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Department of Human Services

Oregon Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund (SDWRLF)   

  • What Kinds of Projects are Eligible?
  • SDWRLF Project List 
  • Technical Assistance: Circuit Riders

    INFORMATION/BACKGROUND: Each federal fiscal year, US EPA makes funds (as grants) available to states for the SDWRLF, a low interest loan program designed to finance drinking water system improvements needed to maintain compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.

    Oregon's grant request process begins by identifying and collecting information about current Oregon drinking water system project improvement needs. To collect that information, the Letter of Interest form was created. All projects identified with a Letter of Interest form will be used to create a list of drinking water system needs. That list of projects and estimated project financing is submitted to the EPA in Oregon's grant request to show how Oregon intends to use its grant allotment for that year. Only projects identified by a Letter of Interest submitted in this way are financed by the SDWRLF.

    WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE A LOAN?: Community and nonprofit non-community water systems are eligible.

    WHAT KIND OF PROJECTS ARE ELIGIBLE?: Projects include planning, designing, or constructing drinking water facilities. Projects also include those needed to maintain compliance with current and future standards, and those that further public health protection goals of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act and Oregon's Drinking Water Quality Act.

    : Projects can include the cost to add or improve security measures to protect drinking water facilities.

    Source Water Protection: Community water systems are eligible for loans up to $100,000 for source water protection measures to carry out elements of a Source Water Protection Management Plan.

    WHAT TO DO?: If you have a drinking water project for which you think you may need financing, download the Program Guidelines and Applicant's Handbook which includes the Project Rating Criteria and the Letter of Interest. Instructions for completing the Letter of Interest are included. Additional help is available by calling the Drinking Water Program (971) 673-0422, or Economic and Community Development Department (503) 986-0123.

    Each project on the list is shown in rank order for funding purposes. A line is drawn at that point on each List where available loan dollars coincides with the cumulative loan amount requested by water systems. New projects are added annually to the List based upon points. To get on the Project Priority List, a water system must submit a Letter of Interest.

    A project submitted on a Letter of Interest is put on the Project Priority List for 2 years. After 2 years, a project is removed from the List unless the water system resubmits an updated Letter of Interest.

    2008 Projects List 

    Each water system above the line, "------------", was advised by Oregon Economic and Community Development Department that it has 1 year to submit a complete loan application to get its loan. Each water system below the line must wait until the line drops to include its project. The line will only move through the list of projects when a water system above the line advises Oregon Economic and Community Development Department it either no longer needs the SDWRLF loan, or a full year passes without submitting a loan application. The funding line will move through a List from time to time, making more water systems on each List eligible to submit a loan application.

    This handbook is the reference manual of policies and procedures for the Health Services's review of environmental impacts created by the construction of drinking water facilities funded wholly or in part by the SDWRLF.

    If you have a question about any Project Priority List, about a funding line on any List, or about how to get a loan from the SDWRLF, please call the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department at (503) 986-0123, or the Drinking Water Program at (971) 673-0422.

    Through the SDWRLF, contracts have been established with drinking water circuit riders to provide on-site technical services free to community water systems serving populations under 10,000. For these communities using surface water or groundwater, the circuit rider is HBH Consulting Engineers, Inc. To contact, please call Robert Henry at (503) 625-8065 or (866) 669-6603, or email rhenry@hbh-consulting.com. For more information about available types of service and assistance, click here.

    More information about the SDWRLF can be found at the "Oregon Economic and Community Development Department" website. OECDD

Page updated: September 19, 2008

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