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Partner Profile

Port of Portland
Location Portland, OR
Organization Type Transport & Shipping
Percentage Green Power 11%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
The Port of Portland (OR) is a regional transportation public agency that owns and operates four airports, three maritime cargo terminals, a river dredge, and engages in property development. The Port's green power commitment, purchased from wind power sources, is approximately ten percent of all power consumed at its facilities. The primary driver behind the Port's commitment was to meet its corporate environmental goals and objectives by purchasing energy from sustainable sources. This action is consistent with the Port's corporate environmental philosophy to reduce its environmental footprint while supporting regional development of renewable energy resources. Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, notes that the Port's use of green power is "a way to purchase our electric energy from a sustainable source and support a vital and emerging industry." The Port of Portland was the first port authority to participate in the Green Power Partnership.

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