, 1 liter = 0.2642 gallon, 1 hectoliter (hl.) = 26.42 gallons, and 1 hectare (ha.) = 2.471 acres.

Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004