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Partner Profile

Nixon Peabody LLP
Location Boston, MA
Organization Type Legal Services
Percentage Green Power Purchase Pending
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Nixon Peabody LLP is among the largest multipractice law firms in the nation, with more than seven hundred attorneys in eighteen cities collaborating across twenty-five major practice areas. Nixon Peabody LLP has committed to purchasing 319,000 kWh of green power to be an EPA Green Power Partner. The firm plans to purchase additional green power as various offices undergo renovation and apply for LEED certification. Nixon Peabody recognizes that climate change is a critical issue and believes strongly that it must take a leadership role through its sustainability efforts, including but not limited to the purchase of green power. Additionally, the firm practices law in areas such as renewable energy, Cleantech, green buildings, renewable energy tax credits, and environment and land use, so Nixon Peabody feels it is crucial to "walk the talk" to demonstrate the strength of its commitment to its clients. "We recognize that the operation of a law office has an impact on the environment, and as a firm we seek to reduce that impact. By purchasing green power we are reducing our carbon footprint, supporting our renewable energy clients, and leading by example," says Carolyn S. Kaplan, Chief Sustainability Officer.

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