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Partner Profile

Location Cheverly, MD
Organization Type Media, Print & Publishing
Percentage Green Power 100%
Organization-wide Purchase Yes
Partner Profile
MOSAIC is a carbon neutral company specializing in commercial, digital, and waterless printing, direct mail distribution and Web to print solutions. MOSAIC is passionate about being an environmental leader in the business community. "Our commitment to 100 percent wind power and reforestation is part of our company's environmental obligation as caretakers for our future generation," said Brendan Connors, Co-Owner of Mosaic. Starting in 1993, MOSAIC management began an annual review of its manufacturing processes to determine additional steps the company can take to lessen its environmental impact. From waterless printing, recycling, using soy based inks, utilizing the latest in solvent recovery technology, becoming FSC certified, and now being carbon neutral through purchasing 100 percent wind power and supporting reforestation programs, MOSAIC is committed in the present and in the future. In April 2008, MOSAIC joined the EPA's Climate Leaders Program. For MOSAIC, giving back to the environment through corporate initiatives is only the beginning; sharing green efforts and encouraging the surrounding business community to follow suit is where it really counts. "Using renewable power has helped us achieve our carbon-neutral goal, and set an example for other institutions that using alternative energy is a sound and important choice," said Joe Fontana, Co-Owner of MOSAIC.

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