United States Senator
Orrin G. Hatch
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The Current Issues

Adhering strictly to the Constitution and the system of government our Founders outlined is the best guarantee of the freedoms we cherish as Americans. We need legislators, judges, and citizens who understand the view of the Constitution envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

I believe strongly in the freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights, and that it is the duty of every American to uphold those freedoms. But I also believe that these rights are sometimes misinterpreted by over-reaching judges. We should not take freedom of speech so far as to mean that pornographers may target our children. And we should not turn freedom of religion on its head, reasoning that all references to God must be removed from public life.

Our Constitution is an inspired document that has preserved the unity of our nation, protected the rights of its citizens, and made America a beacon of freedom and prosperity for the world. I consider my pledge to defend the Constitution, and all that it stands for, to be among my most sacred duties.

Related Press Releases
06/26/2008 Hatch Hails Supreme Court Ruling to Strike Down D.C. Handgun Ban
06/17/2008 Hatch Comments on Judicially Imposed Same-Sex Marriage
09/18/2007 Hatch Defends Utah, DC Voting Rights Bill
08/02/2007 Floor Speech: Alexander Hamilton Boyhood Home Act of 2007
07/24/2007 Hatch Joins Civil Rights Advocates in Support of D.C., Utah Voting Rights
06/13/2007 Hatch: Utah Deserves a Fourth Seat
05/23/2007 Hatch: End Taxation Without Representation
05/15/2007 Hatch Testifies on Behalf of Utah, DC House Voting Rights Bill
05/01/2007 Speech: Hatch, Lieberman Introduce DC, Utah House Voting Bill
05/01/2007 Hatch, Lieberman Introduce DC, Utah House Voting Bill in the Senate
04/18/2007 Supreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban
03/15/2007 Floor Speech: Maintain Constitutional Separation of Wartime Powers
09/30/2006 Hatch Protects Tithing Rights
05/04/2006 Hatch Flag Amendment Clears Constitution Subcommittee

Other Important Issues
 Be Prepared for the Transition to Digital TV!
 Budget and Appropriations
 Defense and Veterans
 Economy and Taxes
 Environment and Agriculture
 Focus on Utah
 Foreign Policy and Trade
 Homeland Security
 Immigration and Border Security
 Intellectual Property & Antitrust
 Judicial Nominations
 Labor and Transportation
 Nuclear Issues
 Senior Citizens and Social Security