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Partner Profile

Opto 22 / Corporate Headquarters
Location Temecula, CA
Organization Type Information Technology
Percentage Green Power 6%
Organization-wide Purchase No
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Opto 22 manufactures hardware and software products that are used for industrial automation, remote monitoring, data acquisition, and machine or process control applications. The company purchases renewable energy credits (RECs) equivalent to six percent of company's electricity use at its corporate headquarters. Opto 22 is aware of and concerned with the need to preserve, restore, and improve both its local and the global environment, which is why it has voluntarily taken steps toward adopting environmentally conscious policies and practices, such as purchasing green power. The company has also implemented an intelligent monitoring and control system using its own products that resulted in a 29 percent reduction in energy usage. "One of the benefits of green power for Opto 22 is that it helps raise or reinforce a consciousness toward sustainability in our industry", said Arun Sinha, Director of Business Development. "An increasing number of companies similar to Opto 22 have started sustainability and green power initiatives, as well as the fact that there has been a steady increase in the amount of press written about these issues in the industry (automation & control) trade publications. A spreading of awareness in the industrial manufacturing, machine & process control space is clearly the best benefit we could hope for."

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