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Radiation Therapy and You: Support for People With Cancer
In English En español
    Posted: 04/20/2007

About This Book

Questions and Answers About Radiation Therapy

External Beam Radiation Therapy

Internal Radiation Therapy

Your Feelings During Radiation Therapy

Radiation Therapy Side Effects

Radiation Therapy Side Effects At-A-Glance

Radiation Therapy Side Effects and Ways to Manage

Late Radiation Therapy Side Effects

Questions To Ask Your Doctor or Nurse

Lists of Foods and Liquids

Words To Know

Resources for Learning More

For More Information

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Words To Know

3-D conformal radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun): Uses a computer to create a 3-D picture of a cancer tumor. This allows doctors to give the highest possible dose of radiation to the tumor, while sparing the normal tissue as much as possible.

Acupuncture (AK-yoo-PUNK-cher): A technique of inserting thin needles through the skin at specific points on the body to control pain and side effects. It is a type of complementary and alternative medicine.

Alopecia (al-oh-PEE-shuh): Hair loss; when some or all of your hair falls out.

Anemia (a-NEE-mee-a): A problem in which the number of red blood cells is below normal.

Applicator: A large device used to place brachytherapy in the body.

Brachytherapy (BRAKE-ee-THER-a-pee): Treatment in which a solid radioactive substance is implanted inside your body, near or next to the cancer cells.

CT scan: A series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, taken from different angles; the pictures are created by a computer linked to an x-ray machine.

Catheter: A flexible tube used to place brachytherapy in the body.

Course of treatment: All of your radiation therapy sessions.

Cystitis: Inflammation in your urinary tract.

Diet: Foods you eat (does not always refer to a way to lose weight).

Dilator (DYE-lay-tor): A device that gently stretches the tissues of the vagina.

Dry heaves: A problem that occurs when your body tries to vomit even though your stomach is empty.

Erectile dysfunction (e-WRECK-tile dis-FUNK-shun): Not able to have an erection of the penis adequate for sexual intercourse. Also called impotence.

Esophagitis: Inflammation of the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach).

External beam radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun): Treatment in which a radiation source from outside your body aims radiation at your cancer cells.

Fatigue: A feeling of being weary or exhausted.

Follow-up care: Check-up appointments that you have after your course of radiation therapy is over.

Hyperfractionated radiation therapy ((hy-per-FRAK-shuh-NAYT-id ray-dee-AY-shun THAYR-uh-pee): Treatment in which radiation is given in smaller doses twice a day. Imaging tests: Tests that produce pictures of areas inside the body.

Implant: Radioactive material put in your body through a sealed thin wire, catheter, or tube.

Impotence (IM-po-tense): Not able to have an erection of the penis adequate for sexual intercourse. Also called erectile dysfunction.

IMRT (intensity-modulated radiation therapy): A technique that uses a computer to deliver precise radiation doses to a cancer tumor or specific areas within the tumor.

Incontinence(in-KAHN-tih-nens): A problem in which you cannot control the flow of urine from your bladder.

Infertility: Not being able to produce children.

Inflammation: Redness, swelling, pain, and/or a feeling of heat in an area of the body.

Internal radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun): Treatment in which a radioactive substance is put inside your body.

Intraoperative radiation (ray-dee-AY-shun): Radiation treatment aimed directly at cancer during surgery.

Late side effects: Side effects that first occur 6 or more months after radiation therapy is finished.

Local treatment: Radiation is aimed at only the part of your body with cancer.

Lymphedema: A problem in which excess fluid collects in tissue and causes swelling. It may occur in the arm or leg after lymph vessels or lymph nodes in the underarm or groin are removed by surgery or treated with radiation.

Medical leave: Taking time off work for a while due to a medical problem.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): A procedure in which radio waves and a powerful magnet linked to a computer are used to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body.

Nausea: When you have an upset stomach or queasy feeling and feel like you are going to throw up.

Pelvis: The area between your legs. Also called the groin.

Permanent implants: Radioactive pellets or seeds that always stay in your body.

PET (Positron emission tomography) scan: A procedure in which a small amount of radioactive glucose (sugar) is injected into a vein, and a scanner is used to make detailed, computerized pictures of areas inside the body where the glucose is used. Because cancer cells often use more glucose than normal cells, the pictures can be used to find cancer cells in the body.

Pruritus: Severe itching.

Psychostimulants: Medicines that can help decrease fatigue, give a sense of well-being, and increase appetite.

Radiation necrosis: A problem in which dead tumor cells form a mass in the brain.

Radiation oncologist (ray-dee-AY-shun on-KO-lo-jist): A doctor who specializes in using radiation to treat cancer.

Radiation therapy (ray-dee-AY-shun): High doses of radiation used to treat cancer and other diseases.

Radiotherapy (RAY-dee-o-THER-a-pee): Another word for radiation therapy.

Simulation (sim-you-LAY-shun): A process used to plan radiation therapy so that the target area is precisely located and marked.

Sitz bath: A warm-water bath taken in a sitting position that covers only the hips and buttocks.

Skin breakdown: A side effect from radiation therapy in which the skin in the treatment area peels off faster than it can grow back.

Support groups: Meetings for people who share the same problems, such as cancer.

Treatment field: One or more places on your body where the radiation will be aimed. Also called treatment port.

Treatment port: One or more places on your body where the radiation will be aimed. Also called treatment field.

Urinate (YOOR-in-nate): Emptying your bladder of urine.

Vaginal stenosis (ste-NO-sis): A problem in which the vagina narrows and gets smaller.

Vomiting: When you get sick and throw up your food.

Xerostomia: Dry mouth.

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