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Hatch, Kennedy Bill Renews Call for National Service

WASHINGTON – In coming days, Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) will introduce new legislation, the “Serve America Act,” to expand opportunities for service for all Americans. The legislation will ask 175,000 more Americans to give a year of service to address specific national cha...

Hatch, Harkin Measure Fulfilling Promise of Americans With Disabilities Act Passes Senate

Hatch, Baucus Legislation Protects U.S. Intellecual Property, American Jobs

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Be Prepared for the Transition to Digital TV!
  In February 2009, full power TV stations will begin broadcasting only digital signals. This will provide more spectrum for public safety and benefits for broadcast TV viewers, such as better pictures and more channels. But if you have an analog TV th...

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H.R. 2642
Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008
H.R. 3221
Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008
Senator Hatch celebrates Children's Health Insurance Program birthday
Senator Hatch gathers with Utah children to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Children's Health Insurance Program. 

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