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Partner Profile

Toyota Motor Sales / Headquarters South Campus
Location Torrance, CA
Organization Type Automotive
Percentage Green Power 9%
Organization-wide Purchase No
Awards/Recognition Green Power Leadership Award 2001, Green Power Leadership Award 2003
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Toyota Motor Sales was a 2001 and 2003 Green Power Leadership Award winner. From its first large green power purchase in 1998 to installing one of the world's largest commercial solar rooftop electric systems, Toyota demonstrates a firm commitment to environmental stewardship and energy improvement. Toyota's 536 kW solar rooftop system, completed in February 2003, shows Toyota's initiative in improving the environment as well as company operations. The system was installed on site at the company's headquarters in Torrance, California, on the world's largest Gold-certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) project and is part of the company's larger 17-state strategy to use renewable energy at all its facilities. Toyota's Earth Charter guidelines, established in 1992, direct the company to reduce its impact on the environment in every aspect of its business. Toyota's photovoltaic (PV) system consists of five arrays, one on each of the five buildings of the new headquarters campus. The system generates enough electricity for approximately 20 percent of the buildings' base load needs of the campus.

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