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Partner Profile

Steelcase USA
Location Grand Rapids, MI
Organization Type Consumer Products
Percentage Green Power 20%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Awards/Recognition Founding Green Power Partner
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Steelcase, a global leader in the office furniture industry, provides products, services, and insights on the ways people work. Steelcase designs and manufactures architecture, furniture, and technology products. Through renewable energy certificates (RECs), Steelcase is purchasing all of the green power produced by the Wege Wind Energy Farm, located in Texas. By investing in RECs, Steelcase makes green power available and affordable for use in an area that is ideally located for efficient green power generation. Since global electricity demand is predicted to rise significantly, Steelcase wants to help make green power available to meet the new demand, in addition to reducing its own demand through energy conservation. This green power purchase also helps Steelcase achieve its corporate environmental goals, including its commitment to EPA's Green Power Partnership and Climate Leaders' programs and its commitment to reducing its overall environmental footprint. Steelcase's purchase of green power also serves as an educational tool to inform others of the importance of replacing traditional fossil fuel-generated electricity with clean, renewable technology. Purchasing the entire output of a specific project has also proved an effective marketing tool for Steelcase, due to the project's exclusive branding rights.

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