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Partner Profile

Location Framingham, MA
Organization Type Retail
Percentage Green Power 21%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Awards/Recognition Green Power Leadership Award 2006, Partner of the Year 2004, Partner of the Year 2007
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Staples, Inc., one of the world's largest office supply retail store chains, is committed to a seven percent reduction in its U.S. carbon emissions by 2010 on an absolute basis, starting from a base year of 2001. Staples follows an integrated strategy to meet this goal that includes aggressive energy conservation and green power purchases. Staples currently purchases green power equal to 20 percent of its estimated electricity usage. The majority of Staples' green power consists of renewable energy certificates (RECs), but the company also purchases direct renewable power through various utility programs and has on-site roof-top solar installations producing approximately 1.8 million kilowatt-hours of clean electricity every year. Staples received a Green Power Leadership Award in 2006, was a Partner of the Year in 2004 and 2007, and is an ongoing member of the Green Power Leadership Club.

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