Telecommunications Program

Miscellaneous Items Remove From the List

The following items have been removed from the List of Materials because of their limited use and not because of their inability to meet applicable requirements. Their removal from the list does not relieve borrowers of their responsibility to use materials that meet RUS requirements, ASTM or other national specifications.

i- Bolts, carriage
aa- Oval eye nuts
al - Ground wire staples and nails
at - Guy guards
bl- Steel support brackets
bm- Guy thimble
cb- Conductor bundle bags
df- False deadends
dm - Permanent cable identification markers
dz- Guy wire clips
mf - Drive hooks
mi - Drop wire support
mj- Drop wire clip
mm - Drive rings
mo - Angle screw
mx- Steel pole steps
my - Drop wire hooks
na- Aerial and underground cable
nc- Cable extension arms
nd- Metal pole keys
ne- Bridle rings
ns - Span clamps
pg - Porcelain insulated screweyes
ph - Screw anchors
pk- Moisture blocks
pt - Vinyl tape
pw- Detachable pole steps
py- Lashing wire terminal clamps
st- Spacer tape
tc- Cable ties
wf- Self-supporting cable
za- Filler tape
ze- Sealing compound

Questions concerning the Listing of Materials please contact Norberto Esteves at