United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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Foreign Policy and Trade
As the world’s sole super-power, America embraces the challenges and opportunities of the global stage in the 21st Century. My seat on the Select Committee on Intelligence provides me with an insider’s view of foreign policy, and I take seriously my responsibility to oversee American intelligence activities and ensure the security and vital interests of our great nation.

Moreover, as a senior member of the Senate Finance Committee, I contribute to U.S. trade policy, which boosts our ability to open additional markets for American businesses worldwide. Working with our current and future trading partners, we are cultivating an atmosphere of open markets and free competition that will promote economic growth and stability throughout the world.

Related Press Releases
06/06/2008 Hatch, Feinstein Resolution Honoring Feng Shan Ho Adopted
06/05/2008 Hatch and GOP Colleagues Scold Democrats for Partisan Report on Iraq Prewar Intelligence
04/23/2008 Hatch Rallies With Senate to Celebrate 60th Anniversary of Israel
03/14/2008 Hatch: Winning War on Terror Requires U.S. Economic Support in Pakistan and Afghanistan
03/04/2008 Counterfeiting And Piracy Aren’t Just About Downloaded Music, Pirated Software, or Fake Designer Hand Bags
08/02/2007 Floor Speech: Thanking Project Compassion
07/30/2007 Hatch Supports Resolution to Save Darfur
07/18/2007 Hatch: Retreat In Iraq Is Not A Policy
01/18/2007 Hatch: Korea Could Soon Reopen Its Borders to U.S. Beef Imports

Other Important Issues
 Be Prepared for the Transition to Digital TV!
 Budget and Appropriations
 Defense and Veterans
 Economy and Taxes
 Environment and Agriculture
 Focus on Utah
 Homeland Security
 Immigration and Border Security
 Intellectual Property & Antitrust
 Judicial Nominations
 Labor and Transportation
 Nuclear Issues
 Senior Citizens and Social Security