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Partner Profile

The Synergy Company of Utah
Location Moab, UT
Organization Type Food & Beverage
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
The Synergy Company" is dedicated to helping support one's optimal health and well-being, by providing 100% natural and organic whole-food nutritional supplements. Our company is founded on the belief that good faith, integrity, and environmental responsibility are eminently compatible with good business. We strive to demonstrate and promote a completely renewable and sustainable means of doing business. One of the many ways we support sustainability is by participating in EPA's Green Power Partnership at the 100% level. Additionally, Synergy spearheaded the First in the Nation wind power initiative—creating a community-wide wind power effort that earned Moab, Utah, the "first in the nation" EPA green-powered community award for converting over 10% of our entire city's electrical usage to wind and solar power. Synergy initiated and maintains an extensive tree-planting program designed to offset its entire carbon footprint and has planted tens of thousands of trees. Synergy has also converted over 2,000 acres to certified organic agriculture. At Synergy, our actions reflect a passionate commitment towards positively contributing to the lives of individuals, to our community, and to the planet. Synergy is proud of being the only company to have twice received the award for the most environmentally conscious company in Utah, as well as being a past member of the Green Power Leadership Club and a current EPA Top Partner for 100% green power purchasing.

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