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Partner Profile

Peninsula Conservation Center
Location Palo Alto, CA
Organization Type Non-Profit (NGO)
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
The Peninsula Conservation Center's purpose is to provide a stable location for environmental nonprofit groups. The Center is committed to 100 percent green power for all its electrical needs. It purchased green power to set an example of what responsible organizations and individuals can do to lessen their impact on the environment. To this end, the Center has also undertaken several conservation measures that have lowered its energy use. "After all our conservation efforts, the decision to purchase green energy was easy, since we would still be paying less than before our efforts," notes David Coale, building manager. Each of the eight environmental groups that are housed at the Peninsula Conservation Center are now even "greener" than before and can benefit from the good publicity that comes from using green renewable energy and taking care of the earth in their daily practices.

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