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Partner Profile

Location St. Louis, MO
Organization Type Media, Print & Publishing
Percentage Green Power 58%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
Shaughnessy is an independent distributor of Fine Paper for the commercial print and publishing industries that is headquartered in St Louis and serves customers throughout the Midwest. It is inherent in the culture of Shaughnessy to conduct business in a responsible manner. We felt that our commitment to be stewards of the environment was not only a responsible business choice, but also, the right thing to do. In that vein, Shaughnessy has also committed to the purchase of renewable energy credits covering a significant portion of our energy use. Shaughnessy has also committed to offset 100 percent of the carbon emissions from our fleet of delivery trucks covering the entire Midwest. During our decision making process to commit to Carbon Offsets and Green-e credits, we realized that it doesn't take vast resources to make a difference. Any company, regardless of size, can contribute and become a factor towards a better environment. The recognition that Shaughnessy has gained from our responsible commitment has generated similar actions by some of our customers, as the environment is a common concern. The opportunity to work together has reinforced our business relationships.

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