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Division of Cancer
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4770 Buford Hwy, NE
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NPCR–EDITS Downloads

  • Overview
  • Software Tools
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Downloads
  • Technical Support
  • Hardware and Software Requirements

    EditWriter 3 and GenEDITS Plus are based on Microsoft® Windows® versions Windows 98 and subsequent. The minimum hardware requirements are the same as those of the operating system used. If your computer runs Windows satisfactorily, it should do well with these programs.

    Runtime metafiles produced by EditWriter can be copied for use on Microsoft Windows (NT, XP, 2000), Microsoft DOS, Unix, VAX/VMS, and other platforms. The NPCR–EDITS application program interface (API) may be recompiled for these platforms as well.

    Installation Instructions for GenEDITS Plus

    Download GenEDITS Plus, setup_geplus_1.1.1.exe (1.94 MB, September 16, 2008) to your Windows desktop or another location. Double-click the program's icon to begin the setup program. If someone else is responsible for maintenance of your computer, you may not be able to install software. In this case, consult the maintainer of your computer for assistance. Instructions for using GenEDITS Plus are in the online help within the program. Click the Help button for a description of the functions and controls.

    Installation Instructions for EditWriter 3

    Download EditWriter 3, setup_ew3_3.0.5.1.exe (2.69 MB, January 28, 2008) to your Windows desktop or another location. Double-click the program's icon to begin the setup program. Instructions for using EditWriter 3 are in the help file installed with the program. Press F1 from within EditWriter 3 to open the Help file.

    Installation Instructions for the Edit Engine Dynamic Link Library

    These instructions apply if you have a program that makes calls to the Edit Engine and you want to upgrade to the latest version. Download the compressed file EDITS Edit Engine Dynamic Link Library, (369 KB, January 23, 2008), unzip it, and copy the included DLL file to the folder where your program expects to find it.

    Installation Instructions for the Edit Engine Source Code and API

    This section applies to developers who wish to incorporate NPCR–EDITS into programs that do not already use the Edit Engine. Download the compressed zip file Edit Engine API, (156 KB, January 23, 2008).

    For technical support via e-mail, contact

    Page last reviewed: September 17, 2008
    Page last updated: September 17, 2008
    Content source: Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
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